What do food receipts, plastic wrap and food storage containers have in common?
They are sources of environmental estrogens, called xenoestrogens. These are found naturally in plants and also in many man made substances, they act like the female sex hormone estrogen when they are introduced to the body.
These compounds mimic natural estrogen and when levels are high enough have been linked to cancers fueled by estrogen, most specifically breast cancer. They are also linked to low sperm count and children's cancers.
This is definitely a reason to keep up the detox on a regular basis, because it is the build up over time that mainly causes issues. When our detoxification system gets over burdened is when toxins began getting stored away in fat cells.
When our toxic load becomes too large, our body reaches a tipping point where disease begins to develop. This hormone cascade also plays a part in us becoming overweight.
You can help your body detox naturally by frequent use of teas and herbs, sufficient water and water-rich foods, weekly detox baths and daily sweat sessions and dry brushing.Anything that gets your lymphatic system moving (it doesn't have its own pump) helps as well, it relies on movement to do its job.
Minimize your use of plastics, synthetic chemicals in body products, don't take receipts or use canned products. Don't ever microwave plastic or leave water bottles in hot cars.
Products like psyllium husk that are meant to trap intestinal toxins and carry them out of the body can help balance these hormone like toxins as well.
Green Tea, cucumin and milk thistle are powerful detox agents against xenoestrogens, High intake of cruciferous vegetables and whole flax seed have been linked to lower incidence of cancers from these substances. Pomegranate juice mixed with green tea seems to be a particularly powerful combination in this fight.
People who have successfully transformed their bodies call it a “lifestyle.” You really have to change your view on what you are going to do every day, we repeat habits daily because we know the long-term payoff, the benefits out-weigh the irritation of having to repeat tasks daily, like brushing your teeth.
The easiest path to change is to make it non-negotiable. You just decide that these new habits are going to take priority over other things, and you change your lifestyle to reflect these new priorities. You are going to have to weigh the pain of staying the same against the pain of change and see if you can convince yourself that the effort is worth it.
My job is to help you see that these changes have REAL benefits in your life, that you can feel great, look great and enjoy life on your terms. Of course you will not be perfect, so get that out of your head, seriously, this is not about perfection. This is about decision, loving yourself enough to become a priority to YOU!You will never regret working to make yourself better, I’m here because you needed to hear these words from someone who has been there- you deserve better, you deserve to live your best life. You deserve to treat yourself better, because if you can’t do it, who will?Whoever has mistreated you, abused you, hurt you, ignored you, forgive them and move on. Forgiveness will give you your life back, your strength back and stop your victim mentality.Forgiveness is NOT FOR THEM, ITS FOR YOU. It does not make what they did ok, it makes it ok for you to live your life.
You have to decide you are worth more, before you can get more, decide that you want to change, that it is a done deal, that you are going to change some priorities, ask the Universe, God or Your Higher Self for help, knowledge and strength if you want to. Don’t put this responsibility on to someone else, a partner, family member, lover, child or anyone else, this is your decision and only you can change.To get a little "woo" on you, the full moon and Spring equinox are coming up, the moon signals a time to let go, move on and let new doors open, the equinox is a time of rebalancing. The start of Spring, all things begin anew, equal and balanced again. Whatever storm you passed through in Winter, you can now know that universal forces will rebalance injustices, repurpose resources and renew life. It's a great time to commit to yourself.This comes directly from my heart, in true knowing that you deserve the absolute best in life and I want you to have it.Jennifer -
First of all, I believe in you.I know you can do ANYTHING. Whatever. The. Hell. You. Want.What about you?Are you sure? Have you committed to YOU?Unless you are ALL IN, part of you is still expecting to fail. So here, let's make a pact together to really commit to ourselves and what we want.What do you want? Why do you want it?Mostly we want things that we feel will make us "happy" which never really seem to pay off. Have you noticed that external things and even people, never really seem to pay off the way you want them to?Happiness is an inside job, happiness is knowing YOU ARE WORTH IT.Worth it? Okaaaaayyyy says my inner 12 year old, raised on Loreal commercials and sarcasm...But its true, you are worth the time it takes, the money it takes, the attention it takes, the absolute effing and real loyalty, honesty, blood, sweat and tears it takes, the soul baring moment when you say THIS IS NO LONGER ENOUGH, I WANT MY LIFE TO BE THE SHIT!Your happiness is worth all of it, BUT ONLY YOU CAN CLAIM IT.And I'm not just talking, its my truth, its what was at the end of my rainbow and it is the POT OF GOLD you've been looking for.See, I know what its like to struggle, to settle, to wonder.... am I good enough? And to LOOK AND LOOK AND LOOK for the answer... OUT THERE.The answer isn't out there.As you can tell, I'm PASSIONATE about this topic.I'm passionate about YOU finding YOUR BODY, LIFE, SOUL SUCCESS- Whatever that means to you!No more waiting, No more wondering, NO NO NO there isn't time for that now, YOU need you and WE need you!!Commit TODAY, NOW, THIS SECOND To yourself!!! To really letting your light, your happiness, your BRILLIANCE shine through to this world that is dying for more of it.Much love and health to you
