

  • Better Digestion in 3 Weeks- Take the Challenge


    Believe it or not, but you can actually improve your health and change your entire life in only three weeks. You can honestly become more confident, increase your energy level, and achieve improved physical fitness in just 21 days. Although it sounds too good to be true, it has been proven to work time and time again. Most experts suggest that it takes people around 21 days to develop a new habit. Once you have repeated the same activity for three weeks in a row, it should become a habitual act.

    Coincidently, it also takes 21 days to fully detox your body and flush away any excess toxins or waste.

    Many popular dietary programs that are designed specifically to improve digestion and inspire weight loss achieve their optimal results when they are followed consistently for three weeks in a row. For example, Newport Skinny Tea gives people the greatest results when it is drank on a daily basis for 21 days in a row. Your body needs time to adjust and respond to the powerful ingredients in the tea before it can work its real magic.

    All You Need is Three Weeks

    Three weeks of drinking Newport Skinny Tea has been proven to recharge your metabolism, clear your digestive tract, flush out harmful toxins, and give your body an extra boost of energy. It is packed with so many natural ingredients, many of which contain natural diuretics and cleansers. It is also rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants that will improve your overall health, nourishing your organs and intestines.

    Newport Skinny Tea will assist your body in ridding itself of all the unnatural preservatives, pesticides, and processed chemicals that it is not capable of properly digesting. Once you’ve restarted your digestive system, your body will be able to burn calories and absorb nutrients more efficiently. This will improve all aspects of your health.

    Healthy Habits in 21 Days

    Changing your body and health starts by changing your habits. It is believe by many experts that you can develop healthier habits in just 21 days simply by repeating the same activity for three weeks straight. It is easy to maintain a commitment for only three weeks, and once you do it, you’ll be motivated to maintain it for another three weeks, three months, or three years. You will see real results that will make you want to keep it up for the rest of your life. You owe it to yourself to invest 21 days in a healthier future.

    Better digestion in three weeks may sound far-fetched to you, which is why we encourage you to take the 21 day Newport Skinny Tea challenge now. All you have to do is drink tea in the morning and night for three weeks.

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  • Best Practices for Kick Starting Your Diet


    Losing weight is not usually easy. It won’t instantly happen as soon as you start eating better. It takes a real commitment to consistently eating a healthy diet. Unfortunately, too many people end up quitting their diet because they don’t see significant results within the first few weeks. If you’ve decide that you are ready to actively pursue your weight loss goals, set yourself up for success. There are simple things you can do to kick start your efforts and improve your immediate results.

    Remove Any Temptations

    The first thing you should do is clear your cupboards of any sugary, salty, or high-calorie treats that are hard for you to resist. You will have weak moments in the beginning of your diet that will make you scavenger hunt through your kitchen for any potential goodies. Eliminate the opportunity to break your diet by removing the temptation before starting your weight loss efforts. Try out some new fruits and veggies, if you find something new you love it will be easier to skip your old comfort foods.   

    Drink Newport Skinny Tea

    Newport Skinny Tea program is the easiest way to flush away any excess waste and toxins from your digestive tract, plus it will also boost your metabolic rate and curb your appetite. Newport Skinny Tea has helped others lose weight, read about their testimonies (we cannot guarantee you will lose weight just from drinking our tea.)

    Invest in Your Success

    You will be more likely to stick to your diet or workout routine if you make a financial investment in it. Hire yourself a professional nutritionist or fitness coach. Sign up for a gym or weekly workout classes. If you value your hard-earned money, you will make sure that you are getting the most from it. If a trainer isn't in your budget, you can find dvd programs made by personal trainers for a fraction of the cost and even some online options.

    Join a Fitness Class

    Fitness classes do more than just financially commit you to your workout; they motivate you to show up each week. You’ll also make friends that you will look forward to seeing that will help bring out your inner athlete. Finding a workout partner can also help keep you accountable, if you want to add another layer of accountability set a goal together!

    Wait to Weigh Yourself

    Don’t jump on the scale or try to squeeze into your skinny jeans during the first few weeks of your diet. Even if you feel like you have loss weight and our certain the results will be favorable. Progress does not always show on the scale. You can end up being disappointed with what you see and it may make you give up on your weight loss goals completely. If you kick start your diet with Newport Skinny Tea, you should weigh yourself after you have finished your 7, 14, or 28 day cleanse program. The longer you commit to the program, the longer you should wait to weigh yourself, and the more dramatic the results will be.

    Losing weight may not always be easy, but it is usually worth it once you see results. The best ways to kick start your diet is to remove any temptations, drink Newport Skinny Tea, invest money in your success, join a fitness class, and wait a few weeks before getting on the scale. This will help you stick with your weight loss efforts until you can see noticeable changes in your body.

