
Personal Trainer

  • How to Design a Weight Loss Detox Bath

    Custom Detox Bathing


    Before You Bathe:

    • Drink plenty of water! Your body is supposed to sweat out all the toxins, so you will need to keep your body as hydrated as possible.
    • Make sure someone else is home. Some people feel dizzy/light headed afterwards. Just in case you don’t feel well, it’s good to have someone there to help.
    • Allow your body to digest your food before taking a bath (i.e. don’t eat immediately beforehand).

    The Bath:

    • Make sure the water temperature is hot, but comfortable.
    • Start mixing in the ingredients when the tub is about halfway full. Every now and then, swirl the water around to make sure everything is mixing/dissolving.
    • Stay in the tub for 20-40 minutes.
    • You can take these baths anywhere from once a day to once in a while, depending on how your body reacts to them.

    After You Bathe:

    • Get out of the bath slowly and carefully. If you feel dizzy/lightheaded, this feeling should go away after a few minutes. 
    • Drink plenty of water! Your body sweated a lot, so you need to re-hydrate.
    • It is suggested to moisturize your skin with olive oil or coconut oil.
    • If you take a shower to rinse off, make sure the water is cool.

    Types of Detox Baths

    I’ve seen a variety of different detox baths, all with different ingredients and different proportions of each ingredient. Really, you can be your own “chemist,”  do some trial and error, and find what works best for you. A range of suggested ingredient amounts are provided in parentheses (again, pick what is best for YOU). For Epsom salt, start small and work your body’s tolerance up.

    Main Detox Bath Ingredients:

    • Epsom salt (1-2 cups)
    • 100% magnesium sulfate – replenishes body’s magnesium levels
    • Increases body’s ability to detoxify, strenghtens immune system, helps soothe aching muscles, reduces swelling, helps heal bruises
    • You can read more about Epsom salts here
    • Baking soda (1-2 cups)
    • Neutralizes any chemicals in tap water (chlorine and flouride especially), smoothes skin, helps alkalize body & aids detoxifcation

    Optional Ingredients:

    • Green tea bags (2-5 bags)
      • Antioxidant, relaxes body, soothes sore muscles and rashes
    • Apple Cider Vinegar (1/2-2 cups)
      • Anti-inflammatory, softens skin
    • Essential Oils (5-20 drops)
      • Great aromas and unique therapeutic benefits of each
    • Ground Ginger (1 tbsp – a handful)
      • Increases circulation, promotes sweating, helps open pores, helps in pain relief
    • Lemon halves/lemon juice (1 tbsp – 1/3 cup)
      • Antioxidant, brightens skin
    • Olive Oil (1 tbsp – 1/3 cup)
      • Moisturizes skin

    This is a wonderful way to relax and get healthier, these can be done regularly but make sure to keep them under 30 minutes as you will begin to reabsorb the toxins. Make sure you don't get too hot and add cooler water if you start to sweat profusely. You can also use your leftover loose leaf tea in your bath, just contain it in a small bag or infuser so it does not clog your drain.

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  • Is tea a really super fat-burning beverage?

    Tea is essentially an infusion of vegetable leaves that contain some of the most potent natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances known on earth. Regular drinking of tea, green or black, is associated with great health thanks to tea's high content of a catechin polymer called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG.

    Antioxidants are substances found in tea (and many other foods) that can prevent and slow the oxidative stress on the body which occurs naturally, but can be increased by things like exercise and a poor diet. There are many studies done on why antioxidants, especially those found in tea, are so beneficial for the body. But what most people really want to know is, can tea really help increase my metabolism? And the answer researchers keep finding is YES!

    Studies comparing the fat burning properties of caffeine alone vs caffeine combine with EGCG show that the latter combination results in a 12% higher rate of fat burning, even when no exercise or other caloric restriction is present! That means that drinking tea even while sitting on the couch will help your body burn more fat! One study concluded tea's "thermogenic properties could reside primarily in an interaction between its high content in catechin-polyphenols and caffeine." This flies directly in the face of the "Calories in-calories out" model where fat burning can be increased only by increasing physical activity, which is why people have such a hard time accepting that tea can actually help you.

    This synergistic fat-burning result between caffeine and EGCG explains why tea has a greater effect on weight loss than taking either caffeine or EGCGs alone, along with the other great benefits tea has on preventing inflammation, tea truly can be called a super fat-burning beverage!

    So drink up!


    Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee you will have weight loss.

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  • What on earth is a teatox anyways?

    Tea + Detox Program = Teatox

    A traditional detox program is not necessarily a weight loss program, but often weight loss is a result of following a detox diet, especially when using beneficial herbs along with the diet. A Newport Skinny Tea teatox is for a specific period of time during which herbs are used in a tea form for retraining our digestive systems to release excess water and waste materials and to deeply nourish tissues. The use of tea makes sticking to your diet far easier for several reasons discussed later.

