

  • Speed Up Weight Loss with California Citrus Detox Bath Salts

    First of all, congrats for showing up!
    I always want to recognize you!
    And let you know that you're doing a great job!
    This month I want to bring you ways to enhance your health through changes made in your beauty routine and enhance your beauty made through changes in what you eat, drink and how you exercise and relax.
    If any of this feels overwhelming, just do what you can. Detoxing and weight loss are both cumulative and geometric. (Yes I did have some extra caffeine this morning!)
    This means that that if you do 1 thing you're going to get a direct result, but if you do two things, you are going to get 3, 4 or possibly more results from the combined effect that the two things have together.
    Unfortunately, the same is true for toxic substances, for example when you take pain reliever after you have had too much alcohol, together they're much worse for your liver than they would be separately.
    Adding Epsom salts to your bath once a week is an easy thing to do, if you combined it with more efforts, you'll see results faster.
    These are the Epsom Salts I recommend: Epsoak Epsom Salts
    How are Epsom Salts different than sea salt?
    Epsom salts are named after a spring in Epsom in Surrey, England. Epsom salts are a naturally occurring mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Epsom Salts enhance the natural detoxification of our bodies through our skin, plus they add greatly needed magnesium.

    How do they draw out toxins?

    Magnesium and sulfate are both quickly absorbed through the skin and into our blood. The skin is a highly porous membrane that both takes in minerals and eliminates toxins every day. Using a powerful mineral base such as Epsom salts in a bathwater creates a process called reverse osmosis, which pulls excess salt and harmful toxins out of the body and allows the magnesium and sulfates in through the skin. Orange and Lemon peels are also highly detoxifying, essential oils contain concentrated oil from the citrus peel as well.
    As we know, toxins stored in the body fat are a major reason why weight loss can be halted or slow.

    What else does it do?

    Magnesium plays a role in over 325 enzymes, helps to improve muscle and nerve function, reduces inflammation and improves blood flow and oxygenation throughout the body. Sulfates are necessary building blocks for healthy joints, skin and nervous tissue. Epsom salts replenish the body's magnesium levels and sulfates. The combination helps to flush toxins from the body and helps build protein molecules in the brain tissues and joints.

    The use of Epsom Salt has been shown to improve the symptoms of many health conditions including athlete's foot, gout, toenail fungus, sprains, bruises and muscle soreness. It is also good for anyone dealing with chronic disease or chronic pain to do regular Epsom baths to help detoxify and reduce inflammation while improving mineral and sulfur content in the body.
    Sulfur is known as the beauty mineral and will make your skin, hair and nails stronger and more beautiful. Magnesium will help you feel relaxed, help tense muscles relax and help you sleep better.

    California Citrus Detox Bath Salts
    1/4 cup lemon peel, shaved with a micro planer
    1-2 cups orange peel, shaved with a micro planer
    essential oils
    2 pounds Epsom salts
    Mix all ingredients together, make sure you dilute your essential oils with a carrier oil, put 1 pound in your bath and relax 20-40 minutes.

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  • H&LBC Day 10 Cranberry Lemonade detox gallon challenge

    Cranberry lemonade detox water challenge

    I just LOVE this fat burning drink, its amazing at cleaning out the toxins and keeping you hydrated, you can really feel all your systems working better and it keeps you full. Sometimes I mix it with Newport Skinny Tea!

    Cranberry lemonade recipe:

    • Glass gallon jar
    • Safe, clean, spring water
    • 1 cup of organic 100% cranberry juice, not from concentrate
    • 3 organic fresh lemons
    • A citrus juicer
    • Liquid stevia
    • Liquid cayenne

    Fill the jar to about 85% capacity with spring water. Squeeze the lemons and pour the juice into the water. Add cranberry juice. Add stevia to taste and then add cayenne to taste. The amount of cayenne used is up to you, but the more the better.

    If you don't have access to a good spring water source, use other clean drinking water that does not have fluoride. If you don't have access to organic lemons, use conventional. If there are no fresh lemons, use bottle lemon juice. If you can't get cranberry juice that is not from concentrate, get the reconstituted kind (just don't get any kind of cranberry juice that has any other ingredients like sweeteners or other juices). If you can't stand cayenne, don't use it. No glass jar? Use plastic. No excuses.

    If you have powdered cayenne and/or powdered stevia, I recommend using a blender to mix some of the liquid with the powders so they don't settle later.

     Here's a new challenge: the one gallon challenge. Drink a gallon of cranberry lemonade a day, sweetened with stevia, and spiced with cayenne. This is one of the best ways to detoxify, lose weight, and clean out your system. It's also a much better choice for most people than The Master Cleanse

    Drinking a gallon of water a day makes an amazing difference to your health and your appearance (google gallon a day water before and after). Drinking this much fluid flushes the organs and the lymph nodes, hydrates the skin, and helps the body to rebuild cells and regenerate in ways that most people do not get to experience. The cranberry and the lemon help flush the liver and the kidneys even more, and in my experience it's a lot easier to drink a gallon of cranberry lemonade than it is to drink a gallon of plain water. And cayenne has a ton of amazing health benefits.

    Please use common sense with this. If you do not follow a healthy diet with lots of produce, the amount of liquid consumed on this regimen can deplete the body of much needed minerals. Do not attempt to drink a gallon of anything in one sitting, EVER. This has been known to kill people, even with just water. If you have kidney problems, this may be the best thing for you. On the other hand, depending on your health issues, it may overload the kidneys. I find that smaller people who weigh less than 120 pounds can see the benefits at 1/2 to 1/3 of a gallon. Your health is in your hands. Again, please use good judgment and ALWAYS check with your doctor before making changes to your medication or doctor prescribed routine.

