
  • Ultimate Green Smoothie Weight Loss Guide

    Using more greens in your diet can help increase your satisfaction and make you less hungry. I recommend increasing your vegetables before removing foods you don't like. Green smoothies, soups and salads are the easiest way to do that.
    Putting greens into green smoothies makes it easier to get them into your body on a consistent basis.
    Here are some tips to making sure they are helping you reach your weight loss goal, instead of being a saboteur.
    1. They should include more greens than fruit
    Work up to it if you can't start off that way
    If you drink them often, rotate your greens to avoid build up
    Dandelion greens are detoxifying
    Romaine lettuce can be a nice change
    2. They should include a lot of fiber
    Kale has more fiber than spinach
    Raspberries, Blackberries & Pears are the fruit fiber winners
    Chia seeds have an amazing 5.5 grams per Tablespoon
    Flaxseeds contain 3.8 per Two Tablespoons plus fatty acids
    Hemp protein powder has 7-13 grams per 1/2 cup plus fatty acids
    3. They should include protein and fat
    Hemp protein powder contains all essential amino acids
    Hemp and coconut milk contain healthy fats
    Unsweetened almond milk can be creamy and delicious
    Kefir has probiotics that can aid weight loss
    4. They should stay low glycemic
    Learn to add stevia or like them less sweet
    Use lemon, lime or grapefruit juice
    Use non-traditional ingredients like Pumpkin or Cinnamon
    Don't add too much sweet fruit like banana
    Sometimes I like to eat mine out of a bowl with a spoon so it feels like soup, because I get sick of drinking so much.
    Also, you can use tea as a base liquid if you like, I have found it takes a bit more trial and error to get tea to taste delicious in a green smoothie.
    The more you give your body the nutrition it is wanting, the more your cravings will start to go away! The more balanced you get with your eating, giving your body enough protein and enough fat, your appetite will start to diminish!
    Keep going, I know you can do it!!

    Jennifer XOXO 
    PS: Our Winter Black Label NST is going away, we have only a few left at ta special price, get them now, see below- this is my personal favorite tea!

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  • Magical Changes Begin in Your Thoughts

    Our thoughts are the most valuable thing we possess.
    You may not think of them like that, but they create your world. Whatever you believe to be true about yourself, it started with a thought.
    If you want to change your habits to reach your goals (I use those words a lot...) you will need to start with changing your thoughts. And I hope you are still reviewing your goals each day!!
    The first step is to start every meal and snack with tea. If you are on the Newport Skinny Tea 21 day detox plan, that will only provide you with 3 cups. You will need to have others for the other times when you need tea. You can choose other kinds from our website, or other teas you like, as long as you keep track of your caffeine intake, then you will can really have any you like.
    If your life is full of negatives right now, such as:
    I can't drink tea all day
    I can't stop eating sugar, fast food or chips
    I can't stop drinking coffee, alcohol or soda
    I can't be healthy, my family isn't healthy
    I can't work out
    You have some work to do on your thoughts. We all have work to do, that's why we're here, together. It's no accident that you and I found each other in the big world, so don't be afraid of change, just trust the process and do the work.
    Your beliefs and your goals may be in opposition to each other... if you have goals but find yourself making excuses, examine what you believe to be true about yourself.
    I used to start a million things and never finish them, I'm creative and I love to create things, but one day I decided to become someone who finishes what they start. And I repeated it to myself everyday "I'm a finisher."
    I find that repeating your desired habit change when you drink your tea each day is very effective. When you find yourself going into a negative mood or thought, drink some tea and repeat your desire. You can also link this desired change to your goal, such as
    "I am a size 4, I workout, drink tea and eat clean daily"
    It stopped mattering to me what friends, parents, family had told me, I just decided I wanted to be different and it was HARD at first, but within 3 weeks I changed.... and now I am totally different. I don't finish everything I start, but I am in control of it, and I know that its my decision.
    Tea is a very positive influence on our physical bodies and on our minds as well, it may sound very strange to you, this idea that a drink can influence the way you feel. But I know that its true, if you begin, you will start to feel the positive affects on your life as well.
    Obviously alcohol makes our bodies feel a certain way, if you try to sense it, coffee and soda do as well. Tea has a subtle, uplifting positivity that grows as you consume it more. Of course you can drink too much tea, you can drink too much water, you can drink too much of anything. More isn't necessarily better, but 5-6 cups a day is a great place to aim for.
    You will find things magically falling into place when you work on your thoughts first. So many people want to PLAN their lives, and then they can't stick to their plans because they mind doesn't have a goal it can understand.
    We talked about this last week, if you missed it, here's the blog post: My Secret Weight Loss Tool No One Is Using 

