I'm glad you're here!
If this headline intrigued you, then I know you're kinda like me, you like to take care of everyone and everything...
Maybe you call yourself a control freak, or don't even really think about why you do this.
Here's why putting yourself last has not gotten you the life you want and never will...
1. Your outer reality is created by your inner reality
2. Being, not wanting, creates the change you seek
3. You're using the "I am" statement
1. Most of us try to create our outer world by doing things, we exercise to lose weight, we try to connect with our friends and family to feel less lonely, we save money to get out of debt. We especially do things for other people to be the catalyst for helping them create a better world.
We do too many things for our families, our jobs and our homes, we deplete ourselves by giving every last ounce of energy, time and motivation we have in an attempt to create the life we dream of and we end up resenting all of it.
We give our best attitude, encouragement and years to those who we want to be needed by, we dream of being valued, but this rarely gives us the connection or life we desire. We dream of valuing ourselves.
I know this is how I have felt many times in the past, I have expected that all that I gave would be given back to me and that I would feel a sense of fulfillment from it- but that never came. I gave up my time to exercise, sleep enough and prepare myself healthy food because I felt that I wasn't as important as having everything I thought was in my dream life. I wanted to make it easier for others, as if I had to overcompensate to ensure they cared about me, and they needed me. That's a big key, ensuring people need you because you've made them dependent on you and all you do for them.
This is not easy to talk about, I want you to know, that if you are brave enough to look inside yourself, where these secrets are kept, and take them out into the light, it will begin to free you to really start defining the kind of dream life you actually want to wake up and live every day. I know, its very scary, but I have total faith in you, I'm here to tell you that your very existence is enough, you are worthy of being cared for just for being you.
Our dream lives start on the inside, they start with our thoughts, they start by taking care of ourselves. Our outer reality is created by our beliefs, the thoughts we keep thinking. When our thoughts change, our reality changes accordingly. When we think better, especially about ourselves, our lives get better.
2. We may have desperately wanted things to change, we may have wanted this change for years, but our thoughts about ourselves have stayed the same. The state of wanting only creates more wanting.... it keeps you trapped in perpetual wanting.
Wanting/Desiring is only useful to move us into a state of doing, but if we do not believe we are capable or deserving of having the thing we want, we will never actually start doing.
We must move from wanting to being. When this happens, things actually change. When we move from wanting to get in shape to being a fit person in our minds, we DO things differently. When we move from wanting to lose weight to being slim, we ARE different. The outside reality hasn't yet caught up but its just a matter of time.
Think about the process you go through when you become hungry, you want something to eat, you feel the discomfort, then you decide to do something about it, you eat and you are full. You move from wanting to being, if you continued to want but didn't decide to act and then actually take the action, you would never actually be any different in terms of your state.
The key to changing this in your head is to correctly use the term "I am" to your benefit.
3. The way you use the term "I am" is like your message to the Universe. Be very careful how you describe yourself, especially in your head.
People love to label others, like "You are lazy". They say things like this very easily and we believe them most of the time, especially people in authority, such as your parents, boss or spouse.
First of all, most people have not clearly defined who they are, they just agree with what they have been told their whole lives by teachers, parents, friends, etc. We got labelled SHY, NOT CREATIVE, CHUBBY, ANNOYING or any other word that was said to us... and it stuck.
We add things like TALL, ATHLETIC, HONEST or FLAKY to our description and we assume that is WHO we are. Of course, these labels are who we have chosen to be, we are all things at all times, we can become whom ever we want.
The Universe is listening to you talk about who you are when you say the words "I am." I want you to start saying the words of who you want to be, you are going to have to repeat them often and you are going to have to have some faith.
Don't keep changing your mind, don't keep doubting who you want to be. Other people are already these things, observe them, read about them, find out information if it helps, but its not necessary. Just reinforce this desire many times a day.
Make it your password, find places to write it, put it everywhere you can. Move yourself from wanting to be healthy to "I am healthy." Yes, at first, you will have resistance, but it will fade if you continue. If you decide that health is your reality, it must be.
I hope this has helped you, look for more daily updates designed to help you be healthy, beautiful and fit.
Jennifer XOXO
PS I would love to see you take on the October Tea Challenge, starting October 10th! Our Newport Skinny Tea and NST + MBB 21 day are both on sale!