
  • [NTC]Day 3, its about to get real

    So, after yesterday's discussion about mindset I felt it is time to share something very personal with you about my own mindset struggles, I know some of you are hesitant and dislike working on mindset stuff. But I've been happy to read the survey results and feedback that some of you state you're really loving the mindset and motivational emails. I know from research, less than 1% of the population actively tries to work on their mindset.... 1%!!!
    Why do we try to change ourselves only by working on the outside?
    I feel its because we've been lead to believe that if you just eat less and exercise more you'd never have a weight problem again... but we know now that mantra just isn't true. Research shows that almost everyone who loses weight regains it, and more... except when they work on their MINDSET.
    I've been into working on mindset/personal growth stuff basically my whole life, it didn't come from my parents or anyone else, I've always been a black sheep amongst my family and most of my friends with that interest. It's always felt like part of my calling to me, I still don't really know why.
    So, I was sorta shocked when a good friend recently suggested very delicately that I may be addicted to PAIN.... wow, at first I completely laughed it off, who me? What are you talking about? I'm into GROWTH, not being stuck in PAIN.... there's no way that could be true...
    But when I got honest with myself, I found out she was RIGHT. I was talking about growth, which indeed can be painful, but I was living addicted to chronic pain, my struggles had slowly become my identity, my shield, my armor... it was so subtle, it was hard for me to see it. But I was CHOOSING pain instead of FREEDOM.
    That's a really vulnerable thing for me to say, but it is the truth, and I had to come to terms with what it meant in my life. It was a huge turning point for me, and trust me it hasn't been easy, even after I've recognized it, to completely let go. Because pain was benefitting me in all sorts of ways, I was being a victim and I was not taking full responsibility for me.
    So, after this happened, things that were acceptable to me before, just became completely unacceptable. The other day a couple girls starting bashing a picture I put up on Instagram... of a skinny model, and honestly, I hate women bashing women. I just plain hate it, and after this realization it was easy for me to block them, without explaining to them why now its completely unacceptable in my world for women to bash women. If you want to be skinny or curvy or heavy, I don't care, because its your choice, in my world it doesn't determine your worth at all.
    I just won't have it anymore, and that's what a mindset shift can do FOR YOU. I started this company to help women LOVE themselves, women who love themselves have NO TIME for pain, NO TIME for bashing others because they are threatened, they only have time to live their BEST LIFE, to shine their unique BEAUTY on the world. And if you don't think you have beauty to give the world, you NEED to do these exercises!! Because you DO!
    Mindset work can lead you to the FREEDOM you never thought possible, truly please be brave with yourself, no one else even has to know, just do the tiny exercises and believe you can reach your goals and feel a happiness you didn't even know existed.
    Are you hiding behind something that its time to let go of?
    Are you worth more than what you're accepting now?
    Be brave!! You're worth it!
    Workout: Full Length PEM workout
    5 minutes easy warm up
    Two Sets Maximum Reps of
    Pull Ups or Lunges
    Abdominal Planks
    Cool Down Stretch


    Breakfast: Green Apple Breakfast Sausage, Raw Carrot sticks, raw almonds

    Lunch: Leftover broiled salmon, spinach & garlic soup, broccoli soup or mixed greens with balsamic vinaigrette

    Dinner: Mustard Glazed Chicken Thighs and golden beets with crispy herbs or green vegetables

    Snack: Hard Boiled Egg & Kale Chips

    Jennifer XOXO

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  • [NTC] Day 2 Mindset, Diet & Workout plan

    Drink your tea Daily!
    If you are using the 21 day Newport Skinny Tea, you should be drinking your daytime tea 30-60 minutes before your breakfast and lunch! Try to limit coffee to one in the morning before your tea, as it can affect your blood sugar levels and cravings.
    If you are using additional teas, use them when you want to, make sure that you are not having too much caffeine during the day. If you feel shaky or wired, its too much. Remember, you can adjust the strength to suit your individual needs.
    I find it easiest to set the alarm on my phone for my daytime tea. Make sure you drink enough water as well.
    Mindset :Changing limiting beliefs
    This is one of the MOST difficult psychological exercises to do honestly, very few people will take the time to honestly look at what state they are living in daily, if you do it you take the time you will have a key to changing your life.

