
Weight Loss Tricks

  • [NTC] Day 2 Mindset, Diet & Workout plan

    Drink your tea Daily!
    If you are using the 21 day Newport Skinny Tea, you should be drinking your daytime tea 30-60 minutes before your breakfast and lunch! Try to limit coffee to one in the morning before your tea, as it can affect your blood sugar levels and cravings.
    If you are using additional teas, use them when you want to, make sure that you are not having too much caffeine during the day. If you feel shaky or wired, its too much. Remember, you can adjust the strength to suit your individual needs.
    I find it easiest to set the alarm on my phone for my daytime tea. Make sure you drink enough water as well.
    Mindset :Changing limiting beliefs
    This is one of the MOST difficult psychological exercises to do honestly, very few people will take the time to honestly look at what state they are living in daily, if you do it you take the time you will have a key to changing your life.

    Where do you live emotionally on a daily basis? In depression, guilt or sadness? Disappointment? Anger?
    First step: You must identify the emotional climate you live in now, what you have come to believe is acceptable for you.
    Second step: Identify what is the antidote to this emotional climate?
    If you live in fear, courage is the antidote. Right now you are living in an emotional pattern or trying to get to that place that emotionally feels like "home." Whatever you believe is the "right" way to act based on your experience with environmental forces, generally you use that to guide you on a daily basis.
    If you are not finding the quality of life you want in the emotional state you live in, you can learn to live in a state that will produce the results you want. It requires figuring out your emotions and really being honest with yourself.
    You need to find the antidote to your unwanted state, and then you need to practice your new chosen emotion until you shift into feeling like that desired state is your new normal state. This is the way you create new patterns, this is the way to changing your life.
    Emotion is created through motion, remember you are in control of your emotions and motions, the easiest way to change your emotion is to start changing your motions.

    In other words, Just Do It. Do the physical thing to change your state. Give your time to a charity, go for a run, clean out your closet or call up that old friend and ask them to lunch.
    Review your list of goals multiple times daily! Now link the emotional state those goals require you to live in. This isn't easy work, but you can do it! When you identify the state you want to live in, you will see how your current state is holding you hostage!


    Breakfast: Leftover Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffins, Steamed Spinach, Avocado

    Lunch: Leftover Mini Mexi Meatloaf, basic cilantro Cauli-Rice (under the chicken recipe)

    Dinner: Broiled Salmon with capers & olives, Mixed greens salad

    Snack: Beef or Turkey Jerky and nut mix


    Link to weekly diet menu

    Fitness Challenge Schedule
    Tuesday: Moderate duration aerobic workout plan 20-60 minutes of 55-75% Max heart rate, for most people this is attainable by moderatly paced walking
    PS: I will be offering some free goodies for reviews with pictures this challenge!

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  • [OTC] Why Beyonce had an Alter Ego and Why You Need One Too!

    My friend and I have a term we coined,  "Ideal Self" for all those things we would do if we lived up to our Pinterest boards, never had to sleep and won the lottery tomorrow... you know, working out in barely there bra tops everyday on the beach at 6am with our hair and makeup looking on point... yeah... enter real life. Having an amazing assistant/housekeeper/personal shopper that organizes our entire life around each season. Or throwing gorgeous dinner parties every other week like we're in the cast of RHOC... including amazing cat fights, designer dresses and someone crying in the limo outside... (but not us!)
    Never mind that these events don't happen except on reality TV, this did not stop our constant referencing what ideal self was doing at all times of the day and how we were not living up to that potential.
    We thought we were so clever with this made-up term, but its seems someone had already thought of this, Sigmund Freud. So, it turns out its a pretty huge source of dissatisfaction for us humans, that we can't really live up to our version of an "ideal self."
    And advertisers know this, they bank on the knowledge that you long to do more, have more and be more at any given moment. AND there's absolutely nothing wrong with growing, but most people get stuck in the thought that they can't possibly have THAT ideal self life, so why bother... back to Pinterest.
    So this summer, I learned about a tactic that the elite business people of the world (and apparently Beyoncé) use, its making an ALTER EGO for yourself in order to bypass that "Ideal Self" world conundrum we get stuck in. Our alter ego is part of us, that we don't really accept as our own yet, we fear we cannot become something, yet we long to do it anyway.
    We long for it because...
    Its part of OUR story, its a KEY to our growth, It will CHANGE everything
    and you know it, deep down.
    SO big girl pants up, here we go, its time to create an alter ego for yourself.
    Beyoncé called her alter ego SASHA FIERCE. And she did things shy Beyoncé couldn't yet do, she was fierce and sexy and she owned her stage. And now Beyoncé doesn't need her anymore, Beyoncé owned that part of herself.
    What three words does a FIT, SKINNY, SEXY YOU need to be?
    What's your NAME when you embody these words?
    What does this alter ego do that's different then you, where does she go and who does she go there with? What does she wear? Maybe you can give her a signature item so when you have this item you instantly transform- what is it?
    This seems like a weird idea, until you try it, and then it becomes very liberating, because you don't have to be weighted down with the baggage of your own identity.
    Before you say "That's not me" try it, just try it and see what might happen! I'd love to hear about it!
    PS: Keep drinking your tea, move a bit more before you eat and include green vegetables at each meal. Don't make it a big deal, just do it.

