I know, you're busy!
You're crazy busy, I know you are kicking ass and taking names most days...
but inside you're feeling crappy, tired, hangry and just plain bad most of the time, even though you try not to show it.
You wish things would change, but you don't know how and part of you is afraid to try something else new, because you're pretty sure that it won't work either (hello $200 juicer and unused gym membership).
I heard a great saying the other day..
Human Beings are like icebergs, they only
show about 10% of who they really are.
If you're reading this, I know you're amazing,
I know you care more than you show it,
I know you want to reveal your dazzle into the world...
The saddest part of being like an iceberg is that most of the time its our greatness we hide from each other.
Does that ring true for you?
Do you hide your light, your power, your beauty
beneath negativity that serves as protection,
do you try not to give TOO much to others,
especially when they don't DESERVE it?
Do you reserve the BEST parts of you... for... you?
I want to ask you to consider that your
beauty, giving nature and light is for you
to enjoy and give freely, not for others to earn. I want you to just consider the idea that you are supposed to feel beautiful and vibrant most of the time...
For me this thought has been a compelling reason to be more giving, more authentic and
more beautiful, to truly attempt living out loud.
I feel that often we tie our beauty up into our worth, and to avoid giving and shining because it is risky, it is scary to be noticed, to stand out, be vulnerable and to be considered by others as better than, conceited and too beautiful, too authentic and possibly even weird.
We are fascinated by people who achieve this, but also quick to point out that they are flawed as well. (Hint: we all are and we can forgive ourselves)
I find that food is often involved in the layer of protection we hide behind, comforting ourselves with "comfort foods" instead of revealing ourselves vulnerable to others by saying that we want more intimacy, more authenticity and more love... and even more beauty.
As I've written before, when we are busy thinking, consuming and regretting our food choices, we have no room to feel our feelings... this is what emotional eating is. Food takes the place of our emotions.
I know those are scary words... they almost sound like a medical diagnosis from which you'll never recover,
but truthfully they just represent a choice, probably a habit at this point.
At New Year's people want to instantly change the habits,
but they don't first change their thoughts...and they wind up giving up in a couple weeks.
When you first start to get clear on what you want
and how you want to live, that makes your habits
much easier to change...
I want to ask you what are your intentions for this year?
What is the life you want to live so much that you are almost afraid to say it out loud?
That is what I want for you,
to live your life out loud.
My intention behind Newport Skinny Tea has always been to help women live their most beautiful, authentic, healthy lives. I do that by continually innovating and simplifying products and information that make living an amazing life simple and enjoyable.
Truly this company has been one of the best parts of my life and I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you have let me be a part of your journey, I want you to know that I do not take the responsibility lightly.
Tomorrow I will be announcing the details of the January Tea Challenge, its a special and emotional day for me, I will talk about it more then.
You deserve the best, this year its your time
to Shine!
Wishing you the best in health & happiness!
Jennifer XOXO