Lavender flowers are quite magical, though we associate them with southern France in the Summer, I think they're a great flower to use during Spring, when we get affected by the seasonal changes. They are great to use in almost any form, but respect their potency, don't use them everyday and don't ever take the essential oil internally.
Lavender is wonderful for easing anxiety and insomnia. You can use it to help dispel headaches and energetically it helps shield your entire energy field... like when you don't want people prying into your business or messing with your emotions. Think of it as your automatic chill button.
The tea is full of antioxidants and incredibly uplifting, though it isn't a tea you should drink too frequently. The essential oil when dabbed at the third eye and throat chakras will keep out unwanted influences. To create harmony in your home, burn lavender flowers as incense or in your fire and burn lavender scented purple candles.
Lavender is also well-known to attract love, so be careful who you wear it around. I like spraying it on my bedsheets, actually I love the smell anytime, on anything!
Lavender is a gentle pain reliever, you can use the tea when you've been working or studying to hard and need to wind down for the night. Add the flowers to peppermint tea to warm your body or spearmint to cool your body. If you suffer from migraines like me, lavender essential oil in a bath can help soothe your aching brain.
Our Corona del Mar paleo lean tea has lavender along with spearmint and calendula, perfect forĀ after a workout when you're really hot or after a family visit when they've pushed your buttons! This tea in particular can help stop emotional eating, it is also not caffeinated so you can use it when evening munchies hit.
Trying to increase your meditation or yoga practice? Lavender in any form will help you connect with your spiritual side and focus, perfect as we welcome the Sun to Pisces, the mystical sign ruled by Neptune!
Much Love & Magic this Spring
Jennifer XOXO
PS: Get an additional 25% off with code SPRINGSALE
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