Toxins in your physical body and your emotional "body" are often linked. I hear often how when someone goes through the detox process, they start feeling a bunch of sad, angry or painful feelings as well. I have also experienced this myself, it is, I feel, imperative to the self-growth path.
Improved physical states are linked with better emotional health, it seems the opposite may be true as well.
Research at the University of Pittsburgh shows that when researchers studied 680 women with chest pain found those who held on to feelings of anger were four times more likely to have unhealthy cholesterol levels and higher body mass index than those who did not, both of these factors are linked to heart disease.
Cleansing your body may bring old emotional scars to the surface, which may be why you overate, self-medicated or indulged in junk food to begin with, to numb the pain.
Want to find out how to break the cycle and release these toxic emotions?
The biggest factor in breaking the toxic emotional cycle is awareness. Becoming aware of your emotions and being able to feel them without over reacting (sometimes much easier said than done!) is the key to moving through intense emotional times.
John Gray, expert in relationships, talks about feeling our emotional "soup pot" and being able to identify which feeling is bothering you and letting them be felt. Most of us are very afraid to feel our own emotions because we don't trust ourselves and our own reactions, we are afraid we will act on them, maybe irrationally. This comes from authority figures over controlling our feelings during most of our life and learning we shouldn't be trusted with our own emotions.
This is why most people choose to repress feelings, we disconnect and stuff them away. Dr.Gray actually says the truth is exactly the opposite, that feeling the feels causes us NOT to act or over react (as in these Doritos have met their match act) to our emotional states. Feeling our feelings causes them to just go away.
The most recommended tool I have found and also the most effective for releasing stuck emotions is meditation, for as little as 5 minutes per day or whenever needed it, can powerfully change any state. Just by closing your eyes and bringing awareness to the fact that you aren't your current feelings, allows you to feel them and let them pass. I find this particularly effective while showering or bathing. There are many different ways to meditate, google a couple and see what works for you. You may hate one method but love another. There is no right way.
Aromatherapy is also a powerful way to release and soothe stored emotions; releasing is made easier with eucalyptus oil, breathing through intense emotion is aided by the King of oils- Frankincense, Forgiveness is aided by Helichrysum, deepen your acceptance of circumstances with Roman Chamomile and increase self-love with Bergamot. Always remember to dilute topical oils with a carrier oil to avoid injury.
Herbal teas are similar in that they release the volatile oil in the leaves and soothe you internally, my recommendations go to chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm, green tea and passion flower.
Yoga and deep stretching can also help release toxic emotions and aid physical detox, as can infrared sauna and hydrotherapy, where hot and cold waters are intermittently applied to the body to draw out heat and toxins.
Sometimes periods of silence can help, other times sound bathing with music can also help. If you are going to start a detox program, be aware that deep emotions may surface and need to be dealt with. If you have experienced trauma you may need a professional to help guide you through, that's one of the bravest things you can do.
Drink your tea Daily!If you are using the 21 day Newport Skinny Tea, you should be drinking your daytime tea 30-60 minutes before your breakfast and lunch! Try to limit coffee to one in the morning before your tea, as it can affect your blood sugar levels and cravings.If you are using additional teas, use them when you want to, make sure that you are not having too much caffeine during the day. If you feel shaky or wired, its too much. Remember, you can adjust the strength to suit your individual needs.I find it easiest to set the alarm on my phone for my daytime tea. Make sure you drink enough water as well.Mindset :Changing limiting beliefsThis is one of the MOST difficult psychological exercises to do honestly, very few people will take the time to honestly look at what state they are living in daily, if you do it you take the time you will have a key to changing your life.
Where do you live emotionally on a daily basis? In depression, guilt or sadness? Disappointment? Anger?First step: You must identify the emotional climate you live in now, what you have come to believe is acceptable for you.Second step: Identify what is the antidote to this emotional climate?If you live in fear, courage is the antidote. Right now you are living in an emotional pattern or trying to get to that place that emotionally feels like "home." Whatever you believe is the "right" way to act based on your experience with environmental forces, generally you use that to guide you on a daily basis.If you are not finding the quality of life you want in the emotional state you live in, you can learn to live in a state that will produce the results you want. It requires figuring out your emotions and really being honest with yourself.You need to find the antidote to your unwanted state, and then you need to practice your new chosen emotion until you shift into feeling like that desired state is your new normal state. This is the way you create new patterns, this is the way to changing your life.Emotion is created through motion, remember you are in control of your emotions and motions, the easiest way to change your emotion is to start changing your motions.
