

  • How will you know when you're succeeding? This question can make ALL the difference

    I'm not a therapist, but in therapy there's a question often used to help clients know when they're on the right track, its "What will be happening when you know you are succeeding?"
    Here's a normal story I hear, Greta has a goal to "look good" again, she decides to really go at it for a month and tries all the things her friends tell her to do and somehow she finds that she looks basically the same when the month is over. She's disappointed that she doesn't look any better, she feels like she's wasted her time and her money on a new gym membership. Regret sets in and she feels worse now than before.
    She may indeed be living a healthier lifestyle and changes might be taking place that she hasn't even noticed, because she hasn't been LOOKING for them. She has less headaches and pain, she sleeps better and maybe she's eating more vegetables. But those weren't her goals, she wanted to "look better" and she thinks she failed, so she gives up.
    Here's some examples of things that may be happening when you are on the road to success:
    • Eating more vegetables and fruits every day.
    • Getting some kind of regular physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day.
    • Drinking alcohol only on the weekends.
    • Eating low-fat popcorn instead of chips,
    • Ordering a side salad instead of fries
    • Being able to walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for breath
    • Looking forward to drinking tea instead of soda
    • Feeling more energetic and hopeful
    What will be happening for you when you know you are succeeding?
    Many people make it about the number on the scale, and that can be helpful, but in just as many cases it can be harmful.

    Your job today is to find out what are those things that will be happening in your life when you are on the right track. Try hard to make these goals things you can control and  feel, its nice to get attention, but that is out of your control and if you don't get it maybe it will be something that deters you!
    Take time to really notice the things that you identify, its something that most people completely overlook and it can be a HUGE factor in your continued success!
    I'm proud of all of you who are stepping up and beginning this amazing journey of self transformation! It's going to be INCREDIBLE!
    PS: if you no longer want to receive emails, please unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of this email, if you "complain" I cannot see it or do anything to change your subscription, you must do that! Thanks!

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  • 5 Top Secret Weight Loss Tricks


    Below, you will find out the top secret weight loss weapons that are used by expert trainers and nutritionists to get their clients burning more calories in less time, now you can use them, too!

    Blood Sugar Regulation
    Berries are showing to be responsible for regulating blood sugar levels after meals. Studies have shown that a key antioxidant in berries turns off the activity of an enzyme which is responsible for disintegrating starch into sugar which means fewer simple sugars are released into the bloodstream. This plays a vital role in weight loss because insulin shuttles excess sugar into weight loss. Using berries to replace refined sugar and flour found in desserts and pastries can be especially effective at controlling blood sugar, plus they are high in fiber. Finish each meal with ½ cup of your favorite berry!

    Fanning the Flame
    According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, combining regular exercise with fish oil supplements can increase the activity of your weight burning enzymes. Look for brands with at least 300 grams of the fatty acid EPA and 200 milligrams of fatty acid DHA that are ultra refined and medical food grade. It’s best to eat these capsules before exercise and after 6pm as that’s when your body can best utilize them. As always, you must check with your doctor prior to using new supplements to see how they will affect your unique health.

    Sneak In Fiber
    As long as you are eating natural foods, you will reap the belly-filling benefits of both soluble and insoluble fibers. Fiber overfills your stomach by making you feel stuffed so you don’t snack. Fiber lets you enjoy a full stomach with minimal calorie intake. It keeps you fuller for longer and when combined with a teatox can significantly help you cut back on calories without feeling deprived. Best bets for fiber: fruits and veggies, plus whole grains if you tolerate them well. Remember 5-10 bites per meal of carbohydrate will keep you from overeating them!

    Drink 8 to 10 Glasses of Water and Tea
    This is the easiest way to shed those extra pounds. Try to drink 8 to 10 glasses of icy cold water and tea per day as they boost your metabolism to warm them up to body temperature. A glass of water or tea with lemon is a recipe for successful weight loss as pectin in lemons reduces food cravings and so does tea with flavor. Drinking one glass of water or tea daily will help you consume 27,000 fewer calories per year. Drinking liquid prevents muscle cramping and keeps the joints lubricated. If you really want the water and tea to help you lose weight, you should follow the 8 a day regime suggested by most nutritionists.

    Antioxidants in food protect cells from damage which can lead to premature aging and disease. New studies from the University of Florida have shown that people who consume more antioxidants weigh less. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that are naturally formed in the body as a byproduct of calories being converted into energy. Foods that are high in antioxidants are low in calories, thus making them ideal for weight loss. They seem to help diminish inflammation which is a root cause of obesity.

