Custom Detox Bathing
Before You Bathe:
- Drink plenty of water! Your body is supposed to sweat out all the toxins, so you will need to keep your body as hydrated as possible.
- Make sure someone else is home. Some people feel dizzy/light headed afterwards. Just in case you don’t feel well, it’s good to have someone there to help.
- Allow your body to digest your food before taking a bath (i.e. don’t eat immediately beforehand).
The Bath:
- Make sure the water temperature is hot, but comfortable.
- Start mixing in the ingredients when the tub is about halfway full. Every now and then, swirl the water around to make sure everything is mixing/dissolving.
- Stay in the tub for 20-40 minutes.
- You can take these baths anywhere from once a day to once in a while, depending on how your body reacts to them.
After You Bathe:
- Get out of the bath slowly and carefully. If you feel dizzy/lightheaded, this feeling should go away after a few minutes.
- Drink plenty of water! Your body sweated a lot, so you need to re-hydrate.
- It is suggested to moisturize your skin with olive oil or coconut oil.
- If you take a shower to rinse off, make sure the water is cool.
Types of Detox Baths
I’ve seen a variety of different detox baths, all with different ingredients and different proportions of each ingredient. Really, you can be your own “chemist,” do some trial and error, and find what works best for you. A range of suggested ingredient amounts are provided in parentheses (again, pick what is best for YOU). For Epsom salt, start small and work your body’s tolerance up.
Main Detox Bath Ingredients:
- Epsom salt (1-2 cups)
- 100% magnesium sulfate – replenishes body’s magnesium levels
- Increases body’s ability to detoxify, strenghtens immune system, helps soothe aching muscles, reduces swelling, helps heal bruises
- You can read more about Epsom salts here
- Baking soda (1-2 cups)
- Neutralizes any chemicals in tap water (chlorine and flouride especially), smoothes skin, helps alkalize body & aids detoxifcation
Optional Ingredients:
- Green tea bags (2-5 bags)
- Antioxidant, relaxes body, soothes sore muscles and rashes
- Apple Cider Vinegar (1/2-2 cups)
- Anti-inflammatory, softens skin
- Essential Oils (5-20 drops)
- Great aromas and unique therapeutic benefits of each
- Ground Ginger (1 tbsp – a handful)
- Increases circulation, promotes sweating, helps open pores, helps in pain relief
- Lemon halves/lemon juice (1 tbsp – 1/3 cup)
- Antioxidant, brightens skin
- Olive Oil (1 tbsp – 1/3 cup)
- Moisturizes skin
This is a wonderful way to relax and get healthier, these can be done regularly but make sure to keep them under 30 minutes as you will begin to reabsorb the toxins. Make sure you don't get too hot and add cooler water if you start to sweat profusely. You can also use your leftover loose leaf tea in your bath, just contain it in a small bag or infuser so it does not clog your drain.