    Where do you live emotionally on a daily basis? In depression, guilt or sadness? Disappointment? Anger?
    First step: You must identify the emotional climate you live in now, what you have come to believe is acceptable for you.
    Second step: Identify what is the antidote to this emotional climate?
    If you live in fear, courage is the antidote. Right now you are living in an emotional pattern or trying to get to that place that emotionally feels like "home." Whatever you believe is the "right" way to act based on your experience with environmental forces, generally you use that to guide you on a daily basis.
    If you are not finding the quality of life you want in the emotional state you live in, you can learn to live in a state that will produce the results you want. It requires figuring out your emotions and really being honest with yourself.
    You need to find the antidote to your unwanted state, and then you need to practice your new chosen emotion until you shift into feeling like that desired state is your new normal state. This is the way you create new patterns, this is the way to changing your life.
    Emotion is created through motion, remember you are in control of your emotions and motions, the easiest way to change your emotion is to start changing your motions.

    In other words, Just Do It. Do the physical thing to change your state. Give your time to a charity, go for a run, clean out your closet or call up that old friend and ask them to lunch.
    Review your list of goals multiple times daily! Now link the emotional state those goals require you to live in. This isn't easy work, but you can do it! When you identify the state you want to live in, you will see how your current state is holding you hostage!


    Breakfast: Leftover Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffins, Steamed Spinach, Avocado

    Lunch: Leftover Mini Mexi Meatloaf, basic cilantro Cauli-Rice (under the chicken recipe)

    Dinner: Broiled Salmon with capers & olives, Mixed greens salad

    Snack: Beef or Turkey Jerky and nut mix


    Link to weekly diet menu

    Fitness Challenge Schedule
    Tuesday: Moderate duration aerobic workout plan 20-60 minutes of 55-75% Max heart rate, for most people this is attainable by moderatly paced walking
    PS: I will be offering some free goodies for reviews with pictures this challenge!

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  • Week 1 Sugar Detox Level 2 recipes

    Remember, you can always find a meal on the go by pairing a protein with vegetables and a carb, whole carbs being the best. On the sugar detox you are not eating any grain, sugar or low/non fat dairy. If you hate some of these recipes, go to Pinterest and find some substitiutes, search 21DSD or look at our Tea Challenge board. (Some of the recipes below aren't the ones from the book, I substituted when I couldn't find the link to the book recipe)


    Breakfast: Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffins, Steamed Spinach, Avocado

    Lunch: Salmon Salad, Capers & Tomatoes, Leafy Greens Salad or Wrap (Mix canned salmon with Omega -3 mayo, chopped tomatoes and capers, use lettuce to wrap or make a salad)

    Dinner: Mini Mexi_Meatloaf, Creamy herb mashed cauliflower use cilantro (Steam head of cauliflower, then add to food processor with 2 TBSP olive oil, salt, pepper and cilantro and process till smooth) or make the cauli rice recipe from tomorrow's lunch link.

    Snack: Turkey or Beef Jerky + Nuts


    Breakfast: Leftover Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffins, Steamed Spinach, Avocado

    Lunch: Leftover Mini Mexi Meatloaf, basic cilantro Cauli-Rice (under the chicken recipe)

    Dinner: Broiled Salmon with capers & olives, Mixed greens salad

    Snack: Beef or Turkey Jerky and nut mix


    Breakfast: Green Apple Breakfast Sausage, Raw Carrot sticks, raw almonds

    Lunch: Leftover broiled salmon, spinach & garlic soup, broccoli soup or mixed greens with balsamic vinaigrette

    Dinner: Mustard Glazed Chicken Thighs and golden beets with crispy herbs or green vegetables

    Snack: Hard Boiled Egg & Kale Chips


    Breakfast: Leftover Green Apple Breakfast Sausage, Raw Carrot Sticks & Raw Almonds

    Lunch: Leftover Mustard Glazed Chicken Thighs & Golden beets

    Dinner: Asian Style Meatballs, fresh cabbage and bok choy slaw, no miso soup

    Snack: 21DSD friendly fruit + nut butter or FULL FAT YOGURT (no sugar)