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  • How will you know when you're succeeding? This question can make ALL the difference

    I'm not a therapist, but in therapy there's a question often used to help clients know when they're on the right track, its "What will be happening when you know you are succeeding?"
    Here's a normal story I hear, Greta has a goal to "look good" again, she decides to really go at it for a month and tries all the things her friends tell her to do and somehow she finds that she looks basically the same when the month is over. She's disappointed that she doesn't look any better, she feels like she's wasted her time and her money on a new gym membership. Regret sets in and she feels worse now than before.
    She may indeed be living a healthier lifestyle and changes might be taking place that she hasn't even noticed, because she hasn't been LOOKING for them. She has less headaches and pain, she sleeps better and maybe she's eating more vegetables. But those weren't her goals, she wanted to "look better" and she thinks she failed, so she gives up.
    Here's some examples of things that may be happening when you are on the road to success:
    • Eating more vegetables and fruits every day.
    • Getting some kind of regular physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day.
    • Drinking alcohol only on the weekends.
    • Eating low-fat popcorn instead of chips,
    • Ordering a side salad instead of fries
    • Being able to walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for breath
    • Looking forward to drinking tea instead of soda
    • Feeling more energetic and hopeful
    What will be happening for you when you know you are succeeding?
    Many people make it about the number on the scale, and that can be helpful, but in just as many cases it can be harmful.

    Your job today is to find out what are those things that will be happening in your life when you are on the right track. Try hard to make these goals things you can control and  feel, its nice to get attention, but that is out of your control and if you don't get it maybe it will be something that deters you!
    Take time to really notice the things that you identify, its something that most people completely overlook and it can be a HUGE factor in your continued success!
    I'm proud of all of you who are stepping up and beginning this amazing journey of self transformation! It's going to be INCREDIBLE!
    PS: if you no longer want to receive emails, please unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of this email, if you "complain" I cannot see it or do anything to change your subscription, you must do that! Thanks!

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  • 5 Top Secret Weight Loss Tricks


    Below, you will find out the top secret weight loss weapons that are used by expert trainers and nutritionists to get their clients burning more calories in less time, now you can use them, too!

    Blood Sugar Regulation
    Berries are showing to be responsible for regulating blood sugar levels after meals. Studies have shown that a key antioxidant in berries turns off the activity of an enzyme which is responsible for disintegrating starch into sugar which means fewer simple sugars are released into the bloodstream. This plays a vital role in weight loss because insulin shuttles excess sugar into weight loss. Using berries to replace refined sugar and flour found in desserts and pastries can be especially effective at controlling blood sugar, plus they are high in fiber. Finish each meal with ½ cup of your favorite berry!

    Fanning the Flame
    According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, combining regular exercise with fish oil supplements can increase the activity of your weight burning enzymes. Look for brands with at least 300 grams of the fatty acid EPA and 200 milligrams of fatty acid DHA that are ultra refined and medical food grade. It’s best to eat these capsules before exercise and after 6pm as that’s when your body can best utilize them. As always, you must check with your doctor prior to using new supplements to see how they will affect your unique health.

