
  • Live AMAZING health now, Your Decisions Matter

    Here's what I realized today, we are never really standing still in relation to our goal to feel and look AMAZING.
    I've got to share the story that got me thinking about all this first...
    I've observed my daughter the past 4 months, I've written about her gymnastics goals before. She has been greatly struggling with one piece of equipment: The Vault. Its become her white whale....
    I have tried everything to help her: motivation, inspiration, bribery and even reasoning that she won't be able to stay on the team if she can't confront this fear. She isn't budging, she won't get over it. She is clinging to fear.
    I am feeling frustrated... I am feeling her defeat. I'm feeling her fear and her disappointment. I have felt it in my own life, and if there is one thing you don't want for your own child, its that cold, hard feeling of giving into failure and accepting that she can't achieve her goals when you KNOW she can.
    I know I have been guilty of this myself, I know I have taken actions that would not get me into the state of health I have desired. Repeatedly I have failed myself, and its not from lack of knowledge, its from lack of believing in myself and believing I can do it consistently. Its lack of believing I deserve it and I can claim it. Something in me has been afraid to really leave what feels safe...
    The truth is, every moment of life we are either creating greater health or moving away from it.
    We CREATE our health. Do you really feel that?
    I want you to BELIEVE it. I believe it.
    Being healthy is a state, a powerful state. We know when we hit it,
    anyone who has ever achieved a state of desired peak health and stayed in it for a period of time can remember exactly what it felt like.
    We know when we are healthy and honoring ourselves, we can do much more in the rest of our lives. We give more, we have more, more importantly we ARE MORE.
    Why do we waste time accepting less than amazing? Why do we get stuck in mediocre habits?
    We know it feels really crappy to hang out in that low level state of health, we know we are capable of more, we know we CAN feel amazing everyday. Sometimes we convince ourselves we have no control over it, but that's not the truth.
    I want you to really ask yourself, WHY don't you feel the way you want right now?

    I've had my own list of excuses, but they haven't served me.

    They have served themselves.

    I ask you today to write down your excuses and to rip them up, burn them or figure out your own symbolism to get rid of them. They will always be there if you need them, they aren't going anywhere... they just aren't taking over your life anymore!

    I want you to have the amazing life you deserve, it starts with a decision.
    It starts now.
    This is what Newport Skinny Tea is all about... you taking action and feeling amazing EVERY SINGLE DAY!
    I want you to know the simple decision to drink Newport Skinny Tea every day can change you as much as walking, clean eating or positive thinking will every day. The shift in mindset that you are going to create health by what you drink versus deplete health by what you drink tells your subconscious that you are serious, that you are taking action and that you are going to achieve what you want NOW. Momentum starts with one action.
    I feel very passionate that our Teas can help you do, I know they can help you change your state, your mindset and your health instantly. I know that they are better than any other product out there. I couldn't have poured myself into my business as I have the last 3 years if I didn't believe it and see it happen with thousands of women.
    I am still a work in progress, we all are, I want the best for you, just as I want the best for me.
    Believe you can have it. Start living it today. Don't wait.
    Jennifer XOXO

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  • Why Toxic Fat Stops You From Losing Body Fat

