I hear a LOT of people say they can't do things...
Can't get themselves to exercise, can't stop eating sugar or bread or soda, can't get up early... can't lose weight. That's the biggest one.
Of course, this isn't the "truth," we usually just confuse the outcome we want with the action we think we need to take... we want a different outcome to happen this time and think we simply need to will ourselves to take a different action to get there. We try, we fail and then we beat ourselves up for having "no will power."
Ever been there? Like a million times? Yeah, me too.
Why does this happen?
I can give you some of the answers I've found, because I wanted the power to change any habit I had, I've researched this topic quite a bit. And though I haven't found a simple answer, the process of actually changing is less complex than you might have thought, and it has little to do with "will power."
The First Step
Okay, so the first step you have to take is to stop talking negatively to yourself. AT ALL.
It doesn't mean you can't notice that you are doing things you want to change, but you have to stop telling yourself that you are bad for doing them. Bad is a judgement, something your brain is listening to- and frankly, your brain can't handle it.
By criticizing yourself, you are creating a huge amount of negative momentum, you are causing yourself WAY more pain than the cookies ever will, because you are essentially programming your brain to continue down a negative spiral filled with shame that keeps feeding off itself and keeps setting you up to do more of what you don't want to do (what we affectionately call a habit.)
So, you ate some cookies (or whatever). Here's the antidote... are you ready?
It sounds WAY TOO SIMPLE, I know. You need to stop the momentum you've got going and start it going in the other direction. How hard this will be for you, is based on how long you've been going down this path and how hard you (or others) have been in doling out criticism.
I had a personal habit of starting projects and not finishing them, others were more critical of this habit than I was, but I decided I wanted to change it for myself and it took about 6 months of positively reinforcing myself to change it. I hadn't figured out some of these keys yet, so I think it could have been faster but it was a lifelong habit as well.
(warning... there may be an affirmation coming up soon...stick with me.... it will be ok)
So, how did I change this habit... here's the steps:
1. I picked to start project I know I could finish (that's the result I wanted to change)
2. I praised myself about it EXCESSIVELY when I finished it
3. I wrote it down on a list each day and checked it off (don't skip this!)
4. I used my mantra "Whatever I start, I finish, because I am a finisher"
Yes, its a bit of mental gymnastics... but your brain, apparently, loves to do gymnastics! Yay!
So give it something good to do, and the smaller you start, the easier it will be. Once you have a victory, it will continue to get easier.
So, how does this relate to tea, you're wondering... and how do I use it with Newport Skinny Tea?
Newport Skinny Tea is another tool that can help you break negative eating and exercise patterns, its not a miracle tea! Its a tea that helps you achieve your goals and your dream health & body, you can use it to break bad habits with the same steps outlined above.
Set up the same kind of desired results for yourself, "I drink my tea when I get hungry." Then drink it, praise yourself, write it down and say some kind of positive, praising manta "Whenever I have cravings, I drink tea, because I'm a tea drinker."
This mind exercise, though simple, is powerful. You can create powerful habits each day that literally change the course of your life. I hope you find this as useful as I did, I know that you can live the life you dream of, I want that for you and I will give you everything I have to help you! More to come....
PS: There are more complicated life patterns that take more advanced skills to change, we'll be going over some of these and this simple method won't work on physical addictions or psychological illnesses because they contain a physiological component that needs professional help, which is well worth your investment, please know you are worth it! These tips cannot substitute for professional help.