My friend and I have a term we coined, "Ideal Self" for all those things we would do if we lived up to our Pinterest boards, never had to sleep and won the lottery tomorrow... you know, working out in barely there bra tops everyday on the beach at 6am with our hair and makeup looking on point... yeah... enter real life. Having an amazing assistant/housekeeper/personal shopper that organizes our entire life around each season. Or throwing gorgeous dinner parties every other week like we're in the cast of RHOC... including amazing cat fights, designer dresses and someone crying in the limo outside... (but not us!)
Never mind that these events don't happen except on reality TV, this did not stop our constant referencing what ideal self was doing at all times of the day and how we were not living up to that potential.
We thought we were so clever with this made-up term, but its seems someone had already thought of this, Sigmund Freud. So, it turns out its a pretty huge source of dissatisfaction for us humans, that we can't really live up to our version of an "ideal self."
And advertisers know this, they bank on the knowledge that you long to do more, have more and be more at any given moment. AND there's absolutely nothing wrong with growing, but most people get stuck in the thought that they can't possibly have THAT ideal self life, so why bother... back to Pinterest.
So this summer, I learned about a tactic that the elite business people of the world (and apparently Beyoncé) use, its making an ALTER EGO for yourself in order to bypass that "Ideal Self" world conundrum we get stuck in. Our alter ego is part of us, that we don't really accept as our own yet, we fear we cannot become something, yet we long to do it anyway.
We long for it because...
Its part of OUR story, its a KEY to our growth, It will CHANGE everything
and you know it, deep down.
SO big girl pants up, here we go, its time to create an alter ego for yourself.
Beyoncé called her alter ego SASHA FIERCE. And she did things shy Beyoncé couldn't yet do, she was fierce and sexy and she owned her stage. And now Beyoncé doesn't need her anymore, Beyoncé owned that part of herself.
What three words does a FIT, SKINNY, SEXY YOU need to be?
What's your NAME when you embody these words?
What does this alter ego do that's different then you, where does she go and who does she go there with? What does she wear? Maybe you can give her a signature item so when you have this item you instantly transform- what is it?
This seems like a weird idea, until you try it, and then it becomes very liberating, because you don't have to be weighted down with the baggage of your own identity.
Before you say "That's not me" try it, just try it and see what might happen! I'd love to hear about it!
PS: Keep drinking your tea, move a bit more before you eat and include green vegetables at each meal. Don't make it a big deal, just do it.