    You are thinking..hmmm is there any truth to this toxin nonsense? Doctors have told me that my body detoxifies itself just fine.... but new studies are proving that modern chemicals are changing the way our bodies deal with toxins, showing they cause disease and make us gain weight that cannot be shed with diet and exercise alone!
    And for those who have been around awhile, its time for me talk hormones again :)
    I know this has been a huge issue for me, finding out why traditional diet and exercise weren't working for me took me YEARS of researching, finding medical doctors who were on the fringe and trying to look at things a new way because traditional medicine wasn't providing solutions or answers for those of us who were suffering. Even now, many people are denying the fact that we have a huge problem that can't be fixed with the CALORIES IN- CALORIES OUT model that is failing over 90% of people who are trying so desperately to lose weight and feel better. A 90% failure rate is not a successful solution! And the exercise more- eat less prescription will actually make this problem WORSE!
    If you are 30 pounds or more over weight, you have some degree of leptin resistance, this is what Dr. Jack Krause says, a leading researcher in the field of leptin signaling. Read on to find out what this means and I want to point out that leptin itself is a new discovery to us, this is a topic on which new discoveries are being made all the time.
    Modern toxins in our food supply cause weight gain, even if you are eating the same amount of calories you did 20 years ago or less, toxins cause havoc in your body now. The average person in the US comes in contact with over 123 toxins daily, and they are more aggressive and pervasive than they used to be! I want to make it clear, there isn't just one way they do damage, there are many!
    Synthetic toxins build up in our bodies over time if they are not excreted and are stored in our body fat, they are fat soluble and our bodies create a nice storehouse for them causing cellulite and excess water weight to appear on our bodies. They sap our energy and make us age faster, we feel and look older than we actually are because our bodies are working much harder than they should be. Once we've accumulated fat, fat begins to secrete its own hormones which ensures we stay FAT no matter how much we exercise or under eat.
    Because of their love of fat cells and our body storing them there for our protection, toxins attach themselves to the outer cell membrane of our fat cells, which cause them to continually release Leptin. This causes our Leptin levels to be continually elevated, when that happens our Leptin receptors burn out (similar to what happens with insulin and diabetes- and leptin plays a role in that as well). Leptin is the hormone that tells the brain to burn fat for use by our bodies, when the receptors are burnt out, there's no one there to answer the call, we stop burning fat. When you have weight gain that does not respond to dieting and exercise it's due to leptin resistance and toxins most of the time! Of course there are other conditions that can cause this problem also, so it is good to check with your doctor.
    What can help?
    1. Reduce your exposure to toxins immediately, especially in your household and personal products, reduce processed foods and see if you can filter the air in your home with plants or a air filtration machine.
    2. Drink teas and water. The polyphenols found in tea (and other plants) support the liver in its detoxification efforts, which is crucial to overall health and energy levels. Especially if you regularly drink alcohol, which can hinder the liver's normal day to day detox activity.
    One of the main polyphenols in Tea is the flavonoid EGCG, a potent anti-oxidant, which helps repair done from free radicals that can attack your body during strenuous exercise, digesting foods or other stressful activities. It also contains L-Theanine which helps your body produce a super important detoxification compound called glutathione, which becomes depleted by things like taking pain relievers, drinking alcohol or dealing with toxins.
    3. Reduce your non-fibrous carbohydrates to under 50 grams per day, or less if possible, increase your fiber intake by increasing fruits and vegetables. They contain many compounds which will help your body rid itself of toxins as it sheds fat. This is the part that people don't like, you are going to have to give up sugar and starches for awhile, because they are being stored as fat. You know this because you gain weight almost instantly when you eat them.
    Eat adequate protein to help the liver process toxins, make sure you eat the highest quality protein you can afford, Organic meats and wild caught seafood are best.
    4. Sweat- do moderate cardio, such as fast walking or sit in a sauna until you are sweating.  Dry brushing and salt baths are also a good way to get toxins out through the skin. Strenuous exercise is best left after your hormonal balance is restored.
    5. Eat probiotic foods and take probiotic supplements, they will help correct the imbalance in your gut flora and assist the body in making the right hormones.
    6. Get out into the sun light everyday, preferably barefoot, connect with nature and relax, your nervous system will benefit.
    Here's to your health & happiness!

    Jennifer XOXO
    PS: Get our 21 day Newport skinny tea on sale for $20 with free shipping today when you join our community! You can do this and I want to help you every step of the way

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  • How to Drastically Quickly Change Your Energy Levels

