
  • A Challenge From My Heart To You

    So I just want to share from my heart today
    a personal note about why my commitment to
    Newport Skinny Tea, and to you, is so big
    Today is the day my mom transitioned out of the
    physical world and at that time I was still very young,
    her death and her mother's death were both very sudden
    and unexpected. Those experiences left me with a deep desire to
    understand health and wellness, it is my deepest desire in this life.
    I struggled greatly for many years to understand what
    it all meant and why I had to experience this in my life.
    What does this mean for you?
    I am compelled to share with you that my feeling is
    our greatest gifts are born from our
    greatest struggles and pain.
    If you fear being along, being unloved, being lost
    or just not being adored the way you want to be,
    you can use all those feelings to transform
    yourself into who you are destined to be,
    your greatest and most powerful YOU.
    You can change your life,
    and on a day like today I want
    to encourage you to do it now,
    don't waste more time,
    wondering if its possible,
    if you desire it, it is possible.
    But you must turn and face your fears head on,
    those who want to reach the highest levels
    of life, either personal or in business,
    must always confront their darkest demons,
    it is how we rise to our highest possible self,
    and how we fulfill our destiny.
    I cannot do the work for you,
    but I can help you as much as possible.
    I can be a guide and offer you what has worked for
    me and thousands of other people.
    I know, this is all very deep, especially for
    someone who has never even met you in person
    But I deeply believe in you and
    we were somehow brought together through
    my dream and my triumph over struggle in my life
    I know you can do it, I hope you will
    take this January Tea Challenge with me,
    I want you to commit to yourself that
    NOW is the time to have the life you want,
    You don't have to buy my tea to participate,
    you can follow along either way!
    If you want to make a pledge privately you can reply back to this email,
    if you want to do it publically on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter,
    please tag us and use the #NewportSkinnyTeaChallenge
    21 day January Challenge starts 1/11
    You can purchase the official challenge pack here
    There will be 2 meal plan options:
    a 7 day intense cleanse + 14 day whole foods meal plan
    or you can do 21 days of the whole foods meal plan
    And you can choose gym or home workout plan 
    Thank you for listening!
    Here's to a wonderful 2016
    PS: I'm working on some great incentives, giveaways and prizes for you guys! We are experiencing a 2-3 day delay processing orders due to volume, thanks for being so patient!

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  • Becoming Your Most Beautiful Self in 2016

    I know, you're busy!
    You're crazy busy, I know you are kicking ass and taking names most days...
    but inside you're feeling crappy, tired, hangry and just plain bad most of the time, even though you try not to show it.
    You wish things would change, but you don't know how and part of you is afraid to try something else new, because you're pretty sure that it won't work either (hello $200 juicer and unused gym membership).

    I heard a great saying the other day..
    Human Beings are like icebergs, they only
    show about 10% of who they really are.
    If you're reading this, I know you're amazing,
    I know you care more than you show it,
    I know you want to reveal your dazzle into the world...
    The saddest part of being like an iceberg is that most of the time its our greatness we hide from each other.
    Does that ring true for you?
    Do you hide your light, your power, your beauty
    beneath negativity that serves as protection,
    do you try not to give TOO much to others,
    especially when they don't DESERVE it?
    Do you reserve the BEST parts of you... for... you?
    I want to ask you to consider that your
    beauty, giving nature and light is for you
    to enjoy and give freely, not for others to earn. I want you to just consider the idea that you are supposed to feel beautiful and vibrant most of the time...
    For me this thought has been a compelling reason to be more giving, more authentic and
    more beautiful, to truly attempt living out loud.
    I feel that often we tie our beauty up into our worth, and to avoid giving and shining because it is risky, it is scary to be noticed, to stand out, be vulnerable and to be considered by others as better than, conceited and too beautiful, too authentic and possibly even weird.
    We are fascinated by people who achieve this, but also quick to point out that they are flawed as well. (Hint: we all are and we can forgive ourselves)
    I find that food is often involved in the layer of protection we hide behind, comforting ourselves with "comfort foods" instead of revealing ourselves vulnerable  to others by saying that we want more intimacy, more authenticity and more love... and even more beauty.
    As I've written before, when we are busy thinking, consuming and regretting our food choices, we have no room to feel our feelings... this is what emotional eating is. Food takes the place of our emotions.
    I know those are scary words... they almost sound like a medical diagnosis from which you'll never recover,
    but truthfully they just represent a choice, probably a habit at this point.
    At New Year's people want to instantly change the habits,
    but they don't first change their thoughts...and they wind up giving up in a couple weeks.
    When you first start to get clear on what you want
    and how you want to live, that makes your habits
    much easier to change...
    I want to ask you what are your intentions for this year?
    What is the life you want to live so much that you are almost afraid to say it out loud?
    That is what I want for you,
    to live your life out loud.
    My intention behind Newport Skinny Tea has always been to help women live their most beautiful, authentic, healthy lives. I do that by continually innovating and simplifying products and information that make living an amazing life simple and enjoyable.
    Truly this company has been one of the best parts of my life and I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you have let me be a part of your journey, I want you to know that I do not take the responsibility lightly.
    Tomorrow I will be announcing the details of the January Tea Challenge, its a special and emotional day for me, I will talk about it more then.
    You deserve the best, this year its your time
    to Shine!
    Wishing you the best in health & happiness!
    Jennifer XOXO 