In other words, Just Do It. Do the physical thing to change your state. Give your time to a charity, go for a run, clean out your closet or call up that old friend and ask them to lunch.Review your list of goals multiple times daily! Now link the emotional state those goals require you to live in. This isn't easy work, but you can do it! When you identify the state you want to live in, you will see how your current state is holding you hostage!DietTuesday
Breakfast: Leftover Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffins, Steamed Spinach, Avocado
Lunch: Leftover Mini Mexi Meatloaf, basic cilantro Cauli-Rice (under the chicken recipe)
Dinner: Broiled Salmon with capers & olives, Mixed greens salad
Snack: Beef or Turkey Jerky and nut mix
Link to weekly diet menu
Link to 1 page info sheetsFitness Challenge ScheduleTuesday: Moderate duration aerobic workout plan 20-60 minutes of 55-75% Max heart rate, for most people this is attainable by moderatly paced walkingJenniferXOXOPS: I will be offering some free goodies for reviews with pictures this challenge! -
Below, you will find out the top secret weight loss weapons that are used by expert trainers and nutritionists to get their clients burning more calories in less time, now you can use them, too!Blood Sugar Regulation
Berries are showing to be responsible for regulating blood sugar levels after meals. Studies have shown that a key antioxidant in berries turns off the activity of an enzyme which is responsible for disintegrating starch into sugar which means fewer simple sugars are released into the bloodstream. This plays a vital role in weight loss because insulin shuttles excess sugar into weight loss. Using berries to replace refined sugar and flour found in desserts and pastries can be especially effective at controlling blood sugar, plus they are high in fiber. Finish each meal with ½ cup of your favorite berry!
Fanning the Flame
According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, combining regular exercise with fish oil supplements can increase the activity of your weight burning enzymes. Look for brands with at least 300 grams of the fatty acid EPA and 200 milligrams of fatty acid DHA that are ultra refined and medical food grade. It’s best to eat these capsules before exercise and after 6pm as that’s when your body can best utilize them. As always, you must check with your doctor prior to using new supplements to see how they will affect your unique health.
Sneak In Fiber
As long as you are eating natural foods, you will reap the belly-filling benefits of both soluble and insoluble fibers. Fiber overfills your stomach by making you feel stuffed so you don’t snack. Fiber lets you enjoy a full stomach with minimal calorie intake. It keeps you fuller for longer and when combined with a teatox can significantly help you cut back on calories without feeling deprived. Best bets for fiber: fruits and veggies, plus whole grains if you tolerate them well. Remember 5-10 bites per meal of carbohydrate will keep you from overeating them!
Drink 8 to 10 Glasses of Water and Tea
This is the easiest way to shed those extra pounds. Try to drink 8 to 10 glasses of icy cold water and tea per day as they boost your metabolism to warm them up to body temperature. A glass of water or tea with lemon is a recipe for successful weight loss as pectin in lemons reduces food cravings and so does tea with flavor. Drinking one glass of water or tea daily will help you consume 27,000 fewer calories per year. Drinking liquid prevents muscle cramping and keeps the joints lubricated. If you really want the water and tea to help you lose weight, you should follow the 8 a day regime suggested by most nutritionists.
Antioxidants in food protect cells from damage which can lead to premature aging and disease. New studies from the University of Florida have shown that people who consume more antioxidants weigh less. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that are naturally formed in the body as a byproduct of calories being converted into energy. Foods that are high in antioxidants are low in calories, thus making them ideal for weight loss. They seem to help diminish inflammation which is a root cause of obesity.
These ideas may sound simple, but when you use them together, especially when you are eating clean and moving smart each day, you will see an amazing transformation. If you’re interested in getting started on our best-selling weight signature product Newport Skinny Tea trial size at a limited time intro price: you can find it here: Special Limited Time Intro Price for Newport Skinny Tea 7 day trial. -
I just wanted to congratulate you for finishing the August Tea Challenge, I know you're feeling fantastic!! What an AMAZING step for you to take towards better health & feeling great!! I hope you're so proud of yourself! Amazing!
September is a month to wipe the slate clean, many people are going back to school or have kids who are, life gets back to normal and you have a bit more freedom to do things we want for ourselves.
So I want to continue on the last email I sent, about loving yourself enough and give you this little gem, when you love yourself you actually are giving others permission to love you, too.
