
  • Feeling Blue? Take a Detox Bath

    So I told you that I would be giving you my favorite ideas to feel better when you are blue, depressed or just overwhelmed.
    We all need to take care of our psyches during the holidays or we'll get depleted in our bodies and start to have our immune system fail.
    My absolute favorite thing to do, when I have time, is to take a long, hot bath. I like to read a good book and, of course, have some tea. I try to make it spa time, but when things get busy, its usually the first thing to go!
    Bathing is an ancient ritual that cleanses our body, detoxifies our skin and soothes our soul. Yes, it sounds a bit dramatic, but its really true.
    Ancient Romans had huge public baths in every city, they would visit them every day and spend hours in the complex going from steam rooms, to pools, to cold water, getting treatments and honoring their bodies, while being social and usually eating lunch.
    Your body absorbs about 7% of its oxygen through your skin, and it also absorbs anything else you put on it. It is your body's largest organ and its very involved in the detoxification system.
    If you eat a traditional American diet, you may have some excess acidity in your body. This can make our mind and emotions feel aggressive and a bit angry. It may also cause us to retain too much water in the skin, giving you cellulite. Adding 1-2 cups of baking soda to your bath water will help draw out excess acidity, its very effective. Look for big bags of it at Costco.
    You can also add tea, essential oils and ground spices plus Epsom salts to your bath to help draw out impurities from your skin and relax your mind. Remember that the salts will also draw out excess water, so make sure to replenish it with some extra fluid when you get out.
    I created the Newport Skinny Tea detox bath salts to specifically help rebalance your body and detox your skin and combat cellulite. They have a powerful combination of ingredients that I love.
    I really appreciate the personal notes I received back from my last email, it is so touching that so many of you really care! Thank you.
    I wish the very best for you in health & happiness, look for a couple more emails about what lifts my spirits today!
    Jennifer XOXO

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  • Zero Belly Smoothies: Dark Chocolate Banana Nut

    This is a great smoothie to have when cravings strike, the chocolate and omega-3 fatty acids in the walnuts can really calm you down. Often we crave chocolate when we are deficient in magnesium, which is a very common deficiency . 
    1 ounce of walnuts has as many Omega-3 fats as a 4 ounce piece of Atlantic Salmon! These essential fats keep your mind sharp and your belly lean!
    Add mint or cinnamon or even almond extract if you feel like some extra flavor!
    Dark Chocolate Banana Nut Smoothie
    Blend Together for 1 serving:
    1/2 of a Banana
    1 tsp dark Chocolate Morsels
    1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
    1/8 Cup Chopped Walnuts
    6 ice cubes
    1/3 Cup Chocolate Plant-based Protein Powder
    water to belnd & stevia (optional)
    Approx Nutrition for 1 serving:
    229 Calories
    11 grams of fat
    7 grams of fiber
    10 grams sugar
    28 grams protein
    To Your Health & Happiness
    Jennifer XOXO

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  • Zero Belly Smoothies: Oatmeal Blueberry Pancakes Smoothie

    The oatmeal in this smoothie makes it thicker and more hearty, perfect for fall. You can spice it up with some cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice if you like, both will keep your blood sugar more stable through out the day. Cinnamon has been shown to be as effective as some diabetes medicine, that why its included in our Newport Skinny Tea and our Unicorn Magic Happiness Tea.
    Hemp protein powder has a great Omega-3 oil profile and can help you become less inflamed, I am also a huge fan of hemp milk and hemp hearts, which you can sprinkle on top, if you like.
    As an alternative, you can just make this an oatmeal dish and cook it in the traditional manner.
    If you are battling any kind of metabolic disorder, I suggest you leave out the oatmeal and replace it with shredded coconut in the smoothie. I have used banana as a substitute for cooked oatmeal, you just cut it up in chunks and cook it in milk, its actually pretty good!
    Blend Together for 1 serving:
    1/4 Cup Frozen Blueberries
    1/3 Cup Frozen Banana
    2 Tbsp Almonds
    1/2 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
    1 scoop plain plant-based protein powder (Hemp is recommended)
    pinch of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice, if desired
    Water to blend and stevia (Both optional)
    Approx Nutrition of 1 Serving:
    275 Calories
    5.4 grams fat
    29 grams carbs
    5.4 grams sugar
    29 grams protein
    To Your Health & Happiness
    Jennifer XOXO

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  • Zero Belly Smoothies: Raspberry Walnut Cake Smoothie