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  • How Accumulating Food Does Not Serve You

    I was struck today with the simplicity of the message I received from Geneen Roth, you may know her as a world-wide expert on disordered eating, especially dealing with emotional eating.
    I don't want to complicate the message, because it is very clear, direct and impactful, I shared it today on social media and I wanted to take the time to end it out to you and see if it resonated with you.
    As I have shared before, I have a past of disordered eating, ranging my anorexia to emotional eating. It is a vulnerable thing to admit to everyone, but by accepting myself as I am, I found that it continually makes me stronger, not more vulnerable.
    Geneen's message was:
    "When you believe in accumulating, you see what you don't have, not what you do have." I really thought about what this meant in terms of my eating habits and my life. The thought that we are lacking something makes our drive to accumulate GROW, because we are focused on lack, we instinctually want to fill the void we see in ourselves.
    If you are feeling this way, that you will never be enough to reach your goals, that you will always endlessly want more without ever feeling satisfied, especially with you body, I am stepping forward to say to ask you to shift that mindset.
    I am always working on myself as well, I am getting much more confident with this growth, it is difficult work, but the foundation of real change and happiness with your weight is to accept that you are completely in control of yourself and that you are totally capable of making wise decisions and overcoming obstacles.
    My message for you today:
    You do not need to accumulate excess food, you have all you need and you will be provided for, you are safe in your body and you are safe to release excess weight.
    Accept that you have what it takes to reach your goals, and begin a new journey today! I'd love to hear your story! You can email me at

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  • Essential Tips to Fight Food Cravings

    Newport Skinny Tea is designed to help you with your food cravings, but sometimes cravings persist... generally when I dig deeper, its because someone is trying to drink NST and keep eating a really poor diet that does not support their body at all, which creates what I call an awful CRAVINGS CYCLE...

    If you think that your food cravings are only a result of your emotions, urging you to eat foods that are not good for your health then you need to think again. Nutritionists suggest that there is a lot more to food cravings than just emotional urges. According to nutritionists your cravings can also be the result of fatigue and stress that tend to lower the blood sugar and nutrient levels in your body. Your body is crying out for NUTRIENTS to balance itself.

    This, in turn, causes your hormones to go haywire and you end up eating foods that contain high amounts of sugar to try to feel better. While, these foods can satisfy your cravings at the time, your body won’t be getting the essential nutrients that boost energy levels and repair itself. And when your energy is zero, you just end up eating more junk food. However, there are ways you can tackle your junk food cravings and get out of the negative craving cycle you may be stuck in:

    Distract Yourself

    Nutritionists suggest that food cravings usually last for only fifteen minutes and if you can convince yourself to wait for these fifteen minutes, the craving is likely to pass away. You can distract yourself by going out for a walk, reading a book or doing some light exercises that might compel you to eat something healthy after. Worst distraction: TV, which may have commercials designed to entice you to eat more. Best distraction: journaling about what is bugging you!

    Knowing the Trigger

    Before you start eating unhealthy foods it is important understand factors that trigger your appetite in the first place. For example, if you feel like eating 2 bags of chips, gulping it down with 3 cans of coke after work then you might be under a lot of job stress. Poor consumption of water can also trigger your thirst for carbonated drinks. You may also be skipping meals, to tackle your triggers it is important to have your meals on time along with eating natural fruit sugar to calm your cravings. It is also important that you deal with your stress rather than suppressing it, deep breathing, meditation, exercise and our Sunset Beach Relaxing Tea can help get your stress levels under control.

    Keep Track

    Keep a track of when your food cravings hit you if you notice that these have become a regular occurrence with you. If you notice that these occur after dinner around 8 pm at night then probably you owe these to an emotional factor. Figure out why you have been under stress lately, it takes some honesty but in the end you will become free of your emotional stress eating. Ultimately, you need to put yourself first, making sure that you are getting what you need from the people around you to feel supported.

    However, if these occur somewhere around 3 pm then it may be a sign that your body’s nutritional needs are not being fulfilled. Look into your diet and try to figure out what is lacking, are you consuming the right amount of protein? Are eating fruits and vegetables? It is important to find the right balance in your diet, remember the hormonal influence of each meal lasts a maximum of 5 hours, then you have another chance to get it right. Don’t waste one minute feeling bad about what you have eaten, this will only lead to more stress, just plan to get it right the next time.

