[MBBC] Beauty Secret Weapon #1

Flavorful, alkalizing and beautifying: Apple Cider Vinegar
Raw apple cider vinegar is the only acceptable vinegar to include on a beautifying detox, because its not acid-forming. It also helps promote good digestion and encourages growth of good bacteria in our digestive tract, which is so important for you to stay looking and feeling great!
Apple cider vinegar is high in minerals and potassium, so it supports cellular detox cleansing and it has antiseptic qualities that help cleanse our entire digestive system from unwanted bacteria.
Be sure to buy a brand labeled "raw and unfiltered," you want it looking a bit cloudy. It must be refrigerated because pasteurized versions don't have these qualities any longer.
I've begun to get addicted to apple cider vinegar in my salad dressings, here's a recipe you can try:
Oil-Free Balsamic-Free Italian Vinaigrette
  • 2 1/2 Tbs raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp. organic Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 1/2 tsp. Italian Seasoning
  • 1/2 cup filtered water
Blend all together, best if in a high speed blender. Enjoy!