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  • How Newport Skinny Tea Helps You Feel Better

    Newport Skinny Tea has a reputation for being a powerful detox aid because of the numerous natural ingredients with diuretic and digestive properties, but it also has so many more incredible benefits. Many of the same ingredients that kick start your metabolism have additional healing properties that contribute to your overall health and wellbeing.   For example, dandelion leaf reportedly is beneficial to the liver and naturally aids detoxification.

    Multi-Purpose Ingredients

    Puh’er tea was added to the special mix to help decrease the size of your waistline. Another powerful ingredient in Newport Skinny Tea is Sencha green tea. This tea promotes natural energy by increasing your metabolic rate. It has been used for thousands of years in Asia to promote healthy weight, and has been studied in hundreds of scientific studies that show this to be true.

    Sweet Cinnamon Bark was included in Newport Skinny Tea to improve your digestive system functioning, it also has remarkable anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

    Natural Vitamin Supplement

    Rooibos tea is included in the unique night blend because it is rich in calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C, and zinc. Yerba Mate is another ingredient in Newport Skinny daytime Tea because it is high in antioxidants, plus it has 24 vitamins and 15 amino acids. It has also been proven to assist with crushing cravings and helping you feel good by boosting energy and inspiring detoxification.

    Newport Skinny Tea has lemon peel for additional calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Another natural vitamin supplement in these tasty teas is rose hips, which is high in essential vitamins A and C.

    Ginseng leaf is a part of the mix because it is an immune booster that improves mental awareness and relaxes the nervous system.

    The Kokum fruit is well-known because of the active ingredient garcinia cambogia, a widely regarded appetite suppressor. This magical fruit is known to be very beneficial and is widely used in Indian cuisine.

    Heart Healthy Tea

    Newport Skinny daytime Tea is made with Hawthorne berries which are good for your heart.. Another ingredient, hibiscus flower helps the body balance the water in its tissues, making it easy for the body to get rid of extra water weight.

    Newport Skinny Tea is rich in essential vitamins and nutrients, it has an abundance of natural, healthy ingredients. Newport Skinny Tea is a good regimen to follow even if you are not necessarily trying to shed pounds quickly.

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  • Why is Newport Skinny Tea so Effective? And what's Kokum got to do with it?

    The Powers of Kokum Fruit

    Have you heard about the powers of the kokum fruit?

    Have you heard about the powers of garcinia cambogia?

    Most people trying to lose weight may not know anything about the kokum fruit, but they have most likely heard about the weight loss powers of garcinia cambogia. One of the most popular weight loss ingredients in the world right now is garcinia cambogia, which is extracted from the kokum fruit. There are so many different forms of garcinia cambogia supplements and diet aids being promoted all over the internet, because scientific studies are showing it works. Dr. Oz even supports taking some form of garcinia cambogia as an effective method for aiding weight loss.

    The Powerful Kokum Fruit

    Besides reportedly being an aid in natural weight loss, this powerful, sour fruit has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. The kokum fruit has actually been used in Indian cooking for centuries, because of its incredible ability to improve digestion, prevent infection, and alleviate inflammation. The rest of the world has only recently discovered its powerful ability to promote natural weight loss.  

    Weight Loss Powers of Garcinia Cambogia

    One of the greatest attributes to consuming garcinia cambogia from the Kokum fruit is how it supresses the enzymes in your body that convert excess calories into body fat. This occurs because the hydroxycitric acid (HCA) in the fruit reduces the production of fat while lowering bad cholesterol.

    Kokum in Newport Skinny Tea

    Newport Skinny Tea uses the active ingredients from the rind of the Kokum combined with other healing teas and herbs designed to promote healthy metabolism. Every ingredient in our specially-formulated tea works together to improve your digestion, increase your energy level and prevent your body from converting excess calories to fat. All of these crucial factors are the reason it is so effective for weight loss.

    Weight Loss with Newport Skinny Tea

    Newport Skinny Tea is a complete detox program that consists of a special morning tea blend and an evening tea blend. The morning tea contains garcinia fruit, green tea, oolong tea, lemon peel, peppermint leaf, gingseng, sencha, pu’her, cha de bugre, rose hips, dandelion leaf, sweet cinnamon bark, butcher’s broom, bladderwrack, hawthorne berries, stevia lead, senna leaf, nettle, anise pod, hibiscus flowers, eleuthero, and yerba mate.

    The evening tea blend is made using rooibos tea, lemon grass, rose hips, lotus leaf, dandelion leaf, hibiscus flowers, butcher’s broom, bladderwrack, sweet cinnamon. All of these ingredients promote better health and they are 100% natural. The best part is that Newport Skinny Tea is also significantly more affordable than the majority of other garcinia cambogia weight loss supplements that are promoted online.

