Need a big dose of self love?
Maybe Rose Quartz is the crystal for you? It was one of the first crystals ever given to me, I had a candle maker tell me that it would be very beneficial for me to burn a candle with a rose quartz that had been placed inside of it and I found it tremendously soothing.
Crystals can give their properties to anything they are put in; oil, wax, water. They have magical abilities to transmute the carrier with their powers and infuse them (and us) with qualities we need to absorb.
Rose Quartz has properties of self-love, unconditional love, grounding, soothing, alleviates fears while promoting security.
You can use rose quartz to charge your coconut oil for this delicious detox body scrub, just put your crystal into the oil 6-12 hours before you make it, but remember not all crystals are safe to use this way, be sure to check first
Himalayan Salt & Rose Body Scrub
Calming to skin, invigorating to spirit
1 cup Himalayan Pink Salt
1/3 cup rose quartz infused coconut oil
3 tablespoons crushed dried rose petals
5-10 drops flower essential oil you know are safe on your skin, such as rose, ylang-ylang or chamomile
1/3 cup rose quartz infused coconut oil
3 tablespoons crushed dried rose petals
5-10 drops flower essential oil you know are safe on your skin, such as rose, ylang-ylang or chamomile
Mix all ingredients in a small glass bowl or jar, apply generous amount of the scrub either before showering or while in the shower, be careful the coconut oil can make bathtubs slippery.
We also carry Newport Skinny Tea detox botanical bath salts, which would be perfect to use for a detox bath after this scrub!
Take 25% off your order with code SPRINGSALE