    Some of the more powerful detoxifying herbs in Newport Skinny Tea are: Cinnamon bark, Dandelion Leaf, Ginger Root and Slippery Elm Bark.

    Cinnamon Bark is used to warm and energize the body, promoting sweating and stimulating circulation. Ginger Root has many of these same properties and also calms the stomach and reduces nausea, which can occur during a detox. Ginger can also soothe a sore throat, reducing inflammation and it helps build hydrochloric acid in the body, which aids in digestion of plant matter and stopping candida overgrowth in the body.

    Dandelion is a major general health-building tonic and a great source of potassium. Used to clean the liver, it reduces congestion and improves the flow of bile, both which benefit digestion, allowing nutrients to be more easily absorbed by the body and allowing greater energy to flow. In the kidneys, dandelion enhances the flow of urine, helping to remove fluid trapped in the tissues, reducing the appearance of cellulite.

    Slippery Elm soothes the lining of the intestinal tract and aids in the expulsion of toxins by providing gentle laxative action.

    Tea is an easy, effective way to curb hunger and give the body loads of great health benefits at the same time. Tea is very satisfying to our taste buds and helps break destructive snacking and compulsive eating patterns because it changes our habits. It only takes a couple of days to train yourself to reach for tea when you feel hungry instead of food and soon you’re craving it instead! Often we eat when we are actually thirsty, and reaching for tea allows us to rehydrate our bodies and retrain our hunger meters, as well.

    It is a widely held myth that tea is dehydrating, it is actually large amounts of caffeine that are dehydrating, so feel free to reach for tea, hot or cold, whenever you want, limit your daily intake of Newport Skinny Tea to the recommended amount, 2 cups of the daytime tea and 1 cup of the evening tea. Use plain green, black or herbal teas at other times.

    For thousands of years herbs have been used as healing agents, they are powerful and gentle at the same time. Treat herbs with the same respect that you would any drug or medicine, consulting your doctor to make sure they are safe for your individual needs.

    Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee weight loss.


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  • How to Drink Your Way to a Better Body


    Everything you put into your body will have either a positive or negative affect on your overall physical appearance. This is especially true when it comes to what you drink each day. Most people who are watching what they eat will end up consuming more calories because of their daily beverage choice increase their sugar and calorie intake. They use sweet beverages to curb their food cravings and they don’t realize how many calories they are actually drinking each day.

    Here are a few helpful tips on how to drink your way to a better body:

    1. Drink More Water

    There are so many incredible benefits to drinking water. Water is essential for digestion, skincare, blood flow, and weight loss. It also helps to flush toxins from your body and increase your energy level, plus it will make you feel full. The best part about drinking more water is that it has no calories. That is why it can help you achieve the better body that you desire. Adding lemon to your water will help your liver digest fats.

    1. Newport Skinny Tea

    One of the easiest and most effective ways to drink your way to a better body is Newport Skinny Tea, we call this a teatox, or detoxing fast with tea. It is jam-packed with powerful ingredients designed to inspire good metabolism. The lotus leaf in Newport Skinny Tea helps break down fat, the rose hip in it is a mild laxative and diuretic designed to flush out toxins, and it has ginseng in it for increased energy. It also has Kokum rind which improves digestion and supresses the enzymes that converts excess calories into body fat. Newport Skinny Tea has both a morning and an evening blend that will keep you feeling full and satisfied all day long.

    1. Avoiding Sugary Drinks

    If you want a better body, you need to start by replacing any sugary drinks you usually drink with water. So many people mistake fruit juices for being healthy choices. It is only good for you if it is 100% natural fruit juice with no added sugar.

    1. Limit Alcohol Consumption

    There is nothing wrong with a glass or two of wine each week, but it should not be a regular occurrence if your ultimate goal is to develop a better body. Like most fruit juices, alcohol is high in sugar. In one night of drinking, most people can easily consume an entire day’s worth of calories. Try to save alcohol for special occasions and keep it to only a couple of drinks per night.

    1. Real Fruit Shakes & Smoothies

    A filling and rewarding snack that you should allow in your daily diet is thick and creamy fruit smoothies. They make the perfect breakfast and they will help ensure your body is getting all the nutrients and antioxidants it needs. Keeping your smoothie low sugar is wise.

    Making the right drink choices can be very beneficial to your health and it will help you achieve a better body. Try to drink more water, drink Newport Skinny Tea twice a day, avoid sugary drinks, limit your alcohol consumption, and fill up on real fruit shakes and smoothies. You’ll notice a positive change in your body within the first few weeks.