    An important note is that the timing of taking Garcinia Cambogia greatly affects its success rate, you need to drink the tea 30-60 minutes before you eat breakfast and lunch. Taking it with food greatly reduces its potency.

    The thought of getting greater metabolism simply by drinking tea may seem too good to be true, but people have been using teas to detox their bodies for centuries. It boosts your metabolism while gently flushes toxins out of your body. Plus drinking tea is a natural appetite suppressant. If you want help with your diet plan, try the Newport Skinny Tea program for a couple of weeks. You will be pleasantly surprised by how quickly you see noticeable results.

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  • Why Tea Makes You Feel Amazing!

    Improving Your Body Inside and Out with Newport Skinny Tea

    Iimproving your health requires a holistic approach. You won’t see noticeable progress on the outside of your body until you address your internal health. Improving your body on the inside and outside should always start with fueling it with the necessary ingredients for proper digestion and nutrition. This will ensure your body has the nutrients and energy needed to physically workout and burn fat.

    Newport Skinny Tea

    One of the fastest and most effective ways to fuel your body is drinking Newport Skinny Tea. It has a specially-formulated blend of botanical herbs and healing teas designed to assist in detoxifying your body from the inside out.

    This unique tea blend combines three essential ingredients that work together to cleanse your digestive tract and rid your body off any toxins and excess waste. Newport Skinny Tea combines caffeine, epigallocatchin-3-gallate (EGCG) and L-theanine from the Camellia Sinensis plant.

    Green Tea Caffeine

    Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in over sixty plants. It has been proven to generate body heat using your body’s natural thermogenesis process. Thermogenesis ignites your metabolism and inspires your body to burn fat. It is usually caused by exercise, although the caffeine in coffee or tea generates the same response as if you were working out.

    The caffeine found in Newport Skinny tea comes from green tea, which is safer than taking caffeine pills or drinking coffee. Caffeine in tea doesn’t raise your heart rate during thermogenesis production. It also won’t stimulate your appetite or affect your nervous system like the caffeine found in coffee.

    Epigallocatchin-3-gallate (EGCG)

    EGCG is a chemical compound that acts the same as antioxidants. It defends healthy cells in your body from damaging free radicals, clears your veins and arteries of excess triglycerides, and it is a great tea for stimulating metabolism. It also works directly with the caffeine that is already in Newport Skinny Tea to boost energy levels and improve fat digestion.


    L-theanine is a non-protein based amino acid that fuels a state of alert relaxation. Most people relate it to feeling calm and focused. The L-theanine works in harmony with the caffeine to give you a natural boost of energy without any of the harmful side effects of caffeine pills. Some studies have shown that drinking tea with L-theanine will make it easier to physiologically recover from stress or an intense workout. It also helps regulate hormone production and prevent the storage of fat inside your stomach.

    Organic teas have been used for centuries for their healing capabilities and cleansing properties. Newport Skinny Tea combines the most effective ingredients from herbals teas to recharge your body and your metabolism. This powerful tea will also help to keep you energized and healthy. It will make you feel good on the inside, so you have the outward strength and physical endurance to work out to your full capabilities.

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  • Hidden Ingredients Keeping You Inflammed

    Lately, I've been reading a lot about inflammation and how most disease and weight gain have its root in systemic inflammation that is attacking the body. If you have stubborn extra weight and nagging small health issues, like digestive issues, acne, fatigue and joint pain, you probably are experiencing inflammation in your body resulting from your diet. A doctor can test your C-reactive protein markers and tell you for sure, that is a good place to start.

    Removing the 7 most common reacting foods in the body from the diet will often lead to better health without doing anything else and is a sure sign you have at least one reaction to a food. Often the foods we love and crave the most are the ones we need to stop eating and that are giving us the biggest problems! It's unfortunate that many so called "healthy" foods can be very bad for us in terms of inflammation.

    The most common dietary culprits are gluten, eggs, sugar, soy, corn, dairy, peanuts and artificial sweeteners. Often a detox is just giving the body a rest from these foods and alcohol/caffeine. I'll be the first to admit, these foods are hard to avoid. If you eat the Standard American Diet, you'll probably left with little else to eat. Many of these foods are hidden in other foods, especially corn, soy and gluten. The good news is you can see results and feel better in 2-3 days and know for sure if this will benefit and motivate you.

    I created the eating plan in response to this research, wanting to get super fast results without having to feel constantly deprived of satisfying food. And I was very happy when I learned that tea is the perfect beverage to assist detoxing, it helps remove extra fluid from your tissues and deliver nutrients to tired organs. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that make will be even more beneficial to you if you are eating only healthy food you don't react to, that's what make this detox amazing!

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