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  • Why You Should Be Excercising Less (Probably) To Get More

    You are on fire! Yes, Congratulations! You're here!!! I'm SO Proud of You!
    Check in:
    Have you had your tea?
    Have you looked at your goals today?
    Have you tried to construct a Bull's Eye Meal?
    As you start to eat better, sleep better and get more energy flowing through you,  you will naturally want to start exercising more. This is a GREAT sign!
    If you are already exercising but feeling completely exhausted, missing sleep to fit your exercise in or having sugar cravings and energy crashes in the afternoon, my recommendation would be to stop doing excessive, long cardio sessions. They are probably hurting you more than helping you. I know its scary if you're afraid of gaining weight...
    Evidence is showing that chronic long sessions of cardio can be detrimental to your overall health, does that mean they always are? No. The problems that scientists are identifying are that long, steady state cardio sessions can cause excessive cortisol, muscle catabolism, weakened immune system, stress and insomnia. If exercise does start to eat away your muscle tissue, then that causes you to be less efficient at calorie burning, as well.  
    Short burst cardio is beneficial for your cardiovascular system to adapt and become more efficient, in that respect "High Intensity Interval Training" sessions give more benefits per minute and don't exhaust you and drive your blood sugar so low.
    High Intensity Interval Training is when you complete short 30-90 second rounds of high intensity exercises followed by short periods of rest, usually 30-60 seconds. The length of these periods can be adjusted to provide variety. You are combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise for your body to benefit from both. 
    You can string any exercises you want together, which makes HIIT perfect for working out outdoors, travelling or watching TV, you just need to make sure you are getting your heart rate up high enough to feel quite challenged. You can also do them with weights and on a cardio machine, like an elliptical.
    Below is an example of an at-home HIIT workout, there will be more to come about these workouts and about lifting weights which is another important part of the fitness equation.
    Remember DON'T get overwhelmed, take it one step at a time, you can do this!
    Jennifer XOXO

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  • How to start changing your diet- Your Weight Loss Bull's Eye



    I want to say again, AMAZING WAY TO SHOW UP!


    Very few people just show up, I can promise if you keep showing up, things will change, because your priorities will change.


    Check in for step #1: Have you written down a goal? Have you looked at it and felt great about your goal today?


    So now that you have a target, how do you hit the Bull's eye?


    I'm guessing you have been on ALOT of diets... that didn't work. I know that most people love to draw a line in the sand and say they are going to change everything (yeah, I've been there!)... when we start a diet.


    But, nobody ever really taught us why or how to make real changes, they just give us a list of foods...and there's ALOT of reasons that situation doesn't work.


    Here's Step #2 Learn to eat the right way! Learn to feel satisfied and in control, learn how to make a meal any time, any where, forever! Learn how to stop the cycle of chronic inflammation and under nourishing your body, so that you can finally climb out of that sugar shame cycle you're trapped in!




    Drink it before every meal & in between meals too!


    Then aim to make each meal fit the bull's eye above- I find the easiest way to start is with salad or soup before meals or a green smoothie that isn't full of sugar, adding vegetables to meals you already eat, using stevia to replace sugar, and low glycemic fruit to feel fully satisfied at the end.


    Step 2: Meal Bull's Eye Step by Step


    1. Start with Tea


    1. Add a Soup or Salad that contains veggies & greens

    or drink a green smoothie without a lot of sugar


    1. Fill a small plate with Quality protein with vegetables and a dash of good fat


    1. Finish with low-glycemic fruit


    I want you to follow this formula to the best of your ability at every meal!


