You are in charge of your week, make it a MASTER plan,
Make sure you leverage your time so what you need to get done, has no possible way of failure.
How do you do that?
Make it really important, build your week around it, do something different to get different results! See yourself already winning!
Week 2 Menu
Breakfast Tomato Basil Quiche with Bacon & Spinach (add basil)
Dinner Ginger-Garlic Beef & Broccoli, Clintro Cauli Rice (see week 1)
Snack Simple Beef Jerky & Cinnilla Nut Mix
Breakfast Tomato Basil Quiche with Bacon & Spinach (add basil)
Lunch Leftover Ginger Garlic Beef & Broccoli & Cauli Rice
Dinner Double Pork Tenderloin, Green Apple & Fennel Salad (remove cheese)
Snacks 21DSD fruit + nut butter or full fat yogurt
Breakfast Lemon Chicken with Capers & Chives, raw carrots or steamed vegetables
Lunch Left over pork with green salad and dressing of choice
Dinner lemon sole with almonds & thyme, roasted cauliflower soup
Dinner lemon sole with almonds & thyme, roasted cauliflower soup
Snack 21DSD fruit + nut butter or full fat yogurt
Breakfast Leftover Lemon Chicken with capers & capers, raw carrots or steamed vegetables
Lunch tuna salad wraps, leftover cauliflower soup or green veggies
Dinner Greek Style Meatballs & salad, Greek tomato o
Dinner Greek Style Meatballs & salad, Greek tomato o
Snack Grain free Banola + Milk, coconut milk or full fat yogurt
Breakfast Green Apple Breakfast Sausage, raw carrots or other vegetables
Lunch Leftover Greek Style Meatballs & salad
Dinner Hot & Sweet Ginger Garlic Chicken & Cucumber cold noodle salad
Snack Grain free Banola + Milk, coconut milk or full fat yogurt
Breakfast Leftover Green Apple Breakfast Sausage, raw carrots or other vegetables
Lunch leftover Hot & Sweet Ginger Garlic Chicken & Cucumber cold noodle salad
Dinner Spagetti Squash Bolognese & salad
Snacks Simple Beef Jerky + nut mixture
Breakfast veggie pancakes + 3oz protein of choice
Lunch leftover Spaghetti Squash Bolognese & salad
Dinner Cinnamon grilled pork chops, crumb topped brussles sprouts
Snack Simple Beef Jerky + nut mixture
Week Two Workouts
Monday: Increase daily movement, stand more, walk more, take one short walk around the neighborhood tonight after dinner.
Tuesday: Moderate duration aerobic workout plan 20-60 minutes of 55-75% Max heart rate, for most people this is attainable by moderate pace walking
Wednesday: Full Length PEM workout, I will post circuit on Wednesday
Thursday: Try a new activity if possible, or repeat Tuesday. Also see if you can do some of your work today standing up.
Friday: Abbreviated PEM workout, will post on Friday
Saturday: Extended duration aerobic workout: plan 1-2 hours of extended workout
Sunday: Play outside today