Jennifer XOXOPS Take this seriously, I know one moment in time can be LIFE CHANGING! -
First of all... don't be scared by the mention of the word fasting. I'm not asking you to starve yourself and drink only water.If you're struggling with weight loss, especially while eating carbs, I can guess you have a history of losing weight and gaining weight. You struggle with what to eat, how much to eat and how much to exercise.Eventually this struggle results in decision fatigue, at that point you just want to give up having to expend energy making health decisions where you are constantly having to weigh your values and goals against your immediate wants and needs.This constant weighing back and forth is exhausting. Everyone from President Obama to Steve Jobs has spoken about how simplifying their decision making process has saved their sanity.If you are constantly wondering how and what you're going to eat, a lot of your mental energy is consumed by what should be a simple decision. Your brain, though, only wants to make so many decisions. A diet "plan" seems to solve this problem by telling you what to eat, until your immediate needs of your body and mind take over and you give up following the plan. One reason that your body's needs take over is because your body is not being able to access and use your fat stores for energy, so its sending signals to your brain that its starving and you should SEND FOOD NOW!And so you eat, anything you can find!If you are struggling to use fat as energy, you have an insulin issue, I'm not claiming you are pre-diabetic or have metabolic syndrome, but your insulin is probably out of whack some how.Getting insulin low is the key to unlocking your fat stores and using them. All foods affect insulin to some degree, but any starchy carb or refined sugar is the worst at spiking your insulin up high and putting a pad lock on your fat stores, while maybe even adding to them.Intermittent fasting helps correct insulin imbalances by making your body more sensitive to insulin, so it needs to make less of it and it uses it better. It seems to allow the body to access and use their fat stores, which means you lose body fat without feeling so uncomfortable.
Women seem to be better suited to fasting about 14-15 hours at a time and it seems to give them similar results to a man's 18 hour fast. This would mean eating your last meal at 8pm and not eating again until 10 am. If you normally eat until 11pm and then get up at start eating around 6 or 7 am, this one change would almost double your "fasting" period.Intermittent Fasting and decreasing your insulin is one area that the original Newport Skinny Tea program can definitely help you with, if you eat your dinner between 7-8pm and have your evening tea after that, you will not have any additional increases in your insulin, which will allow your body to go into fat burning mode during the night.The same goes with the morning, if you can get up and just drink your tea, do some exercise and not eat until 10 am, you will likely become more sensitive to insulin. You will be using up any stored energy in your muscles and then when you eat your body will be able to use it instead of store it.Also, in Newport Skinny Tea there are several ingredients that help your insulin sensitivity, cinnamon is well known to help you be more insulin sensitive. Kokum (Carcinia Cambogia) also helps your pancreas repair its beta cells, which produce insulin. Green and black tea also make your body better at using body fat.This week I want you to try to increase your resting "fasting" period to 8pm until 10am. If this feels uncomfortable, then go slow, increase it by 20-30 minutes at a time, in one week that can be three and a half hours!Jennifer XOXOPS this email is not medical advice and should never be considered as such, please contact your doctor for specific medical advice regarding your personal medical history.
Newport Skinny Tea is designed to help you with your food cravings, but sometimes cravings persist... generally when I dig deeper, its because someone is trying to drink NST and keep eating a really poor diet that does not support their body at all, which creates what I call an awful CRAVINGS CYCLE...
If you think that your food cravings are only a result of your emotions, urging you to eat foods that are not good for your health then you need to think again. Nutritionists suggest that there is a lot more to food cravings than just emotional urges. According to nutritionists your cravings can also be the result of fatigue and stress that tend to lower the blood sugar and nutrient levels in your body. Your body is crying out for NUTRIENTS to balance itself.
This, in turn, causes your hormones to go haywire and you end up eating foods that contain high amounts of sugar to try to feel better. While, these foods can satisfy your cravings at the time, your body won’t be getting the essential nutrients that boost energy levels and repair itself. And when your energy is zero, you just end up eating more junk food. However, there are ways you can tackle your junk food cravings and get out of the negative craving cycle you may be stuck in:
Distract Yourself
Nutritionists suggest that food cravings usually last for only fifteen minutes and if you can convince yourself to wait for these fifteen minutes, the craving is likely to pass away. You can distract yourself by going out for a walk, reading a book or doing some light exercises that might compel you to eat something healthy after. Worst distraction: TV, which may have commercials designed to entice you to eat more. Best distraction: journaling about what is bugging you!