    In November I want to give you easy, delicious ways to change your diet and make you stick to your plan during the holidays.
    Smoothies pack a lot of nutrition into an easy to consume, portable glass. Freeze your extra bananas and keep frozen berries on hand and these are simple to make when you're tempted to shove pumpkin pie into your mouth for breakfast.
    Raspberries are especially potent because they pack more fiber than almost any other fruit, which keeps you fuller longer. Fiber also helps escort toxins out of your body. Raspberries are full of anti-oxidants, which fight inflammation.
    You can use almond or coconut milk in this recipe, coconut milk helps you burn fat and is easily used by the body for energy. Walnuts are also full of fiber and healthy Omega-3 fats which help you fight obesity. In a pinch, use any nut butter.
    By the way, check out the protein in this bad boy smoothie! Nice for keeping you full!
    If you sometimes feel lazy like me for breakfast, you can put this smoothie (make it thick!) in a bowl and dress it up with chopped fruit or nuts on the top and everyone will think you're magic!
    Blend Together (for one serving)
    1/3 Cup frozen Raspberries
    1/2 Cup frozen Banana
    1 Tbsp Walnuts
    1/2 Cup Unsweetened Almond or Coconut Milk
    Water or Iced tea to Blend
    Stevia drops, as desired
    Grate Dark Chocolate on the top, if desired 
    Approx Nutrition with Almond Milk:
    285 calories per serving
    7 grams of fat
    7 grams of fiber
    26 grams carbs
    12 grams sugar
    30 grams protein
    To Your Health & Happiness
    Jennifer XOXO

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  • The Worst Weight Loss Enemies in Your Diet

    Weight Loss Enemies
    If you are wanting to uplevel your health and weight loss, here's the four things you need to avoid or minimize at all costs.
    1. Hydrogenated Oils
    Trans Fats are partially hydrogenated oils that are specifically linked to obesity and heart disease, according to Harvard Public Health "the risk of cardiovascular disease rises 23% for every 2% increase in calories from trans fats consumed every day.
    Wow, they also are toxic to your weight loss efforts. The worst ones are corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil and canola oil. Replace them with olive oil or coconut oil.
    2. Conventional Meat and Pasteurized Dairy
    Conventional meat and dairy are both filled with antibiotics, hormones, steroids, statin drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs and also are products of grain fed animals. Factory farms use 75% of the antibiotics dispensed in the US, which are absorbed into the animals. These toxins all have to be processed by your liver, which severely slows your weight loss efforts. Whenever your liver is overburdened, it stores excess toxins into your fat.
    Remember the 3 glasses of wine you had last weekend? Yeah, your liver has to get that out of your blood before anything else and if its busy, then it can't process that Cheeseburger and fries you also had (Which contained nearly every toxin on this list!)!
    As long as your liver is overburdened you will not be burning excess fat, because it is too dangerous to you to have extra toxins (which come back into the blood stream when you burn fat) circulating when the liver cannot deal with them.
    Lowering your over all amount of conventional diary and choosing almond, coconut or hemp milk is the best choice. Raw cheese and dairy are also options if you can find them from reputable sources (I buy some at trader joe's). Choosing greens-fed and grass-fed pastured meat is the best, also choose wild caught salmon and seafood more often and reduce your over all intake of animal protein. (Please don't add soy though! 98% of US soy is GMO!)
    3. Artificial Sweeteners & MSG
    Sweeteners like sucralose and aspartame have long been known to be cancer-causing, they are also linked to weight gain. MSG has similar side effects and should be avoided at all costs.
    Best choices: Stevia, Pink Himalayan Sea Salt, Celtic Salt and Herbs and Spices.
    4. Processed Grains and Sugar
    Processed grains like white bread, pasta, rice, cereal and any type of pastry or bread are foods that immediately turn to sugar in your body. They are actually anti-nutrients and leach vitamins and minerals out of your body. They are literally sucking the life out of you! They cause insulin spikes that make you crave more of them, eventually they will induce insulin resistance or worse.
    Begin to replace them with vegetables and whole grains (if you do not have any metabolic disorders). Fruit is also a better option for carbohydrates. These foods will nourish you with all the great things you need to keep your metabolism running smoothly.
    Here's to your health and happiness
    Jennifer XOXO

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  • Feel It and You Will Find It

    Want to hear a story?
    I was recently talking to an amazing woman, who felt totally exhausted trying to keep up everything she thought she had to do to lose weight, she was really beating herself up about failing at her effort to try to get the body she dreamed of AND she wasn't enjoying any of it. She told me that this diet & exercise plan was ruining her life!
    I asked her if she was 100% sure she had to do all these things to reach her goal?

