Newport Skinny Tea is designed to help you with your food cravings, but sometimes cravings persist... generally when I dig deeper, its because someone is trying to drink NST and keep eating a really poor diet that does not support their body at all, which creates what I call an awful CRAVINGS CYCLE...
If you think that your food cravings are only a result of your emotions, urging you to eat foods that are not good for your health then you need to think again. Nutritionists suggest that there is a lot more to food cravings than just emotional urges. According to nutritionists your cravings can also be the result of fatigue and stress that tend to lower the blood sugar and nutrient levels in your body. Your body is crying out for NUTRIENTS to balance itself.
This, in turn, causes your hormones to go haywire and you end up eating foods that contain high amounts of sugar to try to feel better. While, these foods can satisfy your cravings at the time, your body won’t be getting the essential nutrients that boost energy levels and repair itself. And when your energy is zero, you just end up eating more junk food. However, there are ways you can tackle your junk food cravings and get out of the negative craving cycle you may be stuck in:
Distract Yourself
Nutritionists suggest that food cravings usually last for only fifteen minutes and if you can convince yourself to wait for these fifteen minutes, the craving is likely to pass away. You can distract yourself by going out for a walk, reading a book or doing some light exercises that might compel you to eat something healthy after. Worst distraction: TV, which may have commercials designed to entice you to eat more. Best distraction: journaling about what is bugging you!
Knowing the Trigger
Before you start eating unhealthy foods it is important understand factors that trigger your appetite in the first place. For example, if you feel like eating 2 bags of chips, gulping it down with 3 cans of coke after work then you might be under a lot of job stress. Poor consumption of water can also trigger your thirst for carbonated drinks. You may also be skipping meals, to tackle your triggers it is important to have your meals on time along with eating natural fruit sugar to calm your cravings. It is also important that you deal with your stress rather than suppressing it, deep breathing, meditation, exercise and our Sunset Beach Relaxing Tea can help get your stress levels under control.
Keep Track
Keep a track of when your food cravings hit you if you notice that these have become a regular occurrence with you. If you notice that these occur after dinner around 8 pm at night then probably you owe these to an emotional factor. Figure out why you have been under stress lately, it takes some honesty but in the end you will become free of your emotional stress eating. Ultimately, you need to put yourself first, making sure that you are getting what you need from the people around you to feel supported.
However, if these occur somewhere around 3 pm then it may be a sign that your body’s nutritional needs are not being fulfilled. Look into your diet and try to figure out what is lacking, are you consuming the right amount of protein? Are eating fruits and vegetables? It is important to find the right balance in your diet, remember the hormonal influence of each meal lasts a maximum of 5 hours, then you have another chance to get it right. Don’t waste one minute feeling bad about what you have eaten, this will only lead to more stress, just plan to get it right the next time.
Allow Yourself to Indulge Occasionally
Telling yourself that you will never eat another Dorito or Krispy Kreme as long as you live will probably backfire on you, if you truly love eating a particular junk food, the best way to keep it under control is to plan to eat it occasionally, which means once a week or less. If you know that you are completely helpless when certain foods are in the house, only buy it when you go out, and do not bring it into the house. At holiday celebrations, make sure you fill up on the healthiest options first, then let yourself have whatever treat you want. One meal is not going to ruin you so enjoy your family’s celebration, just don’t let the indulging become consistent for you.
Sincerest wishes that this helps you during the holiday season!