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  • H&LBC Day 9 Using Spicy Fat burning Broth & Juice

      Day 9: Fat burning broth & detox juice

      Basic Fat Burning Broth recipe

      • 6 large green onions or large red onion
      • 1-2 cans of tomatoes
      • 1 large head of cabbage
      • 2 green peppers
      • 1 bunch celery
      • rosemary & tarragon for flavoring
      • shitake mushrooms for flavoring
      • 1 hot pepper, as per taste
      • 2 or 3 cloves of chopped garlic
      • 1 4 inch piece of kombu seaweed
      • vegetable broth, prefer low sodium


      Cut vegetables in small to medium pieces cover with broth or combination of broth and water. Boil fast for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to simmer and continue cooking until vegetables are tender. Spices blend or individual spices such as rosemary, sage, thyme, tarragon or oregano, may be added as desired toward the end of cooking. Season with pepper, parsley, or hot sauce, if desired. Because of the bouillon, it will probably require little or no salt. Adding lemon or lime juice enhances the fat burning properties and the taste. Do not add salt.

      This soup can be eaten any time you are hungry. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want. This soup will not add calories. The more you eat, the more you will lose. Fill a thermos in the morning if you will be away during the day. However, if eaten alone for indefinite periods, you would suffer from malnutrition. You may strain out the vegetables or blend the vegetables to add variety.

      Slim down detox juice

      This will enliven your whole body, aid digestion, boost the immune and eliminate toxins. Also good to help your body handle stress.

      2 oranges, peeled
      ½ lemon, peeled
      1 beetroot (no greens)
      1 small handful of spinach
      5 celery stalks
      5 long carrots
      1 inch cube of ginger root, turmeric or dash of spice blend

      Peel the orange and lemon, then juice with the rest of the ingredients. If the fruit is organic and you can handle the taste of the peel, include some peel. You may change up the variety by mixing up the ginger or turmeric root, you may always add some cayenne or spice blend to this mix if you are wanting a savory treat. Also adding cucumber instead of celery will change things up too, I also like to include romaine lettuce or kale instead of spinach, you should rotate your greens if this is a drink you have consistently.

      Bonus tip! Dieter’s Dream Water – Sometimes it’s alright to keep things simple, especially when you’re detoxing. This recipe is basically water that has different cleansing fruits and vegetables soaking in it. The nutritional aspects of these ingredients will be absorbed by the water, and it’s recommended to let this sit overnight for best results. The nice thing is that you can keep refilling the pitcher so you get the most value for your money and use up as much of the ingredients as possible. If you have organic veggies and fruits, don't be afraid to use the peels! Also good to add stevia or spice blend, or freeze this for a frozen treat when you're craving sweets.

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    • How to Design a Weight Loss Detox Bath

      Custom Detox Bathing


      Before You Bathe:

      • Drink plenty of water! Your body is supposed to sweat out all the toxins, so you will need to keep your body as hydrated as possible.
      • Make sure someone else is home. Some people feel dizzy/light headed afterwards. Just in case you don’t feel well, it’s good to have someone there to help.
      • Allow your body to digest your food before taking a bath (i.e. don’t eat immediately beforehand).

      The Bath:

      • Make sure the water temperature is hot, but comfortable.
      • Start mixing in the ingredients when the tub is about halfway full. Every now and then, swirl the water around to make sure everything is mixing/dissolving.
      • Stay in the tub for 20-40 minutes.
      • You can take these baths anywhere from once a day to once in a while, depending on how your body reacts to them.

      After You Bathe:

      • Get out of the bath slowly and carefully. If you feel dizzy/lightheaded, this feeling should go away after a few minutes. 
      • Drink plenty of water! Your body sweated a lot, so you need to re-hydrate.
      • It is suggested to moisturize your skin with olive oil or coconut oil.
      • If you take a shower to rinse off, make sure the water is cool.

      Types of Detox Baths

      I’ve seen a variety of different detox baths, all with different ingredients and different proportions of each ingredient. Really, you can be your own “chemist,”  do some trial and error, and find what works best for you. A range of suggested ingredient amounts are provided in parentheses (again, pick what is best for YOU). For Epsom salt, start small and work your body’s tolerance up.

      Main Detox Bath Ingredients:

      • Epsom salt (1-2 cups)
      • 100% magnesium sulfate – replenishes body’s magnesium levels
      • Increases body’s ability to detoxify, strenghtens immune system, helps soothe aching muscles, reduces swelling, helps heal bruises
      • You can read more about Epsom salts here
      • Baking soda (1-2 cups)
      • Neutralizes any chemicals in tap water (chlorine and flouride especially), smoothes skin, helps alkalize body & aids detoxifcation

      Optional Ingredients:

      • Green tea bags (2-5 bags)
        • Antioxidant, relaxes body, soothes sore muscles and rashes
      • Apple Cider Vinegar (1/2-2 cups)
        • Anti-inflammatory, softens skin
      • Essential Oils (5-20 drops)
        • Great aromas and unique therapeutic benefits of each
      • Ground Ginger (1 tbsp – a handful)
        • Increases circulation, promotes sweating, helps open pores, helps in pain relief
      • Lemon halves/lemon juice (1 tbsp – 1/3 cup)
        • Antioxidant, brightens skin
      • Olive Oil (1 tbsp – 1/3 cup)
        • Moisturizes skin

      This is a wonderful way to relax and get healthier, these can be done regularly but make sure to keep them under 30 minutes as you will begin to reabsorb the toxins. Make sure you don't get too hot and add cooler water if you start to sweat profusely. You can also use your leftover loose leaf tea in your bath, just contain it in a small bag or infuser so it does not clog your drain.

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