    We think in terms of getting energy, but the truth is we ARE energy.
    I know back when I had NO energy, when I was falling asleep everyday at 3pm and barely could drag myself out of bed in the morning after sleeping 10 or 11 hours, when I felt tired all the time, I would have done ANYTHING, bought ANYTHING and tried ANYTHING to fix it. In my search for answers to find what was wrong with my body, I feel that I did try almost EVERYTHING, but what worked was incredibly simple, that's how Newport Skinny Tea was born!
    Our body runs off electrical impulses and we either enhance its ability to do that efficiently or take it away by our habits, what we eat and drink and what we think. Making a shift to include more polyphenols in your diet can help you recover your ability to make energy.
    This is all going to sound a little weird, because I'm sure you have heard that calories give us energy your whole life, but the truth is that we use calories mostly for repair and maintenance, they aren't exactly like gasoline in a car. We don't become depleted of energy, we become less able to make it. Caffeine and other drugs can mask that depletion, sort of like a Band-Aid, but they do continue to deplete our adrenal reserves.
    Our bodies are incredibly complex systems within systems, I cannot possibly include a complete overview of all of it, but in this article I hope to show how one fundamental shift can help your body recover your ability to make energy.
    Good Health is what makes us able to create energy, health is enhanced by a balance in our body, enough sleep, enough water, enough nutrients to keep our body properly maintained, breathing and proper mental states, sunshine. There are many, many things that help our metabolism run properly, that is the mechanism by which our calories are either used or stored as fat. Insulin and other hormones are the major players in how our body decides to store or use our calories. You can be overfed and yet still starving in terms of nutrients, in fact our modern diet usually does just that.
    Gluten, dairy and toxin over load can make the electrical current slow in the body for several reasons. Leaky gut, allergies, and liver congestion are all real reasons you may feel lethargic, they can be caused from eating the wrong foods or drinking the wrong things.
    Inflammation is also a major enemy of health, because then our body must use its nutrients to fight the inflammation, which makes it less able to repair and maintain our body. Chronic Inflammation can cause obesity and can be caused by obesity, the body that is fighting inflammation has less time or resources to make hormones. Sugar, fake sugar and fake fats are a major causes of inflammation, along with modern food that has been manipulated, as listed above.
    Soda and other sugary drinks are a huge dietary source of high fructose corn syrup and other sweeteners that breed inflammation and other metabolic disorders like insulin resistance, syndrome X and diabetes in our bodies. These diseases cause hormonal imbalances that don't let the body function optimally, so many people suffering from thyroid dysfunction now and that is a major player in energy regulation as well.
    Tea leaves are a great anti-inflammatory weapon because they contain high levels of polyphenols, when you boil the water and steep them in it, their power becomes exponentially greater. When you boil water, the structure of the water changes for the better, so your body can absorb it and all it contains properly. But the boiling can't be done in a microwave.
    So when you start drinking tea instead of sugar or HFCS containing drinks you instantly get a huge boost to your overall health, and a drastic reduction in inflammation, tea actually helps your body deal with existing problems and recovery from inflammation as well. Tea helps clear the mental fog that sugar creates, this can help you think more clearly so you can make better decisions, feel less cravings and sleep better. Its a really great place to start making a change in your body.
    Next, the more natural and less processed your diet is overall, the easier time your body will have in breaking down the food and using it properly. The more processed and dense your diet, the slower your energy will be. You can also have individual food intolerances and allergies that will cause inflammation and problems with digestion.
    Fruits and vegetables contain polyphenols and vital nutrients that your body needs, they will also reduce inflammation, help your body detoxify itself, help you feel lighter, think clearer and sleep better. Generally the darker the fruit or vegetable, the more beneficial it is for you. Dark green, blue, purple and orange foods are the most beneficial.
    Good fats actually play a crucial role in your body, every cell membrane is made of lipids (fats) and though it is a dense food, your body uses it and it does not raise your insulin, unlike carbohydrates and sometimes protein, which means it generally is not stored as fat, but can be used by the body immediately. Nuts, avocados, coconut meat & oil, olives, and organic animal fats are beneficial for us.
    I've written The Cutting Edge Fat Burning Formula book and several blog posts about how to eat to balance your body, exactly what foods you need, but if you are starting from scratch, start with adding tea and vegetables and fruits to your existing diet. You know what foods you need to eliminate and eat less of, it is an individual balance point that you will hit if you keep saying YES to yourself and your health and NO to everything that isn't supporting your health!
    Jennifer XOXO
    PS: If you need a big swift kick in the butt to hold you accountable for making the changes you need to make-- our 21 day Newport Skinny Tea Challenge starts October 10th! Don't wait, its time to get your health back, to feel energetic and amazing again! Order your tea now and follow along daily!