When you take care of yourself you are showing that you are valuable and worth caring about, to yourself and to others.
People look to others in relationships to find out if they are valuable and worth caring for, no one can give a sense of internal worth to you, you must find it inside by sharing your purpose with the world.
This is a very deep, personal topic for many of you, I know I've received some letters and comments lately about how many of you are dealing with these issues. Thank you for being so brave to share your journey with me, and thank you for listening to me give my advice, I truly do feel like helping others is my purpose!
Please keep sharing your story!!
You help others when you do!
More on this later,
JenniferPS: A couple reminders:
THANK YOU so much for everyone who took our short 5 question survey, I was blown away with all that you had to say! It's still open if you want to take it.
Also, I'd like to remind you to submit your review of your tea challenge experience by September 10th!
Remember if you submit a written review you get 1 free tea, if you submit photos with it you get 2 free teas and if you submit both of those plus a short video file you get 3 free bags of tea!
Woo Hoo!! Please send everything to info@newportskinnytea.com
A word about subscription orders, we offer a discount on subscription orders for those who want to receive an automated order each month, when you set up your account you are the ONLY one who has access to it, and you are the only one who can turn it on and off. These purchases are final and will not be refunded, as its extremely difficult to do.
Our Mermaid Cove Metabolism tea is back ordered a bit, so expect a few extra days for that to ship out. -
I hear a LOT of people say they can't do things...Can't get themselves to exercise, can't stop eating sugar or bread or soda, can't get up early... can't lose weight. That's the biggest one.Of course, this isn't the "truth," we usually just confuse the outcome we want with the action we think we need to take... we want a different outcome to happen this time and think we simply need to will ourselves to take a different action to get there. We try, we fail and then we beat ourselves up for having "no will power."Ever been there? Like a million times? Yeah, me too.Why does this happen?I can give you some of the answers I've found, because I wanted the power to change any habit I had, I've researched this topic quite a bit. And though I haven't found a simple answer, the process of actually changing is less complex than you might have thought, and it has little to do with "will power."The First StepOkay, so the first step you have to take is to stop talking negatively to yourself. AT ALL.It doesn't mean you can't notice that you are doing things you want to change, but you have to stop telling yourself that you are bad for doing them. Bad is a judgement, something your brain is listening to- and frankly, your brain can't handle it.
By criticizing yourself, you are creating a huge amount of negative momentum, you are causing yourself WAY more pain than the cookies ever will, because you are essentially programming your brain to continue down a negative spiral filled with shame that keeps feeding off itself and keeps setting you up to do more of what you don't want to do (what we affectionately call a habit.)So, you ate some cookies (or whatever). Here's the antidote... are you ready?It sounds WAY TOO SIMPLE, I know. You need to stop the momentum you've got going and start it going in the other direction. How hard this will be for you, is based on how long you've been going down this path and how hard you (or others) have been in doling out criticism.I had a personal habit of starting projects and not finishing them, others were more critical of this habit than I was, but I decided I wanted to change it for myself and it took about 6 months of positively reinforcing myself to change it. I hadn't figured out some of these keys yet, so I think it could have been faster but it was a lifelong habit as well.(warning... there may be an affirmation coming up soon...stick with me.... it will be ok)So, how did I change this habit... here's the steps:1. I picked to start project I know I could finish (that's the result I wanted to change)2. I praised myself about it EXCESSIVELY when I finished it3. I wrote it down on a list each day and checked it off (don't skip this!)4. I used my mantra "Whatever I start, I finish, because I am a finisher"Yes, its a bit of mental gymnastics... but your brain, apparently, loves to do gymnastics! Yay!So give it something good to do, and the smaller you start, the easier it will be. Once you have a victory, it will continue to get easier.
So, how does this relate to tea, you're wondering... and how do I use it with Newport Skinny Tea?Newport Skinny Tea is another tool that can help you break negative eating and exercise patterns, its not a miracle tea! Its a tea that helps you achieve your goals and your dream health & body, you can use it to break bad habits with the same steps outlined above.Set up the same kind of desired results for yourself, "I drink my tea when I get hungry." Then drink it, praise yourself, write it down and say some kind of positive, praising manta "Whenever I have cravings, I drink tea, because I'm a tea drinker."This mind exercise, though simple, is powerful. You can create powerful habits each day that literally change the course of your life. I hope you find this as useful as I did, I know that you can live the life you dream of, I want that for you and I will give you everything I have to help you! More to come....PS: There are more complicated life patterns that take more advanced skills to change, we'll be going over some of these and this simple method won't work on physical addictions or psychological illnesses because they contain a physiological component that needs professional help, which is well worth your investment, please know you are worth it! These tips cannot substitute for professional help. -
Running is a challenging, effective workout, there's no doubt about it. Considered the gold standard for burning calories, running does have some draw backs, often beginning runners get injured and then are sidelined for an extended period of time. Plus, it can be boring and isolating if you often run alone.