    Sneak In Fiber
    As long as you are eating natural foods, you will reap the belly-filling benefits of both soluble and insoluble fibers. Fiber overfills your stomach by making you feel stuffed so you don’t snack. Fiber lets you enjoy a full stomach with minimal calorie intake. It keeps you fuller for longer and when combined with a teatox can significantly help you cut back on calories without feeling deprived. Best bets for fiber: fruits and veggies, plus whole grains if you tolerate them well. Remember 5-10 bites per meal of carbohydrate will keep you from overeating them!

    Drink 8 to 10 Glasses of Water and Tea
    This is the easiest way to shed those extra pounds. Try to drink 8 to 10 glasses of icy cold water and tea per day as they boost your metabolism to warm them up to body temperature. A glass of water or tea with lemon is a recipe for successful weight loss as pectin in lemons reduces food cravings and so does tea with flavor. Drinking one glass of water or tea daily will help you consume 27,000 fewer calories per year. Drinking liquid prevents muscle cramping and keeps the joints lubricated. If you really want the water and tea to help you lose weight, you should follow the 8 a day regime suggested by most nutritionists.

    Antioxidants in food protect cells from damage which can lead to premature aging and disease. New studies from the University of Florida have shown that people who consume more antioxidants weigh less. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that are naturally formed in the body as a byproduct of calories being converted into energy. Foods that are high in antioxidants are low in calories, thus making them ideal for weight loss. They seem to help diminish inflammation which is a root cause of obesity.

    These ideas may sound simple, but when you use them together, especially when you are eating clean and moving smart each day, you will see an amazing transformation. If you’re interested in getting started on our best-selling weight signature product Newport Skinny Tea trial size at a limited time intro price: you can find it here: Special Limited Time Intro Price for Newport Skinny Tea 7 day trial.

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  • H&LBC Day 10 Cranberry Lemonade detox gallon challenge

    Cranberry lemonade detox water challenge

    I just LOVE this fat burning drink, its amazing at cleaning out the toxins and keeping you hydrated, you can really feel all your systems working better and it keeps you full. Sometimes I mix it with Newport Skinny Tea!

    Cranberry lemonade recipe:

    • Glass gallon jar
    • Safe, clean, spring water
    • 1 cup of organic 100% cranberry juice, not from concentrate
    • 3 organic fresh lemons
    • A citrus juicer
    • Liquid stevia
    • Liquid cayenne

    Fill the jar to about 85% capacity with spring water. Squeeze the lemons and pour the juice into the water. Add cranberry juice. Add stevia to taste and then add cayenne to taste. The amount of cayenne used is up to you, but the more the better.

    If you don't have access to a good spring water source, use other clean drinking water that does not have fluoride. If you don't have access to organic lemons, use conventional. If there are no fresh lemons, use bottle lemon juice. If you can't get cranberry juice that is not from concentrate, get the reconstituted kind (just don't get any kind of cranberry juice that has any other ingredients like sweeteners or other juices). If you can't stand cayenne, don't use it. No glass jar? Use plastic. No excuses.

    If you have powdered cayenne and/or powdered stevia, I recommend using a blender to mix some of the liquid with the powders so they don't settle later.

     Here's a new challenge: the one gallon challenge. Drink a gallon of cranberry lemonade a day, sweetened with stevia, and spiced with cayenne. This is one of the best ways to detoxify, lose weight, and clean out your system. It's also a much better choice for most people than The Master Cleanse

    Drinking a gallon of water a day makes an amazing difference to your health and your appearance (google gallon a day water before and after). Drinking this much fluid flushes the organs and the lymph nodes, hydrates the skin, and helps the body to rebuild cells and regenerate in ways that most people do not get to experience. The cranberry and the lemon help flush the liver and the kidneys even more, and in my experience it's a lot easier to drink a gallon of cranberry lemonade than it is to drink a gallon of plain water. And cayenne has a ton of amazing health benefits.

    Please use common sense with this. If you do not follow a healthy diet with lots of produce, the amount of liquid consumed on this regimen can deplete the body of much needed minerals. Do not attempt to drink a gallon of anything in one sitting, EVER. This has been known to kill people, even with just water. If you have kidney problems, this may be the best thing for you. On the other hand, depending on your health issues, it may overload the kidneys. I find that smaller people who weigh less than 120 pounds can see the benefits at 1/2 to 1/3 of a gallon. Your health is in your hands. Again, please use good judgment and ALWAYS check with your doctor before making changes to your medication or doctor prescribed routine.

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