    These ideas may sound simple, but when you use them together, especially when you are eating clean and moving smart each day, you will see an amazing transformation. If you’re interested in getting started on our best-selling weight signature product Newport Skinny Tea trial size at a limited time intro price: you can find it here: Special Limited Time Intro Price for Newport Skinny Tea 7 day trial.

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  • [ATC] Wipe your slate clean


    I just wanted to congratulate you for finishing the August Tea Challenge, I know you're feeling fantastic!! What an AMAZING step for you to take towards better health & feeling great!! I hope you're so proud of yourself! Amazing!

    September is a month to wipe the slate clean, many people are going back to school or have kids who are, life gets back to normal and you have a bit more freedom to do things we want for ourselves.

    So I want to continue on the last email I sent, about loving yourself enough and give you this little gem, when you love yourself you actually are giving others permission to love you, too.

    When you take care of yourself you are showing that you are valuable and worth caring about, to yourself and to others.

    People look to others in relationships to find out if they are valuable and worth caring for, no one can give a sense of internal worth to you, you must find it inside by sharing your purpose with the world.

    This is a very deep, personal topic for many of you, I know I've received some letters and comments lately about how many of you are dealing with these issues. Thank you for being so brave to share your journey with me, and thank you for listening to me give my advice, I truly do feel like helping others is my purpose!

    Please keep sharing your story!!
    You help others when you do!

    More on this later,

    PS: A couple reminders:
    THANK YOU so much for everyone who took our short 5 question survey, I was blown away with all that you had to say! It's still open if you want to take it.

    Also, I'd like to remind you to submit your review of your tea challenge experience by September 10th!

    Remember if you submit a written review you get 1 free tea, if you submit photos with it you get 2 free teas and if you submit both of those plus a short video file you get 3 free bags of tea!

    Woo Hoo!! Please send everything to

    A word about subscription orders, we offer a discount on subscription orders for those who want to receive an automated order each month, when you set up your account you are the ONLY one who has access to it, and you are the only one who can turn it on and off. These purchases are final and will not be refunded, as its extremely difficult to do.

    Our Mermaid Cove Metabolism tea is back ordered a bit, so expect a few extra days for that to ship out.

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  • [ATC] 60 seconds of exercise does count

     The next step in the Tea Challenge after you grasp yesterday's eating guidelines is that before each meal or snack you move your body in some high intensity way for about 1-2 minutes. Yes, I said that... minutes.
    A great time to do this is when you're getting ready to drink your tea, because you want the timing to be about 30-60 minutes before your meal. Studies have found that when your muscles are ready to receive calories, they are much more likely used or stored in the muscle to be used than stored as fat. (Warning, I'm about to talk about hormones again!)
    As Tim Ferriss explains in his book The 4 Hour Body:
    “The more muscular gates we have open before insulin triggers the same GLUT-4 on the surface of fat cells, the more we can put calories in muscle instead of fat”.
    So what opens these gates? Intense exercise, such as squatting while raising your arms or lunging or burpees. And doing so for about 60-90 seconds closely mimics about 6 hours of low intensity exercise (83% vs 91%). Yes, that means walking leisurely for 6 hours or 60 seconds of all-out squatting.
    So while you heat up your tea water, do 60-90 seconds worth of squats, then if you remember do them again about 90 minutes after eating, when your glucose is at its highest. This will help bring it down and also help keep you looking young... because, HORMONES!
    More on that later....

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  • First Steps of the NST August Tea Challenge

    The basic steps in the August Tea Challenge:
    1. Drink 3-5 cups of tea daily, especially when you're craving carbs or sugar. If you are using the Newport Skinny Tea, drink the daytime tea  1 hour before breakfast and one hour before lunch. At night drink the night time tea, or other decaffeinated tea meant to help you sleep peacefully. Use tea to help you manage cravings.
    2. Eat every 3-5 hours. At your 3 meals and 2 snacks, fill 30% of your plate with low fat protein, it doesn't matter what kind right now. Use an app like My Fitness Pal to track your calories and macronutrients, we are aiming for between 1200-1500 calories per day.
    3. Fill the rest of your plate with low glycemic carbohydrates... this means vegetables + a dash of fat. Right now we're going for GOOD ENOUGH. Increase your vegetable intake, each day. If you need some inspiration you can check out our Clean Eating board on Pinterest. You can include fruit as well, but don't go overboard on it, especially if you know that your metabolism has been damaged.
    4. Decrease all consumption of white carbohydrates and what I call white fats, which include refined sugar, flour, rice, potatoes and bread and vegetable oils that aren't olive oil. This means fast foods, packaged foods and baked goods. Does this mean you can never have them? No, it means you're cutting back on them and increasing vegetables and fruits. Here's my warning, these types of foods are incredibly addictive, and you will have some withdrawal symptoms when you stop eating them,  you may feel ill, nauseous and even have some sort of physical reaction like a headache when you give them up. There's no prize for going super fast, so take your time, these changes are for the long haul.
    Here's the GREAT NEWS, we are taking these steps to help increase your good hormones and decrease your bad hormones (yes, I will be writing about this more). Each meal affects your hormonal state for about 3-5 hours after you eat it, so each meal is another chance to get it right.
    There is no point of giving up on your plan because you went out and had pizza one night, because the next meal is just the next opportunity to get yourself back in hormonal balance.
    I really want to stress how important it is that you give yourself a reason for changing these habits and that you know that it is a process and sometimes you will not achieve each step above. It doesn't matter- DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP ABOUT IT, that is only reinforcing the negative image you have in your mind.
    As always, with all supplements and eating plans, its essential that you are talking with your physician before making changes, they are the only one who can give you personalized recommendations based on your medical history.