Creating a new, varied Spring time exercise program with many different challenging workouts to cross train the body protects you from injury and overusing muscles, plus our bodies love to be constantly challenged in new ways to keep our metabolism and muscles surprised, which is great for your body and keeping you mentally engaged as well. Have fun with it, create a chart or use an app on your phone to pick 5 things you haven't tried before and see if you can do them each once a week for the next four weeks!
Your goal: Design a life you love, try new things that get results in less time and don't make you dread doing them. We're looking for exercises that burn around 10 calories per minute. Some you can sneak in from the list below, get up 20 minutes early or try doing them at night instead of snacking. I'm also going to challenge you to try something new that's SCARY! Like ballroom dancing, hula hoop class or surfing, anything you've always wanted to try but haven't yet! Something that the very thought of it gets you excited and thinking "wouldn't it be so cool if I knew how to...."
That's how you design a life you love!
Here's a list of other exercises that burn over 10 calories per minute:
Weight training
As little as 10 minutes, 3 times per week can have a positive effect on your body composition. It doesn't have to be a full-blown gym session to count either!
Researchers at the University of Southern Maine used a more advanced method to estimate energy expenditure during exercise, they found that weight training burns up to 71 percent more calories than originally thought. Which suggests that a fast-paced circuit workout burns as many calories as running at a 6-minute per mile pace.
Make sure you're lifting weights heavy enough to produce fatigue within 8-10 reps and perform the "negative" portion of the exercise twice as slowly as the lifting portion, this will maximize your results.
Here's an explanation from Wiki
The burpee is a full body exercise used in strength training and as an aerobic exercise. The basic movement is performed in four steps and known as a "four-count burpee":
- Begin in a standing position.
- Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. (count 1)
- Kick your feet back, while keeping your arms extended. (count 2)
- Immediately return your feet to the squat position. (count 3)
- Jump up from the squat position (count 4)
This link has a tutorial on burpees and other jumps: http://skinnyms.com/jazzed-up-jacks-and-jumps-tabata-workout/
Indoor Bike Sprints
Its possible to burn over 80 calories per minute if you give it everything you've got, make sure to follow the sprint with a cool down at least twice as long. Usually this requires a gym membership, but you can find creative solutions if you look for them. They even make under desk mini cycles now you can use while you work!
Jumping Rope
Portable and very inexpensive you can take a jump rope with you on a walk, travelling, in your car, outdoors, inside watching TV or while your kids play at the park, you can burn approximately 13 calories per minute jumping rope. It is one of the higher impact exercises on this list, so mix it in to your schedule but don't rely on it everyday. This link has tutorials on jumping rope and other jumps: http://skinnyms.com/jazzed-up-jacks-and-jumps-tabata-workout/
HIIT Circuits
From Dailyburn.com here's a beginners 20 minute HIIT circuit, where you perform 45 seconds of work, followed by 15 seconds of rest for 5 exercises and then you rest 1 minute between rounds and complete 3 rounds:
- Push Ups
- Squats
- Butt Kicks
- Tricep Dips
- Side Lunges
Tabata Jump Squats
This four-minute miracle drill burns major calories both during a workout and after. In an Auburn University at Montgomery study, participants who did eight rounds of all-out jump squats—20 seconds of hard work, separated by 10 seconds of rest—burned 13.4 calories per minute and doubled their post-exercise metabolic rate for at least 30 minutes.
This link has tutorials on a jumping sequence: http://skinnyms.com/jazzed-up-jacks-and-jumps-tabata-workout/
Kettlebell Swing
This explosive exercise works the big, powerful muscles around your glutes and quads, and sends your heart into overdrive, according to research from the University of Wisconsin. The motion of swinging the kettlebell really feels strange at first and works muscles you didn't even know you had! For between $10-$20 you can find one of these at Target and its an easy, fast workout to do while you're watching TV. This exercise will help you get those flat abs you want to show off in summer too, start with 10 sets of 10. See the instruction below from Prevention.com