    Breakfast: Bacon & Root Veggie Hash, 2 eggs any style or 3 ounces protein

    Lunch: Leftover Asian Style Meatballs, cabbage & Bok choy slaw

    Dinner: Shepard's Pie with green salad and dressing of choice

    Snack: Grain Free Banola + milk, coconut Milk or Full fat yogurt


    Breakfast: Leftover Hash, 2 eggs or 3 ounces protein

    Lunch: Leftover Shepard's Pie with green salad

    Dinner: Shrimp Pad Thai (not recipe from book, substitute shrimp for chicken)

    Snack: Grain Free Banola with dairy of choice

    Breakfast: Leftover shrimp pad thai

    Lunch: Perfectly grilled chicken breast, broccoli and bacon salad with creamy balsalmic dressing

    Dinner: Seafood & Chorizo Paella

    Snack: Simple Beef jerky + Cinnilla nut mix

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  • [NTC] Mindset, Diet Plan & Workouts week 1

    Drink your tea Daily!
    If you are using the 21 day Newport Skinny Tea, you should be drinking your daytime tea 30-60 minutes before your breakfast and lunch! Try to limit coffee to one in the morning before your tea, as it can affect your blood sugar levels and cravings.
    If you are using additional teas, use them when you want to, make sure that you are not having too much caffeine during the day. If you feel shaky or wired, its too much. Remember, you can adjust the strength to suit your individual needs.
    I find it easiest to set the alarm on my phone for my daytime tea.
    Raise your standards: When you want to change your life, the first step is to change what you will and won't accept. This sounds easy, but most of us do not have enough pain or pleasure linked to these boundaries to actually follow through on changing them.
    1. Write down the most painful negative things you can think of that YOU want to get rid of, WHY you want to go through this challenge, make a list of 3-5 things that really bother you, be as specific as possible. Make it even more real by identifying what you might miss out on by not changing this.
    Example: My thighs rub together when I walk or exercise, its very painful and embarrassing.I would give anything to make this problem go away! I know that if I don't fix this problem, I won't want to go to Cancun with my boyfriend over Spring Break.
    2. On your second list, write the opposite outcome to your problem, your dream goal/solution to this issue.
    Example: It feels great to exercise and wear shorts because my legs feel thin and look toned, I love not worrying about my legs!! I feel sexy in my bikini!
    Now you have a list of empowering goals that you want to focus on, if you can really identify your pain in the first list, and FEEL it, and really identify the pleasure you will receive when you achieve these goals, that will drive you to change your behavior. Work on these daily and you can see a huge shift in how easy it is to stick to your plan. I cannot stress enough how helpful this exercise CAN be in you achieving your goals of sticking through the 21 days and changing your behavior forever.
    Next: Changing your limiting beliefs: When you look at your list of outcomes and ask yourself, can I really achieve this, do I think that I can have/do/be the person I need to be to achieve these goals?
    If you answer yes, then you do not have limiting beliefs around these goals. If you answer no, then you can see you've already sabotaged yourself. You desire change you do not believe you can have and you will give up before you even try. If you constantly attempt change only to fail, this is your issue. We will be dealing with this more, but right now, try to see how other people have made the changes you want to make and find a way to believe you can make them, too.
    The most common survey response I received was about wanting to stay away from SUGAR, so I decided to use the 21 day sugar detox book as a guide for this challenge. If you have the Mediterranean Zone book I previously recommended you can use that as well, you can also use the Body for Life book/recipes as all of these recommend a very similar strategy: staying away from ALL sugar and using the balanced macronutrient approach to each meal. You may also construct your own meals using the yes/no food list. This plan is very like Paleo plans in nature, as well.
    I will be posting the recipes on the Newport Skinny Tea blog and our Pinterest Tea Challenge Page which also has a ton of great links for 21 day Sugar Detox recipes.
    Remember that if you decide to do the diet portion, you will be doing even more detoxing than usual, you should go as slowly as YOU need to so you don't quit completely. If you have been eating a very processed/sugar-filled diet and do have some extra weight to lose, you will feel quite bad in the beginning, that is normal. You could have headaches, nausea, even get a cold. Don't push yourself to the extreme where you get sick, add some more carbs back in and slow it down.  Sugar is extremely addictive, and if you are a sugar burner, the 21 day sugar detox will switch you over to becoming a fat-burner, we will talk more about this, but it is not always comfortable.
    Fitness Challenge Schedule
    Monday: Increase daily movement, stand more, walk more, take one short walk around the neighborhood tonight after dinner.
    Tuesday: Moderate duration aerobic workout plan 20-60 minutes of 55-75% Max heart rate, for most people this is attainable by moderate pace walking
    Wednesday: Full Length PEM workout, I will post circuit on Wednesday
    Thursday: Try a new activity if possible, or repeat Tuesday. Also see if you can do some of your work today standing up.
    Friday: Abbreviated PEM workout, will post on Friday
    Saturday: Extended duration aerobic workout: plan 1-2 hours of extended workout
    Sunday: Play outside today
    I will be posting separately this month regarding relaxation practices, if you are chronically stressed it will be difficult to lose weight due to the hormone imbalance this creates in your body. Any forms of relaxation you can add to your day will benefit you.
    I'm so looking forward to seeing the results of this challenge! I will be doing this entire challenge as well!! Take pictures today so you can show off your changes!!
    PS: I will be offering some free goodies for reviews with pictures this challenge!