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  • 3 Keys to Creating Your Dream Body

    I'm glad you're here!
    If this headline intrigued you, then I know you're kinda like me, you like to take care of everyone and everything...
    Maybe you call yourself a control freak, or don't even really think about why you do this.
    Here's why putting yourself last has not gotten you the life you want and never will...
    1. Your outer reality is created by your inner reality
    2. Being, not wanting, creates the change you seek
    3. You're using the "I am" statement
    1. Most of us try to create our outer world by doing things, we exercise to lose weight, we try to connect with our friends and family to feel less lonely, we save money to get out of debt. We especially do things for other people to be the catalyst for helping them create a better world.
    We do too many things for our families, our jobs and our homes, we deplete ourselves by giving every last ounce of energy, time and motivation we have in an attempt to create the life we dream of and we end up resenting all of it.
    We give our best attitude, encouragement and years to those who we want to be needed by, we dream of being valued, but this rarely gives us the connection or life we desire. We dream of valuing ourselves.
    I know this is how I have felt many times in the past, I have expected that all that I gave would be given back to me and that I would feel a sense of fulfillment from it- but that never came. I gave up my time to exercise, sleep enough and prepare myself healthy food because I felt that I wasn't as important as having everything I thought was in my dream life. I wanted to make it easier for others, as if I had to overcompensate to ensure they cared about me, and they needed me. That's a big key, ensuring people need you because you've made them dependent on you and all you do for them.
    This is not easy to talk about, I want you to know, that if you are brave enough to look inside yourself, where these secrets are kept, and take them out into the light, it will begin to free you to really start defining the kind of dream life you actually want to wake up and live every day. I know, its very scary, but I have total faith in you, I'm here to tell you that your very existence is enough, you are worthy of being cared for just for being you.
    Our dream lives start on the inside, they start with our thoughts, they start by taking care of ourselves. Our outer reality is created by our beliefs, the thoughts we keep thinking. When our thoughts change, our reality changes accordingly. When we think better, especially about ourselves, our lives get better.
    2. We may have desperately wanted things to change, we may have wanted this change for years, but our thoughts about ourselves have stayed the same. The state of wanting only creates more wanting.... it keeps you trapped in perpetual wanting.
    Wanting/Desiring is only useful to move us into a state of doing, but if we do not believe we are capable or deserving of having the thing we want, we will never actually start doing.
    We must move from wanting to being. When this happens, things actually change. When we move from wanting to get in shape to being a fit person in our minds, we DO things differently. When we move from wanting to lose weight to being slim, we ARE different. The outside reality hasn't yet caught up but its just a matter of time.
    Think about the process you go through when you become hungry, you want something to eat, you feel the discomfort, then you decide to do something about it, you eat and you are full. You move from wanting to being, if you continued to want but didn't decide to act and then actually take the action, you would never actually be any different in terms of your state.
    The key to changing this in your head is to correctly use the term "I am" to your benefit.
    3. The way you use the term "I am" is like your message to the Universe. Be very careful how you describe yourself, especially in your head.
    People love to label others, like "You are lazy".  They say things like this very easily and we believe them most of the time, especially people in authority, such as your parents, boss or spouse.
    First of all, most people have not clearly defined who they are, they just agree with what they have been told their whole lives by teachers, parents, friends, etc. We got labelled SHY, NOT CREATIVE, CHUBBY, ANNOYING or any other word that was said to us... and it stuck.
    We add things like TALL, ATHLETIC, HONEST or FLAKY to our description and we assume that is WHO we are.  Of course, these labels are who we have chosen to be, we are all things at all times, we can become whom ever we want.
    The Universe is listening to you talk about who you are when you say the words "I am." I want you to start saying the words of who you want to be, you are going to have to repeat them often and you are going to have to have some faith.
    Don't keep changing your mind, don't keep doubting who you want to be. Other people are already these things, observe them, read about them, find out information if it helps, but its not necessary. Just reinforce this desire many times a day.
    Make it your password, find places to write it, put it everywhere you can. Move yourself from wanting to be healthy to "I am healthy." Yes, at first, you will have resistance, but it will fade if you continue. If you decide that health is your reality, it must be.
    I hope this has helped you, look for more daily updates designed to help you be healthy, beautiful and fit.
    Jennifer XOXO
    PS I would love to see you take on the October Tea Challenge, starting October 10th! Our Newport Skinny Tea and NST + MBB 21 day are both on sale!