Knowing the Trigger
Before you start eating unhealthy foods it is important understand factors that trigger your appetite in the first place. For example, if you feel like eating 2 bags of chips, gulping it down with 3 cans of coke after work then you might be under a lot of job stress. Poor consumption of water can also trigger your thirst for carbonated drinks. You may also be skipping meals, to tackle your triggers it is important to have your meals on time along with eating natural fruit sugar to calm your cravings. It is also important that you deal with your stress rather than suppressing it, deep breathing, meditation, exercise and our Sunset Beach Relaxing Tea can help get your stress levels under control.
Keep Track
Keep a track of when your food cravings hit you if you notice that these have become a regular occurrence with you. If you notice that these occur after dinner around 8 pm at night then probably you owe these to an emotional factor. Figure out why you have been under stress lately, it takes some honesty but in the end you will become free of your emotional stress eating. Ultimately, you need to put yourself first, making sure that you are getting what you need from the people around you to feel supported.
However, if these occur somewhere around 3 pm then it may be a sign that your body’s nutritional needs are not being fulfilled. Look into your diet and try to figure out what is lacking, are you consuming the right amount of protein? Are eating fruits and vegetables? It is important to find the right balance in your diet, remember the hormonal influence of each meal lasts a maximum of 5 hours, then you have another chance to get it right. Don’t waste one minute feeling bad about what you have eaten, this will only lead to more stress, just plan to get it right the next time.
Allow Yourself to Indulge Occasionally
Telling yourself that you will never eat another Dorito or Krispy Kreme as long as you live will probably backfire on you, if you truly love eating a particular junk food, the best way to keep it under control is to plan to eat it occasionally, which means once a week or less. If you know that you are completely helpless when certain foods are in the house, only buy it when you go out, and do not bring it into the house. At holiday celebrations, make sure you fill up on the healthiest options first, then let yourself have whatever treat you want. One meal is not going to ruin you so enjoy your family’s celebration, just don’t let the indulging become consistent for you.
Sincerest wishes that this helps you during the holiday season!
Drink your tea Daily!If you are using the 21 day Newport Skinny Tea, you should be drinking your daytime tea 30-60 minutes before your breakfast and lunch! Try to limit coffee to one in the morning before your tea, as it can affect your blood sugar levels and cravings.If you are using additional teas, use them when you want to, make sure that you are not having too much caffeine during the day. If you feel shaky or wired, its too much. Remember, you can adjust the strength to suit your individual needs.I find it easiest to set the alarm on my phone for my daytime tea. Make sure you drink enough water as well.Mindset :Changing limiting beliefsThis is one of the MOST difficult psychological exercises to do honestly, very few people will take the time to honestly look at what state they are living in daily, if you do it you take the time you will have a key to changing your life.
Where do you live emotionally on a daily basis? In depression, guilt or sadness? Disappointment? Anger?First step: You must identify the emotional climate you live in now, what you have come to believe is acceptable for you.Second step: Identify what is the antidote to this emotional climate?If you live in fear, courage is the antidote. Right now you are living in an emotional pattern or trying to get to that place that emotionally feels like "home." Whatever you believe is the "right" way to act based on your experience with environmental forces, generally you use that to guide you on a daily basis.If you are not finding the quality of life you want in the emotional state you live in, you can learn to live in a state that will produce the results you want. It requires figuring out your emotions and really being honest with yourself.You need to find the antidote to your unwanted state, and then you need to practice your new chosen emotion until you shift into feeling like that desired state is your new normal state. This is the way you create new patterns, this is the way to changing your life.Emotion is created through motion, remember you are in control of your emotions and motions, the easiest way to change your emotion is to start changing your motions.
In other words, Just Do It. Do the physical thing to change your state. Give your time to a charity, go for a run, clean out your closet or call up that old friend and ask them to lunch.Review your list of goals multiple times daily! Now link the emotional state those goals require you to live in. This isn't easy work, but you can do it! When you identify the state you want to live in, you will see how your current state is holding you hostage!DietTuesday
Breakfast: Leftover Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffins, Steamed Spinach, Avocado
Lunch: Leftover Mini Mexi Meatloaf, basic cilantro Cauli-Rice (under the chicken recipe)
Dinner: Broiled Salmon with capers & olives, Mixed greens salad
Snack: Beef or Turkey Jerky and nut mix
Link to weekly diet menu
Link to 1 page info sheetsFitness Challenge ScheduleTuesday: Moderate duration aerobic workout plan 20-60 minutes of 55-75% Max heart rate, for most people this is attainable by moderatly paced walkingJenniferXOXOPS: I will be offering some free goodies for reviews with pictures this challenge!