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  • [NTC] Restock Your Pantry the Skinny Way

    If you are serious about seeing results in the November Tea Challenge, you know that you will need to get rid of foods that trigger your food addictions and binge patterns. You already know what foods you have no control over. There are probably others that trigger you to over eat and trigger silent inflammation in your body.
    The foods that most commonly trigger allergic responses are often the ones we crave, they are wheat, dairy, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish and eggs. (Two of these foods are included in the list below, if you know that you are not sensitive to them, you can include them in your diet.)
    If you feel that any of these foods are causing cravings for you, you should try to remove them from your diet and see if you lose water weight and your cravings disappear. You should know in three days if you are sensitive to them.
    All foods with artificial dyes, sugars, flavorings or color should be removed from your pantry, all foods with trans fats should also be removed. The closer you come to using the whole food, the better. Begin to replace them with foods below:
    Foods That Burn Fat
    Certain foods have a significant calorie-burning effect so you melt calories as you chew. Adding these foods to your diet while cutting others out can help you burn fat. A few nutrients and compounds that rub your metabolic fire based on simple findings that lead to weight loss are:

    Gluten Free Whole Grains

    Your body burns twice as many calories when breaking down whole grain foods, such as oatmeal and brown rice, because they are rich in fiber. Fiber rich foods stay in your stomach for a longer while, saving you from a coffee run. Don’t eat the sweetened and flavored variety. Choose plain oatmeal and top it off with berries. The right kind of carbohydrates from whole grains can help you shed oodles of weight in no time. If you have a very damaged metabolism you may have to give up grains for awhile, as they can be problematic for people. Keeping the serving size under 20 grams of carbs per meal can help. Use the “Bite portion” method for serving size, 10 bites per meal for whole, unrefined carbs, down to 5 bites for processed sugar and flour carbs.


    Studies conducted at Harvard University show that two servings daily can help you shed 28 pounds a year. Another study at Purdue showed that people who ate nuts felt full longer than those who ate rice cakes. Avoid the salted almonds as salt can cause blood pressure to rise and increase water retention. Almond based flour can also replace wheat if you are looking for an alternative.

    Olive Oil & Coconut Oil

    Monosaturated fats help you keep your cholesterol and cravings under control. Eliminate the use of hydrogenated vegetable oils as they are filled with unhealthy transfats. Coconut oil can help rev metabolism and satisfy cravings, use it in your coffee to help slow the release of cortisol and help keep blood sugar even.


    Skimmed milk provides you the right amount of calcium that aggravates the weight burning process and helps in muscle building. It’s a good idea to skip the full-fat milk aisle. Whey Protein found in greek yogurt is the strongest suppressor of excess cortisol, which helps balance your fat-storing hormones.