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  • Better Digestion in 3 Weeks- Take the Challenge


    Believe it or not, but you can actually improve your health and change your entire life in only three weeks. You can honestly become more confident, increase your energy level, and achieve improved physical fitness in just 21 days. Although it sounds too good to be true, it has been proven to work time and time again. Most experts suggest that it takes people around 21 days to develop a new habit. Once you have repeated the same activity for three weeks in a row, it should become a habitual act.

    Coincidently, it also takes 21 days to fully detox your body and flush away any excess toxins or waste.

    Many popular dietary programs that are designed specifically to improve digestion and inspire weight loss achieve their optimal results when they are followed consistently for three weeks in a row. For example, Newport Skinny Tea gives people the greatest results when it is drank on a daily basis for 21 days in a row. Your body needs time to adjust and respond to the powerful ingredients in the tea before it can work its real magic.

    All You Need is Three Weeks

    Three weeks of drinking Newport Skinny Tea has been proven to recharge your metabolism, clear your digestive tract, flush out harmful toxins, and give your body an extra boost of energy. It is packed with so many natural ingredients, many of which contain natural diuretics and cleansers. It is also rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants that will improve your overall health, nourishing your organs and intestines.

    Newport Skinny Tea will assist your body in ridding itself of all the unnatural preservatives, pesticides, and processed chemicals that it is not capable of properly digesting. Once you’ve restarted your digestive system, your body will be able to burn calories and absorb nutrients more efficiently. This will improve all aspects of your health.

    Healthy Habits in 21 Days

    Changing your body and health starts by changing your habits. It is believe by many experts that you can develop healthier habits in just 21 days simply by repeating the same activity for three weeks straight. It is easy to maintain a commitment for only three weeks, and once you do it, you’ll be motivated to maintain it for another three weeks, three months, or three years. You will see real results that will make you want to keep it up for the rest of your life. You owe it to yourself to invest 21 days in a healthier future.

    Better digestion in three weeks may sound far-fetched to you, which is why we encourage you to take the 21 day Newport Skinny Tea challenge now. All you have to do is drink tea in the morning and night for three weeks.

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  • Best Practices for Kick Starting Your Diet


    Losing weight is not usually easy. It won’t instantly happen as soon as you start eating better. It takes a real commitment to consistently eating a healthy diet. Unfortunately, too many people end up quitting their diet because they don’t see significant results within the first few weeks. If you’ve decide that you are ready to actively pursue your weight loss goals, set yourself up for success. There are simple things you can do to kick start your efforts and improve your immediate results.

    Remove Any Temptations

    The first thing you should do is clear your cupboards of any sugary, salty, or high-calorie treats that are hard for you to resist. You will have weak moments in the beginning of your diet that will make you scavenger hunt through your kitchen for any potential goodies. Eliminate the opportunity to break your diet by removing the temptation before starting your weight loss efforts. Try out some new fruits and veggies, if you find something new you love it will be easier to skip your old comfort foods.   

    Drink Newport Skinny Tea

    Newport Skinny Tea program is the easiest way to flush away any excess waste and toxins from your digestive tract, plus it will also boost your metabolic rate and curb your appetite. Newport Skinny Tea has helped others lose weight, read about their testimonies (we cannot guarantee you will lose weight just from drinking our tea.)

    Invest in Your Success

    You will be more likely to stick to your diet or workout routine if you make a financial investment in it. Hire yourself a professional nutritionist or fitness coach. Sign up for a gym or weekly workout classes. If you value your hard-earned money, you will make sure that you are getting the most from it. If a trainer isn't in your budget, you can find dvd programs made by personal trainers for a fraction of the cost and even some online options.

    Join a Fitness Class

    Fitness classes do more than just financially commit you to your workout; they motivate you to show up each week. You’ll also make friends that you will look forward to seeing that will help bring out your inner athlete. Finding a workout partner can also help keep you accountable, if you want to add another layer of accountability set a goal together!

    Wait to Weigh Yourself

    Don’t jump on the scale or try to squeeze into your skinny jeans during the first few weeks of your diet. Even if you feel like you have loss weight and our certain the results will be favorable. Progress does not always show on the scale. You can end up being disappointed with what you see and it may make you give up on your weight loss goals completely. If you kick start your diet with Newport Skinny Tea, you should weigh yourself after you have finished your 7, 14, or 28 day cleanse program. The longer you commit to the program, the longer you should wait to weigh yourself, and the more dramatic the results will be.

    Losing weight may not always be easy, but it is usually worth it once you see results. The best ways to kick start your diet is to remove any temptations, drink Newport Skinny Tea, invest money in your success, join a fitness class, and wait a few weeks before getting on the scale. This will help you stick with your weight loss efforts until you can see noticeable changes in your body.

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