There are roughly 20,000 diet books in print... omg, talk about information overload... and here's the thing I always wondered when I saw a new, great diet book appear-- how sooo many so called experts could have such different opinions about what is the best way for us to reach our weight loss goals? It's so confusing!
Yes this email is long, but actually, I'm saving you a boatload of time, because I'm going to give you the giant secret to what actually makes all these books alike!
You're welcome :)
Many women have told me are looking for simplicity in the struggle to feel healthy and be at their ideal weight. I know how it feels, because I've been one of them for quite awhile, I shared my story previously so I won't bore you with it again, but trust me when I say I know your pain! Please keep writing me your letters, I love reading them!
That is what the August Tea Challenge is all about, creating daily templates that are livable and repeatable and actually enjoyable, that get you TO YOUR GOAL and keep you there!
So back to the diet books, I was looking for the common denominator of these 20,000 diets, and it seems that Dr. Barry Sears was also wondering the same question, because I found my answer in his scientific research.
Dr, Sears is a Ph.D. who has been writing about diet and its affect on our health for over 30 years, I remember reading The Zone back in the late 90s. Since then his research has continued and science has been proving his original theories correct, in fact Harvard and the USDA food pyramids continue to get closer to his recommendations each year.
The SECRET thing that he says unites all diet plans is what is called the "Glycemic Load" of the diet. Either the diet contains too much carbohydrates and makes excess insulin or too little carbohydrates and creates excess glucagon. Either way, this creates some hormonal disruption in your body that forces you away from your ideal weight.
How do we solve this problem?
That's the SECRET you need to know!!!
Here's a brief explaination from the Zone website about
how to structure your meals each day:
"Following the Zone Diet blueprint is easy. At every meal, divide your plate into three equal sections. (You need an eye for that.) On one-third of the plate put some low-fat protein that is no larger or thicker than the palm of your hand (that’s because some hands are larger than others).This doesn’t have to be animal protein, but it has to be protein-rich. For vegans this means either extra-firm tofu or soy-imitation meat products. For lacto-ovo vegetarians, it can also include dairy and egg protein-rich sources in addition to vegan sources of protein. For omnivores, the choice of proteins is even wider.
Next, fill the other two-thirds of your plate with colorful carbohydrates, primarily non-starchy vegetables and small amounts of fruits to balance the protein as shown below.
Here are two very practical hints when it comes to carbohydrates. First, the more white (white bread, white pasta, white rice, and white potatoes) you put on your plate, the more inflammation you are going to create. Second, the more non-starchy vegetables you consume and the fewer grains and starches you eat (ideally none), the better the results. Scientifically, it’s called lowering the glycemic load of the meal.
Finally, you add a dash of fat (that’s a small amount). The fat should be rich in monounsaturated fat, and low in omega-6 and saturated fats. This could be olive oil, guacamole, or nuts."
Below you can find a graphic from his website, and his website explains the science in much more detail than I will here. Another really important thing that he goes over is the science behind
polyphenols and how they play a role in protecting your health, which are also found in our Newport Skinny Tea.
I have been successful with the Zone structure and I have found many other people find its basic simplicity very easy to use. The actual diet is more specific and exact than what I'll be teaching you to use as an outline, so if you are interested in reading more about this diet and the exact way to use it, I suggest you buy the book The Mediterranean Zone
Over this into week, I will simplify this template even more and be giving you easy meal guides and recipes you can follow that will get your appetite under control, using this approach along with daily tea drinking is going to sky rocket your efforts, although I cannot make guarantees that you will achieve results, I have seen this approach work when nothing else would, so start getting ready for our August tea challenge!
You can follow along with or without our teatox product,
if you want to order the
challenge kit, make sure you do it soon!!
Details below!
Eating Plan,
green tea,
losing belly fat,
losing weight fast,
teatox plan,
weight loss,
Zone diet