Day 1 of Hot & Lazy boot camp
Legs up wall yoga pose is so easy! Its a restorative, restful pose you can do it while you’re doing something else and the list of benefits is HUGE (see below). Here's a great example of being rewarded for being more lazy! With daily practice you will see better digestion, better circulation and better skin tone, plus less anxiety! Try this today and feel better immediately!
How to do Legs up wall
- Sidle one hip as close as you can to a wall.
- Swing both legs up the wall and move your rear end as close to the wall as possible. If this hurts your hamstrings, slide a few inches away from the wall. Rest your arms on your belly, or stretch them away from you in a T, W, or V position.
- When you are done, bend your knees, roll to one side, and rest there, taking a few breaths before getting up.
what’s going on in this pose?
- Your femur bones are dropping into your hip sockets, relaxing your psoas, the muscles that help you walk and support your lower back.
- Blood is draining out of your tired feet and legs.
- Your nervous system is getting a signal to slow down, It’s all stress release and recovery
Want more of this in your life?
- Do this pose while doing something you love, it will form a positive link in your brain, such as watching guilty pleasure TV shows, playing games on your phone or reading Divergent for the 3rd time. Set an alarm on your phone for the first week, because we often forget to integrate new habits- make technology work for you!
- Check out Yoga Journal’s A lazy girl's guide to yoga
- Ask a fun friend to check out yoga classes with you, most centers have a special rate for first time visitors. Or find an at-home yoga based workout program, our favorite is Piyo by Chalene Johnson
- Eases anxiety and stress
- Therapeutic for arthritis, headaches, high blood pressure, low blood pressure and insomnia
- Eases symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cramps and menopause
- Relieves tired or cramped feet and legs
- Gently stretches the hamstrings, legs and lower back
- Relieves lower back pain
- Calms the mind
- Regulates blood flow
- Relieves swollen ankles and varicose veins
- Helps testicular, semen, and ovarian problems in men and women respectively
- Improves digestion and circulation
- Restores tired feet or legs
- Stretches the back of the neck, front torso, and back of the legs
- Improves problems of the eyes and ears
- Relieves mild backache
- Helps keep you young and vital
- Calms anxiety
- Relieves symptoms of mild depression and insomnia
Contraindicated for glaucoma, please check with your doctor first before trying this pose if you have any concerns about your health and/or medications.