    Allow Yourself to Indulge Occasionally

    Telling yourself that you will never eat another Dorito or Krispy Kreme as long as you live will probably backfire on you, if you truly love eating a particular junk food, the best way to keep it under control is to plan to eat it occasionally, which means once a week or less. If you know that you are completely helpless when certain foods are in the house, only buy it when you go out, and do not bring it into the house. At holiday celebrations, make sure you fill up on the healthiest options first, then let yourself have whatever treat you want. One meal is not going to ruin you so enjoy your family’s celebration, just don’t let the indulging become consistent for you.

    Sincerest wishes that this helps you during the holiday season!


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  • [NTC] Day 16 Stress is fattening & unhealthy

    If I haven't convinced you yet, I'd like to share this article about how stress affects body composition and hormones from Dr. Galland at Huffington Post Healthy Living: Calm Your Body, Relax Your Mind & Lose Weight.
    In seeking guidance for weight loss, it often feels that we are told to DO more exercise.. and its true that movement is beneficial for us. However the stress that we often feel when we fall short of implementing or as we force ourselves to over-fill our lives often cancels out the benefits of the changes.
    The article outlines a relaxation exercise, try to implement it this week or one you find that you like. It will be beneficial to you during the holidays and become a great way for you to escape guilt, shame or overwhelm fueled eating.
    Breakfast Leftover Carrot Pumpkin Spice muffins, 2 eggs any style or protein of choice, 3 oz
    Lunch Smoky Chicken Tortilla-less soup, leftover Basic 4 Guacamole
    Snack  21DSD friendly fruit + nut butter or full fat yogurt

    Tuesday: Moderate duration aerobic workout plan 20-60 minutes of 55-75% Max heart rate, for most people this is attainable by moderate pace walking
    Thank you for your continued support, it means so much to me!
    PS: Tomorrow you may see a special offer for a special day!

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  • [NTC] Day 15 Week 3 Master Plan Recipes & Workouts

    I'm SO proud of you!!! If you're reading this, know you're in the top 1% who LOVE themselves enough to take action on your goals!! So many people want to change, but very few actually do the work!! Even if you haven't done everything perfectly, know that the work you are doing is helping you live the life you want to live, every day, each tiny step you take makes a difference. Eventually you will be living in an entirely new life!

    Action Steps this week:
    Focus on the positive, be grateful and put energy towards what IS working, write your gratitude list and practice relaxation techniques. We'll be focusing on relaxation this week!

    Menu Week 3 (the 21D Sugar detox website is being redone and she has removed the recipes, so adjustments had to be made)

    Breakfast Carrot Pumpkin Spice muffins, 2 eggs any style or protein of choice, 3 oz.
    Lunch Leftover Cinnamon grilled pork chops, leftover crumb-topped Brussels sprouts
    Snack 21DSD friendly fruit + nut butter or full fat yogurt
    Breakfast Leftover Carrot Pumpkin Spice muffins, 2 eggs any style or protein of choice, 3 oz
    Lunch Smoky Chicken Tortilla-less soup, leftover Basic 4 Guacamole
    Snack  21DSD friendly fruit + nut butter or full fat yogurt

    Breakfast Spicy Salmon with Cabbage
    Lunch Leftover Stovetop Lamb & Chorizo Chili, Cocoa Roasted Cauliflower
    Snack Grain free Banola + milk, coconut milk or full fat yogurt
    Breakfast Smoothie of choice with 3 ounces protein of choice
    Lunch Leftover Chicken with artichokes & olives, lemon & garlic noodles with olives
    Snacks Leftover Grain free Banola + milk, coconut milk or full fat yogurt
    Breakfast Smoothie of choice with 3 ounces protein of choice
    Lunch [make ahead] Enchilada Stuffed Peppers
    Dinner Chicken with tri-color peppers basic cilantro cauli rice
    Snacks Simple Beef jerky + cinnalla nut mix
    Breakfast Savory herb drop biscuts, 3 oz protein of choice, green vegetables
    Dinner Spicy lime salmon, cucumber noodle salad
    Snacks Simple Beef jerky + cinnalla nut mix
    Lunch Perfectly grilled chicken breast, lemon & garlic noodles with olives
    Dinner Jalapeno bacon burgers with veggie pancakes
    snacks  21DSD friendly fruit + nut butter or full fat yogurt
    Monday: Increase daily movement, stand more, walk more, take one short walk around the neighborhood tonight after dinner.
    Tuesday: Moderate duration aerobic workout plan 20-60 minutes of 55-75% Max heart rate, for most people this is attainable by moderate pace walking
    Wednesday: Full Length PEM workout, I will post circuit on Wednesday
    Thursday: Try a new activity if possible, or repeat Tuesday. Also see if you can do some of your work today standing up.
    Friday: Abbreviated PEM workout, will post on Friday
    Saturday: Extended duration aerobic workout: plan 1-2 hours of extended workout
    Sunday: Play outside today
    PS: I'm running an elite beta weight-loss test group from Nov 30-Dec 20, if you are SERIOUS about committing, email me at

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