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  • Friday Food Focus Healthy Gut Bacteria

    I knoooowwwww you don't want to think more about food, because OMG there's just too many recipes, diet books and all sorts of other discussions about FOOD! I'm sick of it too. SO, let's talk about health, about feeling GREAT more of the freaking time! Try to focus on eating good food 75% of the time and you will see improvements in this area. It's not about being perfect, its about feeling better.


    So, I know you want to keep bloating at bay! I hear about this problem ALOT. Keeping your good gut bacteria happy is one of the best ways to ensure that you have good digestion. Our Mermaid Cove Metabolism Tea is especially good at helping heal guts, get rid of bloating and increasing digestion. A lot of what you think may be excess weight could be bloating and water trapped in your tissues because your body's balance is off.


    Steps to get more Good Gut Bacteria


    1. Eat a fiber-rich, whole foods diet—it should be rich in beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables—all of which feed good bugs. Coconut Flour is especially fiber rich and can be added to recipes to increase the fiber count, but don't overdo it.  Fermented Foods are also great for gut bacteria.


    2. Limit all sugar, processed foods, conventionally raised animal fats —these provide food for unhealthy bugs.


    3. Avoid the use of antibiotics, acid blockers, and anti-inflammatories as in pain relievers, they let bad bacteria grow.


    4. Take probiotics daily—these healthy, friendly flora can improve your digestive health and reduce inflammation and allergies. Our eat foods that are pre and pro biotic!


    5. Stress can damage your intestinal ecosystem, learn coping techniques and actively reduce stress and increase joy.


    6. Intense exercise seems to increase gut diversity in a positive manner, but findings are preliminary.


    To your health and happiness,




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  • Easy Healthy Habit: Morning Sunglight Ritual

    If you're like me then your mornings are pretty freaking busy!!!
    Summer is over and back to school craziness is in full effect.  I've been struggling with getting back into waking up at 6am, because I've always naturally been a night owl. I really have always loved staying up late... but I know its not great for me.
    Tons of studies have shown that supreme health can't happen if we're staying up really late. We get more disease, more obesity and more depression.
    How do we change this bad habit? How do we get supreme health? I really want to know and I really want to achieve it.
    Dr. Jack Krause, a neuro surgeon who has successfully lost over 100 pounds and completely changed his own health 100%, is passionate about the fact that we MUST get out into the morning light for at least 10 minutes.
    By doing this we can begin to reset our circadian clock, that is intimately tied to the earth, time and the seasons. When this clock isn't functioning right we can experience suboptimal hormone production because are bodies are confused about what time it is, our brain is basically misfiring.
    Artificial light has a different ratio of blue to red light and it drastically affects our whole body in a dramatic fashion. To get away from this artificial effect we need to get outside into the natural light and morning light is especially beneficial because it has the highest amount of red light.
    So its fairly easy to create a nice place to sit outside in the morning and drink your tea or coffee and soak in some rays. In the Winter it gets a bit more challenging, but its VITAL that you get some exposure to Sunlight or a Light box that simulates the Sun, it will revitalize your energy and help your metabolism repair itself.
    The most benefits will come from not wearing sunglasses during the morning Sun exposure and by your eyes absorbing some of the ambient rays. Of course, YOU SHOULD NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN, this can result in blindness.
    You can also combine this ritual with your exercise habit and go outside to walk and connect with nature, or meditate while the Sun is on your face. Light is absorbed by the skin and creates Vitamin D as well.
    To your health & happiness
    Newport Skinny Tea

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