    She was sure she did, in fact she told me that if she stopped any of these things she would probably gain weight. (UGH!!!) She knew everything that experts had to say about weight loss, because she was trying to lose weight most of her adult life!
    She totally believed in a plan that had never produced ANY results for her...WHAT THE....??!!!
    So I want to ask you something...
    Do you believe the following sayings are true?
    the early bird gets the worm
    money doesn't grow on trees
    it takes one to know one...
    Are you totally sure that they are the TRUTH?
    Don't you think sometimes that late birds get worms? Is there really a shortage of worms? Birds seem to be doing okay...
    Do you have to be a rude person to recognize a rude person? Isn't it subjective anyway?
    We sometimes believe in things just because we've heard them for so long.
    There is another "formula" we are so used to believing in that we don't even know its really there: its the three step goal formula:
    1. decide what fancy goal you want
    2. work hard
    3. don't stop until you get it
    It's basically the American Dream, something near and dear to my heart. Now I'm not entirely saying this will never work, but if you're using it, are you checking those goals off left and right?
    Almost all self-help and goal programs (including weight loss) are variations on this one theme, first known to be written about in Napoleon Hill's Think & Grow Rich in 1937.
    As I've shared before, 97% of all self-help programs fail, including diet plans. They don't just fail, in fact, they usually fail in a spectacular way, they usually leave the subject worse off than before they started, even if their goal was momentarily achieved.
    What's a girl to do? I know how absolutely soul crushing this frustration is.
    I've shared with you before about my personal struggles and how they lead me to create Newport Skinny tea. And even though I believe in the power of my products with my whole being, I know that in order to make BIG changes, we've got to see things in a NEW way. We've got to see OURSELVES in a new, powerful, amazing way. Then, we've got to take action steps to get there.
    Mindset change is critical to finding success in weight loss.
    Once I figured that key part out, that I was trying to achieve changes in my own life using the formula that wasn't working, I decided to flip the 3 step formula on its head, instead of working from the outside in, I thought,  let's try working from the inside out.
    I know one thing that we have in common, its that you have a secret wish inside of you. How can I be so sure of this? Because you are working hard, you want change and that means you haven't given up on yourself, yet. I am the same way, I just hadn't yet realized how big of an underdog we actually were using that old school way of thinking.
    Almost all people believe that by achieving goals in their lives, such as making $1 million dollars, getting a smoking body or a brand new house all of their problems are going to be solved. They believe that external solutions are going to change their internal states of being.
    So let's find out exactly what you are dreaming of....
    If a genie granted you one wish (no wishing for more wishes either!) WHAT would it be?
    That one thing you named holds a key to what you're really seeking, that BIG external goal represents the ACTUAL internal state that you think will make your life better.
    If your answer was, to have a banging body... ask yourself, what does this represent for you? Does it mean that you will be desired by others, that you will feel loved, worthy of being taken care of and secure in a relationship? Does it mean you will never feel lonely or unwanted?
    What you are really searching for is the feeling of security and unconditional love, something you can never find from a place of insecurity. The #1 reported desire for women is security.  And it is something that someone else can never really give to you. In order to feel pride, security and self assurance, you first have to FEEL it on the inside, you have to be secure.
    Let's say you decide to make a traditional plan to "get in shape" and you start going to the gym everyday and stop eating anything "bad." You are going to willpower this goal into your life. All the sudden, you are tired, you are sore, and you are feeling a whole bunch of feelings you normally ate your way out of feeling... two weeks go by, things are getting worse, not better, your family is upset you are taking time to work on you, you aren't cooking the great foods you normally do and there's a bunch of chaos around you...
    NOT what you were hoping for. Suddenly you have a huge fight with your significant other... then what? What happens when you are feeling low? Even more insecure about things, do you willpower through it? No, not usually. Most people cave and get lost in a pizza and beer haze... then beat themselves up about how weak their willpower is... sigh. Most people think they fail the plan, but the truth is, the plan fails them in 97% of the cases.
    How do you change this? How do you get to that opposite state from where you are now?
    Before you start making external changes, first start by deciding not to rely on "willpower" anymore, will power doesn't work, especially in the long run.
    Then, figure out what you are really wanting to feel through all this external efforting, figure out the STATE that you long to FEEL.
    Change your feelings and watch the magic happen. Keep an eye out for part 2, when I will discuss the next step in this cutting edge formula.
    Here's a question for you to think about,
    How GOOD can you let your life be?

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