First of all, I believe in you.
I know you can do ANYTHING. Whatever. The. Hell. You. Want.
What about you?
Are you sure? Have you committed to YOU?
Unless you are ALL IN, part of you is still expecting to fail. So here, let's make a pact together to really commit to ourselves and what we want.
What do you want? Why do you want it?
Mostly we want things that we feel will make us "happy" which never really seem to pay off. Have you noticed that external things and even people, never really seem to pay off the way you want them to?
Happiness is an inside job, happiness is knowing YOU ARE WORTH IT.
Worth it? Okaaaaayyyy says my inner 12 year old, raised on Loreal commercials and sarcasm...
But its true, you are worth the time it takes, the money it takes, the attention it takes, the absolute effing and real loyalty, honesty, blood, sweat and tears it takes, the soul baring moment when you say THIS IS NO LONGER ENOUGH, I WANT MY LIFE TO BE THE SHIT!
Your happiness is worth all of it, BUT ONLY YOU CAN CLAIM IT.
And I'm not just talking, its my truth, its what was at the end of my rainbow and it is the POT OF GOLD you've been looking for.
See, I know what its like to struggle, to settle, to wonder.... am I good enough? And to LOOK AND LOOK AND LOOK for the answer... OUT THERE.
The answer isn't out there.
As you can tell, I'm PASSIONATE about this topic.
I'm passionate about YOU finding YOUR BODY, LIFE, SOUL SUCCESS- Whatever that means to you!
No more waiting, No more wondering, NO NO NO there isn't time for that now, YOU need you and WE need you!!
Commit TODAY, NOW, THIS SECOND To yourself!!! To really letting your light, your happiness, your BRILLIANCE shine through to this world that is dying for more of it.
Much love and health to you
Jennifer XOXO
PS Take this seriously, I know one moment in time can be LIFE CHANGING!