    This plan does not include grains, starches, sugar or any bread. Does this mean you HAVE to exclude them all? No. But you will see dramatic results when you get to that point, which may take weeks or months.


    Just take your first steps, just get started!!


    Imperfect Action beats Perfect Inaction EVERYTIME!!!


    It's okay not to get everything right, just start!


    I believe in you, thank you for being here!


    There will be much, much more on this topic!!

    Can't wait!

    Jennifer XOXO

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  • My Secret Tool No One Uses!!

    First of all, congratulations for being here!!
    You are taking the time and energy to do something almost no one does, to educate yourself and take steps to reach your goals.
    You're in the right place at the right time, are you ready to learn a big, but simple, secret?
    Now, don't dismiss it when you hear it, because I bet you've never really tried to use it, 98 out of 100 people HAVE NOT!
    The truth is only 2% of people have written goals!
    So, want to join the elite achievers and change everything in the next 2 minutes, and also nearly doubles your chance of weight loss success?
    I thought so, let's go, close your eyes and envision your ideal health, energy and body. Whatever your end goal is, see the picture in your mind and feel what it feels like to already have it be true.
    Now try your best to put that feeling into words, its good to describe it in a number, but our brain has a really hard time with what numbers mean since we don't feel them.
    Feelings and pictures are best, that's the language our brain speaks, so if you have a picture to look at, that may help... but form a picture in your mind and feel the feeling of achieving at the same time.
    So here's the BIG step: Write It Down! Exactly what you want, and when you want it.
    I find the best thing to do is to write my goal on a note on my phone and put it on my lock screen. But where ever you decide it is safe to put it, you must look at it and feel it three times per day.
    Absolute best times are when you wake up, when you go to sleep and before you decide to eat.
    Make a commitment now, to yourself and to me, that you will do this for the next 21 days.
    You do NOT need to make a plan, you do not need to write down 25 steps to achieving your goal or anything else that takes a lot of time or energy.
    3 times a day 1-2 minutes at a time, "live" in your dream and feel yourself already achieving it. That is all for now.
    This challenge will be small, easy steps and hopefully won't overwhelm you, trust the process and do the work. You won't change overnight, but if you follow the steps and keep going you will see progress!
    I KNOW you can do whatever you set your mind to, the first step is deciding what you want and writing it down, then showing your mind this goal a couple times a day in a language it can understand!
    Step into the 2% and decide to change your life!
    If you already have your tea, then use it as directed, do your best to eat clean and keep checking in to the daily emails!
    You have one more day to order the 21 day NST or Mermaid system to use in the challenge!
    Jennifer XOXO

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  • If You Feel Like Giving Up- Just Do One Small Thing!

    SOOOO...has anybody else run into some difficulties, unexpected surprises or failures already in 2016?
    You're not alone!

    The only important thing is that
    Keep Going!
    I'm going to admit, I've felt like I couldn't win in January, I've even felt a bit like a failure... luckily enough, I've had help with these type of feelings before...
    You see, I met a brilliant woman named Dana in 2014,
    and really the most important thing she's taught me
    is that for every problem there's a solution, sometimes
    you just need to think differently to find it!

    That sounds easy, but its not really so easy,
    because we are creatures of habits-
    habits that reward us for keeping them! It's
    vicious circle we get locked into!
    So, just decide to start small.
    Start with one thing.
    Start here!
    This PMS water recipe is actually good to drink all month long,
    the fiber in the carrots helps balance hormones and trap excess estrogen in your body to escort it out, which can help produce less
    acne. Carrots actually contain a natural sort of pesticide in them which helps kill bad bacteria in your intestinal tract and then the fiber helps feed good bacteria.
    Drinking a glass of water and then eating the carrot should help fill you up, it can be a great snack between meals that's very low in calories. You may want to wait to add the lime to just before you drink it, as the lime rind can make detox waters bitter.
    Aim to eat one large carrot per day, remember that this is not medical advice or a substitute!
    If you have listened to my mindset trainings and have stuck with the January Tea Challenge
    I'm proud of you!
    If not, that's okay too!
    PS: To help you & because you asked, I put our best-selling package on sale for the next 2 days!
    The Hot Body Bundle is 50% off through Wednesday 1/27

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