    Green Tea

    According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking four cups of green tea a day helps people shed more than six pounds in eight weeks. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients that are proven to boost metabolism. A compound called EGCG temporarily speeds up metabolism after sipping green tea. Stay away from bottled teas as the processing depletes slimming nutrients.


    Avocados burst with fiber and monosaturated fats .These good fats help you burn fat. Avocados are versatile and you can add them to a sandwich or mash them up in a salad.

    Peanut Butter

    Peanut butter is packed with niacin which helps the digestive system work optimally and prevents belly bloat. Keep yourself away from large portions of peanut butter as they are rich in fats and excessive use can result in weight gain.


    Blueberries not only help you to lose weight but the fat. They are responsible for helping the body break down fats and sugars. Blueberries stuff a lot of fiber into a tiny package. Just one cup of berries has 6 grams of fiber. They play well in a salad with other ingredients too. Just make sure you eat them without adding sugar.


    Eggs contain vitamin B12 which your body needs to metabolize fat. People who eat eggs for breakfast tend to lose more weight than people who eat a bagel.

    Lean Meat or Fish

    Salmon and tuna are full of omega 3 fatty acids which help prevent stress chemicals that promote fat gain. If you want the leanest meat out there, choose fish and enable your body to burn more calories by digesting proteins rather than carbohydrates or fats.

    Green Vegetables

    Have a salad before a meal filled with broccoli and spinach and you will be satisfied with small portions later. You can also make a low sugar green smoothie or broth based soup with greens, they help you gain vital nutrients and feel more satisfied with less food. Do not underestimate adding greens to your diet, that one change can make huge results.
    Get your tea ready for tomorrow morning!

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  • [OTC] Why Beyonce had an Alter Ego and Why You Need One Too!

    My friend and I have a term we coined,  "Ideal Self" for all those things we would do if we lived up to our Pinterest boards, never had to sleep and won the lottery tomorrow... you know, working out in barely there bra tops everyday on the beach at 6am with our hair and makeup looking on point... yeah... enter real life. Having an amazing assistant/housekeeper/personal shopper that organizes our entire life around each season. Or throwing gorgeous dinner parties every other week like we're in the cast of RHOC... including amazing cat fights, designer dresses and someone crying in the limo outside... (but not us!)
    Never mind that these events don't happen except on reality TV, this did not stop our constant referencing what ideal self was doing at all times of the day and how we were not living up to that potential.
    We thought we were so clever with this made-up term, but its seems someone had already thought of this, Sigmund Freud. So, it turns out its a pretty huge source of dissatisfaction for us humans, that we can't really live up to our version of an "ideal self."
    And advertisers know this, they bank on the knowledge that you long to do more, have more and be more at any given moment. AND there's absolutely nothing wrong with growing, but most people get stuck in the thought that they can't possibly have THAT ideal self life, so why bother... back to Pinterest.
    So this summer, I learned about a tactic that the elite business people of the world (and apparently Beyoncé) use, its making an ALTER EGO for yourself in order to bypass that "Ideal Self" world conundrum we get stuck in. Our alter ego is part of us, that we don't really accept as our own yet, we fear we cannot become something, yet we long to do it anyway.
    We long for it because...
    Its part of OUR story, its a KEY to our growth, It will CHANGE everything
    and you know it, deep down.
    SO big girl pants up, here we go, its time to create an alter ego for yourself.
    Beyoncé called her alter ego SASHA FIERCE. And she did things shy Beyoncé couldn't yet do, she was fierce and sexy and she owned her stage. And now Beyoncé doesn't need her anymore, Beyoncé owned that part of herself.
    What three words does a FIT, SKINNY, SEXY YOU need to be?
    What's your NAME when you embody these words?
    What does this alter ego do that's different then you, where does she go and who does she go there with? What does she wear? Maybe you can give her a signature item so when you have this item you instantly transform- what is it?
    This seems like a weird idea, until you try it, and then it becomes very liberating, because you don't have to be weighted down with the baggage of your own identity.
    Before you say "That's not me" try it, just try it and see what might happen! I'd love to hear about it!
    PS: Keep drinking your tea, move a bit more before you eat and include green vegetables at each meal. Don't make it a big deal, just do it.

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