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  • The Power to Change Anything you Want

    I hear a LOT of people say they  can't do things...
    Can't get themselves to exercise, can't stop eating sugar or bread or soda, can't get up early... can't lose weight. That's the biggest one.
    Of course, this isn't the "truth," we usually just confuse the outcome we want with the action we think we need to take... we want a different outcome to happen this time and think we simply need to will ourselves to take a different action to get there. We try, we fail and then we beat ourselves up for having "no will power."
    Ever been there? Like a million times? Yeah, me too.
    Why does this happen?
    I can give you some of the answers I've found, because I wanted the power to change any habit I had, I've researched this topic quite a bit. And though I haven't found a simple answer, the process of actually changing is less complex than you might have thought, and it has little to do with "will power."
    The First Step
    Okay, so the first step you have to take is to stop talking negatively to yourself. AT ALL.
    It doesn't mean you can't notice that you are doing things you want to change, but you have to stop telling yourself that you are bad for doing them. Bad is a judgement, something your brain is listening to- and frankly, your brain can't handle it.

    By criticizing yourself, you are creating a huge amount of negative momentum, you are causing yourself WAY more pain than the cookies ever will, because you are essentially programming your brain to continue down a negative spiral filled with shame that keeps feeding off itself and keeps setting you up to do more of what you don't want to do (what we affectionately call a habit.)
    So, you ate some cookies (or whatever). Here's the antidote... are you ready?
    It sounds WAY TOO SIMPLE, I know. You need to stop the momentum you've got going and start it going in the other direction. How hard this will be for you, is based on how long you've been going down this path and how hard you (or others) have been in doling out criticism.
    I had a personal habit of starting projects and not finishing them, others were more critical of this habit than I was, but I decided I wanted to change it for myself and it took about 6 months of positively reinforcing myself to change it. I hadn't figured out some of these keys yet, so I think it could have been faster but it was a lifelong habit as well.
    (warning... there may be an affirmation coming up soon...stick with me.... it will be ok)
    So, how did I change this habit... here's the steps:
    1. I picked to start project I know I could finish (that's the result I wanted to change)
    2. I praised myself about it EXCESSIVELY when I finished it
    3. I wrote it down on a list each day and checked it off (don't skip this!)
    4. I used my mantra "Whatever I start, I finish, because I am a finisher"
    Yes, its a bit of mental gymnastics... but your brain, apparently, loves to do gymnastics! Yay!
    So give it something good to do, and the smaller you start, the easier it will be. Once you have a victory, it will continue to get easier. 

    So, how does this relate to tea, you're wondering... and how do I use it with Newport Skinny Tea?
    Newport Skinny Tea is another tool that can help you break negative eating and exercise patterns, its not a miracle tea! Its a tea that helps you achieve your goals and your dream health & body, you can use it to break bad habits with the same steps outlined above.
    Set up the same kind of desired results for yourself, "I drink my tea when I get hungry." Then drink it, praise yourself, write it down and say some kind of positive, praising manta "Whenever I have cravings, I drink tea, because I'm a tea drinker."
    This mind exercise, though simple, is powerful. You can create powerful habits each day that literally change the course of your life. I hope you find this as useful as I did, I know that you can live the life you dream of, I want that for you and I will give you everything I have to help you! More to come....
    PS: There are more complicated life patterns that take more advanced skills to change, we'll be going over some of these and this simple method won't work on physical addictions or psychological illnesses because they contain a physiological component that needs professional help, which is well worth your investment, please know you are worth it! These tips cannot substitute for professional help.

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